On January 6, the fifth year of Chong'an in the Great Zhou Empire (AD 1952), the"Winter Offensive" officially started.

This large-scale attack is still part of the"Great Defeat Plan". In addition to attracting more United Nations troops to the battlefield and annihilating them, the goal of this operation is to massacre more countries in Western Europe.

Several small countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, were officially on the extermination list.

The Kyushu Army seems to be highly modernized, but its essence is still an army of feudal slave owners and nobles.

Chi Lianzi did not go to the front line to command this military operation to counterattack Western Europe. She stayed in the capital on vacation. The people responsible for coordinating the operations of the various units were Wang Mangan, commander of the 9th Corps, and Wang Ming, commander of the 12th Corps. Both of them are Wang Yu's sons. They are here to coordinate the offensive of the North and South Groups. In terms of their positions and military ranks, they are both second-class three-star generals.

But Chi Lian's direct descendant and the commander of the 51st Army, Lieutenant General Zhang Bo, was really in charge behind the scenes.

Due to Zhang Bo's insufficient military rank and position, it was impossible to directly coordinate the actions of several corps of the two major military offensive groups, so he had to"backdoor".

The situation of the two major military offensive groups during the battle will be reported to Wang Mian or Wang Ming. The two will discuss it with Zhang Bo, and finally Zhang Bo will report it to Chi Lian who is far away in the capital.

But this is not a unified command structure. They only use these reports to learn about the status of the troops, the progress of the campaign, and the movements of the enemy. They will not issue specific combat orders, but will provide some suggestions or cooperate with the frontline combat troops to conduct some deception operations. and the transportation of logistical supplies.

Netherlands, capital Rotterdam, January 21, 1952.

The city fell into chaos


"Go quickly! The enemy is coming!"

The people and government agencies are rushing to flee the capital. Why is this?

Because about thirty kilometers east of Rotterdam, the Japanese 139th, 157th, 159th, 161st and 163rd Japanese divisions are constantly approaching Rotterdam. On the way to Rotterdam, many towns and rural farms were destroyed, and the people were slaughtered by them. It can be said that this group of devils came to Rotterdam on the heads of the Dutch.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, we have arrived at the edge of the northern city of Rotterdam," Japanese Second Lieutenant Murakami reported.

"Where are the other troops now? Lieutenant General Qingchuan Gangmeng, commander of the 159th Division, looked around and asked.

"The other four divisions are behind us," Second Lieutenant Murakami pointed to the north and said.

"Division commander, should we wait for them?" said the chief of staff of the division, Colonel Mikawa Koji.

"No more waiting, they are moving too slowly, let’s capture Rotterdam first." Qingchuan waved his hand fiercely.

"Order the troops to search and advance and occupy Rotterdam first." Then he ordered

"Hi!"Murakami stood at attention and bowed his head in response. As the order was passed down level by level, the main forces of the 159th Division dispersed one after another, and the Japanese began to search and advance.

A few hours later, the tank brigade of the 159th Division entered the city of Rotterdam.

Four Types The medium-sized tank drove onto the streets of the northern part of Rotterdam that were already empty.

At this time, all the people in Rotterdam had fled. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands also led the royal family members to evacuate Rotterdam. A group of people planned to flee to Gaul to join the United Nations forces. Then move to Britain.

But by chance, Wilhelmina has been walking south after coming out of Rotterdam, but she happened to meet the leading troops of the 2nd Corps of the Kyushu Army who were also advancing south.

After a short small battle , most members of the entire Dutch royal family were killed, and only a few people, including Wilhelmina, were captured.

Due to the urgent military situation, Wilhelmina did not dare to neglect, and Wilhelmina was directly executed after being captured, and then the Kyushu Army continued to march towards the southern border of Gaul..Compared to the"quiet and far-reaching" situation of countries such as the Netherlands, there was a roar of guns and artillery in Gaul. The 6th and 7th Corps of the Kyushu Army were all pressed up, putting a lot of pressure on the United Nations Army.

