"If that's the case, let's talk about this later." Wang Yu saw that Pei Nanwei really didn't know about her mother's family, so he stopped asking.

""Yes." Pei Nanwei responded respectfully.

Many vassal states will be born in the future"Republic of China", as well as the New Far East, the entire Goose Kingdom, and even the large tracts of destroyed countries on other continents. Wang Yu's own sons are obviously If you can't swallow such a large territory, you must have people with other surnames to help digest it.

Pei Nanwei's natal family is currently very suitable. There are many people in the Pei family of Hedong Kingdom on the land of Jiuzhou and Ten Thousand Kingdoms. Although Hedong Kingdom is not small, it is impossible to accommodate all of them. The tribesmen of Hedong Kingdom can"bathe in the king's favor". The Pei family of Hedong Kingdom also wants to expand its territory, but the land of Kyushu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms does not allow princes to attack each other, so it is basically impossible for the Pei family of Hedong Kingdom to expand in the land of Kyushu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms. His own territory.

Now, as long as he comes to this new world through the time and space tunnel built by Wang Yu, he can obtain a large area of ​​land and establish a new vassal state. If this news spreads back to the land of Jiuzhou and Ten Thousand Nations, then HeThe people of the Guopei clan must have sharpened their heads to drill here.

However, Wang Yu does not intend to make his thoughts public for the time being. In addition to Pei Nanwei's natal family, there are also some nobles in the Zhou Empire. In addition, generals who have made meritorious services in the army must also be rewarded. In addition, Wang Yu's son continues to increase. Guys, I'm afraid this little land is not enough.

So Wang Yu set his sights on Central Asia, West Asia, the Middle East and even Africa.

Either the Kyushu Army has not yet set foot in these areas, or they have been destroyed by Wang Yu. The Middle East and Africa are no longer inhabited. Why is this happening?

Wang Yu drained all the resources in these two places many years ago. The ecological environment continued to deteriorate and species became extinct. The countries in the Middle East have completely disappeared. A small part of the population has migrated to other countries, and most of the rest of the people are here. Go to hell in the wave of species extinction. The situation in Africa is even worse. Except for a very small number of locals who joined the colonial troops and followed their mother country to participate in World War II, the rest of the population has also suffered from this man-made species extinction just like the Middle East. All of them died in the incident.

Because the Middle East and Africa had no value for extraction, Western forces withdrew from these two places, which was called a complete departure. After the outbreak of World War II, there was no war between the two places.

Wang Yu thought that these emptied areas could be used as fiefdoms to reward heroes or other nobles by injecting some resources into them in the future to restore some ecological environment.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"Seeing Wang Yu standing there in a daze, Pei Nanwei pushed him

"Oh, it’s okay, I was thinking about the war. In the future, your son will break the earth and become the king." Wang Yu came back to his senses and said this.

"I would like to thank His Highness for the reward on behalf of the children." Pei Nanwei immediately thanked him respectfully.

"Okay, okay, no need to be polite, after all, I still need someone to guard this huge territory for me. How can outsiders be as reliable as my children and grandchildren?" Wang Yu said

""What your Highness said is absolutely true," Pei Nanwei agreed. She didn't think Wang Yu was joking. Currently, the Kyushu Army has acquired a lot of territory, and someone will have to manage it in the future. According to Wang Yu's temperament, he will definitely make his sons princes. , so it is important to have sons as soon as possible. Whoever has more sons will get more benefits in the future. This is Pei Nanwei's very simple idea.

So obviously the empress is the boss now, and four of the six sons she gave birth to All of them are on duty and have heavy troops. Wang Yu favors Wang Zheng and Wang Duo among them. These two sons will definitely occupy a fertile land in the future.

"No, Kamer is dull and unlovable, and the other three children are still too young. What should I do?"Pei Nanwei thought in his mind. She could only pray that the war would continue for another ten or twenty years, waiting for her three young sons to grow up. She also hoped that these three sons would be good enough to be loved by their father.

As for Wang Yu's other sons, the current son of Da Siming, Wang Qi, is also very capable and has been in charge of foreign affairs for many years. Moreover, Wang Qi has three sons, one of whom is the son-in-law of the Zhou royal family. This background is too powerful.

