It is said that the Taixuan people cultivate supreme supernatural powers: the fire of hope and the wheel of fate.

These two types of supreme supernatural powers require the power of endless faith to be cultivated, so the Taixuan people took out the Heavenly Question Soul Banner and condensed the power of faith with the souls of endless fierce beasts and hell demon gods.

The power of faith rolls in, like the sea of the northern underworld.

I saw that the Tai Xuan Scattered people used supreme supernatural powers in an instant:

Flame of Hope!

The mana of the Void Scattered People turned into flames, and the hundreds of millions of primeval gods and phantoms in the void were blessed together, and the sky was mighty and shining through the ages.

The power of faith

that was like the Sea of the Northern Styx poured into this flame, and in an instant, the power of endless faith became more and more refined and condensed.

The power of faith is endless, and people who are too vain should have supreme supernatural powers:

Wheel of Fortune!

I saw that the fate of the souls of the

billions of fierce beasts and the souls of the demon gods poured out one after another, combining with the endless power of faith and condensing into the wheel of fate.

The wheel of fate is engraved with the world's heavenly ways, truth, gods and demons, Confucianism, and Buddhist and Zen scriptures on the wheel, expounding the endless road of destiny.

Seeing this, the Taixuan Sanren scattered people waved their hands and beat out the Xuanhuang merits of the Infinite Dao, only to see the Xuanhuang merits of the Infinite Dao pouring into the wheel of fate.

The wheel of fate was irrigated by the immeasurable Dao Xuanhuang merits, and its heavenly Dao supreme truth, truth, gods and demons, Confucianism, and Buddhist and Zen scriptures became more and more mysterious.

The moment the wheel of fate was formed, it appeared behind the minds of the Tai Void Scattered people, and when the Tai Void Scattered people saw this, they hid the wheel of fate in the void in the back of their heads.

After cultivating the Supreme Divine Power, the Fire of Hope and the Wheel of Fortune, the Taixu Sanren people felt that the mana of the Yuan Shen was all running as expected.

But it is to cultivate the power of fate to see through fate, so that the too void people can grasp the fate of their own avenue, as if they got out of the quagmire and returned to freedom.

In the future, if there is a great supernatural person who uses the divine power of fate to attack the Taivoid San, he will definitely be perceived by the Tai Xuan San.

That Great Dao Xuanhuang Merit, the wheel of fate, in an instant, will follow the fate in the underworld, and the one who casts this spell will be devoured.

The Taixu Sanren had cultivated two supreme supernatural powers in a row, and it was still known as the most difficult power of fate to comprehend in the Great Dao of the Heavens, and he also felt great joy in his heart.

I saw that the people who were too void were too empty, and the treasure of the primordial gods: the Book of Heaven was slowly opened.

But it was this immeasurable catastrophe that the Taixuan people used many amazing powers, and they were seen by the great power of the heavens.


can't guarantee which great supernatural person will figure out how to deal with the Tai Xuan Sanren, so the Tai Xuan Sanren decided to use the Tai Xuan Infinite Treasure: the Tai Void Infinite Heavenly Book to deduce the power of ten thousand laws and create several supreme supernatural powers.

It is also good to prepare for the future war.

I saw that the Heavenly Book of the Void Extreme among the Yuan Shen of the Tai Void Scattered People slowly opened, and the endless Void Divine Text was engraved on the page, and the thoughts of the Tai Void Scattered People moved.

The Heavenly Book of the Void Exudes the Eternal Divine Light of the Void

, and the Divine Light and the Thoughts of the Void Scattered People are integrated.

As the Tai Void

Scattered people accelerated their thinking, the Tai Void Divine Texts in the Tai Void Extreme Heavenly Book continued to combine, and they were reorganized trillions of times in an instant.

I don't know how many years have passed, and the Void Extreme Heavenly Book emits a Void Eternal Divine Light that goes straight into the minds of the Void Scatterers.

In an instant, immeasurable information appeared among the primordial gods of the Void Scattered People.

It includes a variety of supreme supernatural powers and extremely anti-heaven divine power books, which also contains many comprehension experiences of users who practice this exercise.

However, it is the Tai Void Extreme Heavenly Book that records the experience of the cultivators of the Divine Power of the Exercises from the immeasurable river of time and space and the long river of fate in the void and passes it on to the Tai Void Scattered people.

Rao is too void and scattered people have cultivated to the ultimate mixed yuan golden immortal, and he can't help but gasp.

To be able to do this, his Dao and supernatural powers have reached an incredible realm.

You must know that there is no shortage of founders and cultivators of these exercises and supernatural powers, who are beyond the realm of the Great Dao.

Even this kind of existence has been unconsciously recorded by the Heavenly Book of the Void Extreme, which is really terrifying!

The people of Tai Xuan are concentrating on the various divine treasures in the Yuan Shen.

I saw that there were many famous anti-heaven supernatural powers in the previous life, such as that:

He is free from Dafa

The Demon Hell Sutra

Epoch God Fist

Hongmeng Heavenly Dao

The gods created the world


The Emperor of the People's Path

The true demon is indestructible


Great Reincarnation


and so on, so that the people who are too empty to see it are overwhelmed.

The Taixuan people have browsed all kinds of anti-heaven supernatural powers in the Yuan Shen, and they have also made difficulties.

It is impossible to cultivate so many supernatural powers, and after pondering for a while, the Void Scattered Man decided to cultivate his Great Method, Great Wish Technique, and Great Destiny Technique.

After thinking about it, the people who are too void and scattered concentrate and calm down, and check the three anti-heaven supernatural powers in the Yuan Shen.

I saw that when the Taixu Sanren

cultivated his Dafa, the endless river of time and space and the immeasurable thread of cause and effect attacked the Taixu Sanren one after another.

The Tai Xuan San people did not panic, and immediately operated the Dafa of Transforming Himself, and suddenly the power of endless time and space and the power of immeasurable cause and effect combined and turned into seeds in the underworld, flying to countless time and space in the future.

That Tai Xuan Sanren had already reached the realm of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, and he was only one step away from being able to attain the Mixed Yuan Dao Fruit.

His body has long been the only one in the heavens and all worlds, and there is no past or future, and all kinds of causes and effects are not added to his body.

Then the Dafa of transforming himself into freedom is

the supreme supernatural power that combines time and space with cause and effect, and it is said that this Dafa of transforming himself into freedom is too vain and scattered people will never be able to cultivate.

But the Void Scattered people found another way, combining the power of endless time and space with the power of immeasurable cause and effect.

Turning into the seeds of Dafa that he is free and sprinkling into the future is equivalent to the cultivation of countless future clones by the Taixuan people.

When the body fights with people, this method can summon the body of an endless and distant future to fight.

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