The 16th Armored Corps of the M Country Army The division was surrounded by three divisions of the 20th Army under the 6th Corps of the Kyushu Army in the Metz area. The situation was very critical. The 16th

Armored Division was affiliated with the 15th Group Army of Country M. The strength of this group army was among all the army-level units of the Army of Country M. It is the weakest. Because its strength is too weak, the commander of the group army only has the rank of major general. The 16th Armored Division is the strongest unit under the jurisdiction of the 15th Group Army. If it is eliminated, it will have a negative impact on the already weak 15th Group Army. It was said that it would be a very heavy loss.

After the 16th Armored Division in the Metz area was surrounded, they immediately requested reinforcements and tried to break out.

Unfortunately, the three divisions of the Kyushu Army combined had more than 80,000 people, which was more than the surrounded M Army. In addition, the Kyushu Army has 60 tanks, more than 200 various armored artillery vehicles, and a large number of individual anti-tank weapons.

Although the number of armored vehicles is far inferior to that of the 16th Armored Division of Country M, it cannot hold up the Kyushu Army. The overall firepower is fierce and the number of people is large. If the 16th Armored Division fails to break through or cannot be rescued in time, it is only a matter of time before the entire army is annihilated. After receiving the telegram asking for help, the headquarters of the 15th Army of Country M immediately mobilized troops to Metz to relieve the siege. However, they were intercepted by other troops of the Kyushu Army on the way and soon fell into siege. In the end, the 15th Army of Country M was divided and surrounded by the 20th and 21st armies of the 6th Corps of the Kyushu Army in Metz and nearby areas.

The 15th Army There are only 5 divisions with a strength of about 100,000 men. The 20th and 21st Corps of the Kyushu Army have 8 divisions with a total strength of more than 250,000 men. There are also hundreds of tanks, thousands of armored artillery vehicles and nearly a thousand large-caliber guns. Artillery is fully capable of eating up the 15th Army of Country M in a short period of time.

Metz area, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on January 29, 1952, in a barn of a farm, the field headquarters of the 15th Army of Country M

"Sir, according to the reports of each unit, we have now been completely surrounded in Metz and nearby villages and towns. All units are currently under fierce attack." After the staff officer summarized the reports of each unit, he was very frustrated and 15 Report by Major General Hokies, Commander of the Army Group

"Are the scouts back?"Major General Hokies took the report and read it. He asked as he read it

""Sir, not yet." The staff officer looked at the direction of the door and then responded. After hearing this, Hokies shook his head and continued to read the report.

After reading, he threw the report on the table.

"Order all troops to break out in the direction of Bagui with all their strength," Hokis said.

""Yes, sir." After the staff officer responded, he went to order the communications troops to send the order. The southern defense line of Metz is defended by the 106th Infantry Division of the Army of M Country. This unit is one of the five divisions under the 15th Group Army of M Country.

"Da da da da da da"

"boom! boom!"

The 81st Division of the Kyushu Army is attacking the defense line of the 106th Infantry Division of Country M, which is about 10 kilometers away from the headquarters of the 15th Army. As long as this temporary defense line is captured, it can directly attack the headquarters of the 15th Army.

"Sir, we can't stand it any longer. The enemy's firepower is too fierce!"Bruton, the machine gunner of the 482nd Regiment of the 106th Division, shouted to his platoon leader while operating the machine gun to fire.

At this time, the platoon leader was checking the enemy's situation not far away.

"What happened?"The platoon leader, Second Lieutenant Schebut, seemed to hear Bruton's shout. He ran over and asked loudly.

"Look, sir! Bruton pointed to the black torrent outside the trench.

"Oh my God!"Second Lieutenant Schebutt took a quick look and couldn't help but collapse. Not only did the number of enemies not decrease, but there seemed to be more, and the attacking formation was obviously more oppressive.

""Sir, our ammunition is about to run out." Just as Schebutt was thinking about what to do, some soldiers reported that the ammunition was about to run out. To make matters worse, Schebutt's platoon only had more than 30 people. At this time, their small position Facing a frenzied attack by more than 3,000 people from two battalions of the Kyushu Army. Faced with a numerical disadvantage of more than 1 to 100 and facing the dilemma of running out of ammunition, Schebut decisively ordered a retreat because he knew that there was no possibility of reinforcements. To reinforce, the 106th Division on the entire southern defense line was under great combat pressure. Two entire divisions and one regiment of the Kyushu Army, a total of about 60,000 people, were besieging more than 10,000 people of the 106th Infantry Division.

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