It is said that the Taixuan people found another way to cultivate the supreme supernatural power: he turned into a free Dafa! Without hesitation, he immediately cultivated the Great Wish Technique.

I saw that the people who were too vain looked serious and recited the mantra:

"When I have eternal life, hundreds of millions of worlds and all sentient beings will enter the fairy world, time is like water, and the dead are like Si!

When I have eternal life, I will not enter into the world by all foreign ways. All living beings are not eroded by the outer paths....

When I have eternal life, all the heavens, all the billions of sentient beings, chanting my name, will be free, immeasurable!

When I have eternal life, all evil will be destroyed....

When I have eternal life, all karma will be finally liberated....

When I have eternal life, all

time and space, past and future, all the stars that have been shattered into dust will have eternal life. Otherwise, I shall not have eternal life. "

In an instant, an infinite number of sentient beings appeared in the void, and they worshiped the Void Scattered People one after another, chanting in their mouths: "Eternal life! Eternal life!

Suddenly, the power of Tao Tao's faith flocked to the Taixuan people.

It turned out that the Taixuan people performed this technique for the first time in the desolate world, which directly triggered the obsession of the chaotic universe beings who had been shattered before, and they all thought about immortality.

That is too vain people to see the power of the Tao Tao faith suddenly used the supreme supernatural power:

Flame of Hope!

I saw that the power of faith poured into this fire, and after this fire was calcined, its impurities were removed, and it became more refined and condensed.

The Taixu Sanren sacrificed the wheel of fate behind his head again, only to see that once the wheel of fate appeared, the power of faith after condensation flew into the wheel of fate, as if he had found a home.

Using two supreme supernatural powers in a row, the Taixuan people did not stop, and immediately summoned the Tianwen Soul Banner.

I saw an ancient banner floating in the void, and the ancient god "Tianwen" was engraved on it.

The Tai Void Man gently shook this flag, and suddenly the immeasurable obsessions of several chaotic eras in the void poured into the Heavenly Soul Flag.

In an instant, the Heavenly Soul Banner was full of divine light, but there were so many divine souls in it, which was really rare in ancient times.


monks who have cultivated this supreme supernatural power have never contained so many divine soul obsessions, and it is the inclusion of the obsessions of immeasurable beings that has made the Tianwen Soul Banner even stronger.

In an instant, it was too vain, and the people had already retreated for hundreds of yuan.

At this time, the Taixuan people were cultivating the last supreme supernatural power:

The Great Destiny Technique!

This great destiny technique is not simple, it is the general outline of the Three Thousand Great Roads, and it dominates the Three Thousand Great Roads.

That Void Scattered Man had cultivated the supreme supernatural power in the Divine Elephant Suppression Prison Strength: the Flame of Hope! The Wheel of Fortune.

It had already touched the Avenue of Destiny, only to see the Tai Xuan Sanren

close their eyes to look at the Great Destiny Technique, and suddenly the phantom of the long river of fate of the Void Dao appeared, slowly flowing around the Tai Xuan Sanren.

I don't know when the power of fate quietly appeared in the back of the minds of the people who were

too void, and I saw that the power of fate was intertwined with the long river of fate of the Great Dao in the void.

In an instant, the Tai Void

Scattered People were surrounded by the power of fate, and the Tai Void Scattered People in the Void suddenly felt a burst of clarity in the Yuan Shen, as if the Avenue of Destiny was in front of them, within reach.

It's just that in an instant, the Taixuan people fell into an epiphany.

The cultivators of the Tai Xuan San did not realize that they had fallen into an epiphany.

I just feel that the entire Chaos Three Thousand Great Dao is floating in front of me, within reach.

His understanding of the Great Destiny Technique has increased rapidly, and he has a deeper understanding of the Destiny Dao.

Maybe a moment later, maybe a long time, I don't know when the person who is too empty slowly wakes up from his epiphany.

I saw that he hurriedly wandered into a void and looked at his own body, but he unconsciously cultivated that supreme supernatural power: he turned himself into a master of Dafa, Great Wish and Great Destiny.

In terms of cultivation, he has also advanced by leaps and bounds, stepping into the half-step Mixed Yuan Daluo Jin Immortal, and he is only half a step away from being able to achieve the Dao Mixed Yuan Dao Fruit, and he is more than a saint.

The Taixuan people opened their eyes, and Rao was also pleasantly surprised with his otherworldly state of mind.

I really didn't expect that this retreat would accidentally enter an epiphany, and the cultivation of supernatural powers would skyrocket one after another, and I don't know how many billions of years of penance would be saved.

After the feeling of Taixuan Sanren was finished, he said: "I have all the heavenly supernatural powers in my hands, some supernatural powers are really against the sky, I can also compile it, and I will receive one or two disciples in the future, and there will not be too many supernatural powers, I don't know what supernatural powers to pass on." "

After all, the Taixuan people have sorted out many of their own supernatural powers, including the three thousand avenues, the divine elephant hell power, the true demon immortal body, and so on.

In an instant, hundreds of yuan passed, and I saw several jade slips floating in the void in front of the Taixuan Sanren.

It is the Taixu Sanren who has been compiled by hundreds of yuan associations, and the Penglai Immortal Island that will resound in the heavens and the world in the future.

I saw several jade slips written with ancient gods, and they were written:

Immortal martial arts

Tiangang Ruyi book

The Book of Evil Wishes

Taixu Dandian

Heavenly Treasure

Too Void Array

Nine turns of Xuangong

Chaos God Grinding Thoughts

Great Reincarnation

These nine jade slips are the nine great exercises and magical powers carefully selected by the Taixu Sanren people from many magical powers.

Cultivating the flesh body has immortal martial arts (training meat, tendons, skin, bones, organs, marrow, blood exchange, and knack [condensing fist intent, fist intent essence, one trick through a hundred tricks, dripping blood rebirth, kaleidoscopic change, smashing vacuum]).

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