Pei Nanwei learned that the Divine Kingdom of Zhongzhou and even the entire land of all nations were princes affiliated to the Zhou royal family of the Great Zhou Empire. Wang Yu, as the great emperor of all kingdoms, also submitted to the Zhou royal family. So the princess of the Zhou royal family was Wang Qi's daughter-in-law. This is a Huge bonus points, at least that's what Pei Nanwei thinks.

It is a secret that everyone knows that the crown prince, Wang Ying, is not lovable. It all depends on his future destiny and Wang Yu's attitude. Even so, Wang Ying is Wang Yu's eldest son, and his actual status is comparable to that of the emperor's descendants. The son is even taller, and the Zhou Empire is very particular about concubines, so it’s really hard to say what will happen in the future.

Although the old twelfth Wang Ruo doesn't like to talk, he is not as dull as the thirteenth, and his ability to do things is not bad. The most important thing is that he and Wang Ying are brothers from the same mother, which is not easy to handle.

As for the others, some princes, Pei Nanwei, have never been seen before, so it’s hard to say.

Quickly going through the known situation in her mind, Pei Nanwei suddenly felt that she was at a disadvantage, so she would have to rely on Wang Yu's favor for her for a long time in the future to gain some benefits for her sons. Benefit.

As Wang Yu had more sons, the mothers of his sons seemed to be no longer"innocent". Some of them had ideas and wanted to gain more benefits for their sons.

When the camera turns to distant Western Europe, the mobilization of the Kyushu Army cannot be hidden from the United Nations Army. Although the total strength of the United Nations Army in Western Europe is nearly 2 million, they dare not cross Germany to attack the Kyushu Army in Eastern Europe.

The long-range reconnaissance aircraft dispatched by the United Nations General Headquarters in Europe found that the strength of the Kyushu Army and Japanese Japs in Eastern Europe reached nearly 10 million. This is no joke. The United Nations Army does not need to take the Japs seriously, but The Kyushu Army is too difficult to deal with, and they have to pay attention.

Among the nearly 10 million enemy troops, more than 4 million are Kyushu troops. Such a huge army cannot be defeated overnight. All European United Nations troops must be prepared for long-term operations.

Because MacArthur's air raid on North China failed but suffered very heavy losses, it was not feasible to launch large-scale air raids on areas where the Kyushu Army or the Japanese were entrenched. The United Nations forces in Europe could only fight the enemy through ground operations or airborne operations.

Beginning in early October 1951, the Kyushu Army and the Japanese Japs showed signs of a large-scale westward advance. Many armored and artillery units were bypassing Germany and marching into Western Europe in two directions. This was captured by aerial reconnaissance of the United Nations in Europe. Information shown in photos.

A steady stream of armored troops and mechanized infantry are marching towards Western Europe. What this means is that a massive counterattack is about to begin.

The United Nations Headquarters in Europe in London urgently adjusted its deployment, giving up some unnecessary salient areas, maintaining a wide front for defense, and at the same time stepping up efforts to send as many troops and supplies as possible based in Britain to the Western European battlefield to deal with the upcoming war. large-scale combat.

General Eisenhower believed that only by gathering the troops together could they ensure that they would not be defeated individually by the superior strength of the Kyushu Army.

On January 5, 1952, all units of the Kyushu Army entered their designated positions.

At five o'clock in the morning on January 6, the Kyushu Army and the Japanese heavy artillery of the two major groups of the North and South began to bomb the designated targets at the same time. The Southern Group bombed United Nations targets in Gaul, while the Northern Group bombed targets in the Netherlands.

After four hours of fire preparation, the two groups began to attack under the cover of tanks.

However, the North Group's attack was far-fetched. They were actually looting and killing. A series of countries such as the Netherlands had been temporarily abandoned by the United Nations Army at this time. Therefore, the North Group did not encounter the main forces of M and Britain in the United Nations Army. I encountered some armed forces spontaneously organized by the people in the Netherlands. These armed personnel were no match for the devils at all.

A small team of dozens of Japanese soldiers can annihilate hundreds of these Dutch armed personnel.

During this counterattack, the northern and southern groups of the Kyushu Army did not establish a unified command system. There were only commander-in-chief of the southern group and commander-in-chief of the northern group. The two armies actually fought independently.

But such a huge armed force is still enough for the United Nations to fight hard for a while even if they fight independently.

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