【Ding, congratulations to the host for activating the kidney knowledge of the internal organs.】

The kidneys are located on both sides of the lumbar spine, one on the left and one on the left, with the right slightly lower and the left slightly upper. The shape is oval and curved, like a cowpea.

It forms the renal system with the bladder, bone marrow, brain, hair, ears, etc.

It mainly stores essence, controls water, and controls Qi. It is the foundation of yin and yang of the human body's internal organs and the source of life, so it is called the innate foundation. It belongs to water in the five elements and is the yang of yin.

The four seasons correspond to winter.

The physiological functions of the kidneys: The kidneys store essence, govern the reception of qi, and govern water.

1. Kidneys store essence: Kidneys store essence, which means that the kidneys have the function of storing and sealing the body’s essence.

Physiological functions of essence: The essence in the kidneys can not only promote the growth, development and reproduction of the body, but also participate in the production of blood and improve the body's disease resistance.

①Promote reproduction: Kidney essence is the original substance for embryonic development, and it can also promote the maturity of reproductive functions. The generation, storage and excretion of kidney essence play an important role in the reproduction of offspring. The development of human reproductive organs and their reproductive capacity depend on the kidneys. In short, the male and female reproductive organsMaturity and reproductive capacity all depend on the abundance of kidney essence, and the generation, storage and excretion of essence are all controlled by the kidneys, so there is a saying that the kidneys govern reproduction. According to this theory, strengthening the kidneys and preserving essence in the stool Become one of the important methods to treat sexual and reproductive dysfunction

②Promote growth and development: birth, growth, strength and aging are the natural laws of human life. The time a person lives from birth through development, growth, maturity, aging and death is called lifespan. Age is usually used as a measure of lifespan.

③Participate in blood production: the kidney stores essence, the essence can generate marrow, and the essence can be transformed into blood."Blood is a genus of essence, but essence is stored in the kidneys and does not contain much, while blood is rich in flushing, and everything is there"(《Jingyue Complete Book, Blood Evidence》),"Husband’s blood, the essence of water and grain, can be evaporated by the true fire of Mingmen"(《Reading Medical Essays: Theory of Qi, Blood and Spirit》)Therefore, it is said that the source of blood lies in the kidneys. Therefore, the method of replenishing essence is commonly used in the clinical treatment of anemia.

④Resist the invasion of external evils: Kidney essence has the function of resisting external evils and protecting people from diseases."Those who have enough essence will not suffer from all kinds of diseases; those who are poor in essence will have all kinds of evils swarming up.""(《Feng's Tips and Secrets》)If the essence is full, the vitality will be strong, the defense will be solid, the adaptability will be strong, and evil will not be easily invaded. On the contrary, if the essence is deficient, the vitality will be weak, the defense will not be strong, the adaptability will be weak, and evil will invade and cause illness. Therefore, there is a saying that"those who are hidden in essence will not be sick or warm in spring.""(《Su Wen·Jin Guizhen's Comments"). If the essence is not stored in winter, the disease will be warm in spring. The ability of kidney essence to resist external evils belongs to the category of righteousness, which is related to the saying that"righteousness exists within and evil cannot be interfered with".",""Where evil gathers, its qi must be deficient" has the same meaning.

2. Kidney governs water: water is the general term for normal liquids in the body. Kidney governs water. In a broad sense, it means that the kidney is the water organ, which generally refers to the kidney. It has the function of storing essence and regulating water. In a narrow sense, it refers to the function of the kidneys in presiding over and regulating the metabolism of water and liquid in the human body.

3. The kidney governs the reception of qi:

Na means to hold and accept. The kidney governs the reception of qi, It means that the kidneys have the function of absorbing the air inhaled by the lungs and regulating breathing. Although the respiratory movement of the human body is controlled by the lungs, the air that is inhaled must go down to the kidneys, and the kidney qi absorbs it, so that breathing can be smooth and smooth. Mix thoroughly."Qi is rooted in the kidneys and returns to the kidneys. Therefore, it is said that the kidneys receive qi, and their breath is deep."(《Medical Qi》)"The lungs are the masters of qi, the kidneys are the roots of qi, the lungs are responsible for releasing qi, and the kidneys are responsible for receiving qi. Yin and yang intersect, and breathing is harmonious."(《Treatment by Analogous Syndrome·Volume 2》)

Physiological characteristics of the kidney:

The kidney governs closed storage: sealing, also known as closed storage, solid storage, sealing and closed storage.

The kidney governs storage, which refers to the role of the kidney in storing the essence of the internal organs. Sealing is an important physiological characteristic of the kidney.

The kidney is the foundation of innateness and the root of life. It stores true yin and contains primary yang. It is the internal organ of water and fire.

The kidneys store essence, which should be stored but not released; the kidneys govern life fire, and life fire should be latent but not exposed. The human body originates from the kidneys, growth and development are based on the kidneys, and life activities depend on the kidneys.

The kidney is where the yin essence of the human body gathers. If the kidney essence is sufficient, the source of transformation will be sufficient.

The relationship between the kidneys and shape, orifices, will, fluids, and time: the kidneys combine with bones in the body, produce marrow, and develop their essence.

The kidney is located in the orifice as the ear and the two yins.

The kidneys are fearful.

The liquid in the kidney is saliva.

The kidneys correspond to winter qi.

Outside the kidneys should be the waist."A person with kidneys is a strong official, and his tricks are out of the question.""

Introduction to Qiheng’s Fu organs

Qiheng’s Fu organs include the brain, marrow, bones, pulse, gallbladder, and female cells (uterus, ovaries). Their common feature is that they are a type of relatively closed tissue and organ, but they are not in direct contact with water and grains, that is, they are like fu organs but not fu organs; but they have a function similar to that of the five internal organs in storing essence, that is, they are like internal organs but not internal organs.

Qiheng's internal organs, except for gallbladder, which belongs to the six internal organs, have no external or internal relationship with the five internal organs, but some are related to the eight meridians.

Lin Feng gained another pile of knowledge. He had not yet finished digesting the previous knowledge. He learned from the knowledge just now that the kidney is the foundation of innateness and the spleen is the foundation of nurture. Human vitality depends on the kidneys, which store the essence of the five internal organs and can provide essence for the five internal organs.

The function of the five internal organs is to hide, and the function of the six fu organs is to communicate.

The lungs and large intestine, the large intestine is one of the six internal organs, are hollow and are used for smooth function. For example, the large intestine is used to excrete excrement, the gallbladder is used to remove bile, and the stomach is used to digest and transport food.

The function of the six fu organs is to open up but not be full, that is, the things inside cannot be full and cannot be stagnant.

The five internal organs are yin, and the six internal organs are yang.

Each internal organs is divided into yin and yang, such as liver yin and liver yang.

Qi is yang and blood is yin.

If you know the functions of the five internal organs, then if one of the five internal organs is dysfunctional, you will suffer from corresponding diseases. For example, if the liver is insufficient in dispersing and releasing, you will be depressed; if the function of the liver is excessive, you will be hyperactive and dizzy.


This chapter is pure knowledge.

The basic functions of the five internal organs have been introduced. If you want to go in depth, please read another book.

By becoming familiar with the functions of the five internal organs, readers will have a preliminary concept of diseases, because diseases are nothing more than problems with the internal organs.

Qi and blood problems.

If there are nodules in the lungs, then based on the functions of the five internal organs, it can be inferred that the lungs and large intestine are on the outside and inside, and the person may be unable to defecate or have constipation. Sometimes the treatment begins with laxative treatment in the large intestine to unblock the Qi movement, thereby regulating the Qi movement in the lungs. After the lung Qi movement is unblocked, the nodules will dissolve. It also directly regulates the lungs.

The basis for distinguishing the internal organs and qi and blood is yin and yang and the five elements. By flexibly using yin and yang and the five elements in the internal organs, you can know the disease and the direction of treatment.

For example, if your spleen and stomach are not good and you don’t want to eat, then wood can control earth, which can soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen.

Another example is that the function of the spleen is to raise the Qing Dynasty, to raise the digested and absorbed subtle substances to the lungs, and then disperse them through the lungs to the meridians.

The function of the stomach is to drop the remaining substances after absorption into the small intestine and large intestine.

The small intestine reabsorbs and converts water into urine and enters the bladder. The large intestine reabsorbs and excretes the residue into stool.

Rising and falling are yang and yin.

These are the applications of Yin Yang and Five Elements.

Therefore, if anyone wants to study in depth, please read more books about Yin Yang, Five Elements, Five Zang and Six Internal Organs, and read more.

The novel provides a convenience and a preliminary understanding.

Later we will enter the meridians, heavenly stems and earthly branches.

Meridians are related to the five internal organs. All meridians carrying the five internal organs are Yin meridians, such as the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the Hand. The six internal organs are all Yang meridians


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