"You usually know how to do these meaningless things! Totally ignoring his sons! you.. Why!"Wang Ying pointed at some of Xue Nu's new clothes on the bed and yelled angrily.

Xue Nu just knelt on the ground and cried, not daring to respond to her husband.

"What should we do now? My father is so angry that he has deprived several of his sons of their titles and also removed me from my title as Crown Princess. How will I live in the future?" After a while, the snow girl said

"When my father's anger subsides, I will talk to you again, maybe there will be a turn for the better," Wang Ying said.

Hearing this, Snow Girl nodded.

January 2, the fourth year of Chong'an in the Great Zhou Empire (AD 1951), at two o'clock in the afternoon Bell.

A press conference is being held in the Forbidden City.

"At today's press conference, I will convey the will of His Royal Highness the Regent," Foreign Affairs Director Qi Meng said from the podium to the microphone and the reporters in the audience.

"I don’t know what kind of news Madam Director wants to convey?" a Ta Kung Pao reporter asked

"His Royal Highness the Regent issued an order at 12:00 noon yesterday, officially abolishing the title of the Republic of China with immediate effect. All territorial sovereignty and disposal rights of the former Republic of China will belong to the Emperor of the Great Zhou Empire. His Majesty the current Emperor has appointed His Highness the Regent to have full authority to dispose of the territory of the former Republic of China. all matters"Qi Meng took the folder from an officer's hand, then opened it and started reading.

"Oh no! This is impossible!"

"How can this be done!"

"The National Government still exists, and it has been recognized by the United Nations. It is a legitimate government." After hearing Qi Meng's words, the reporters immediately exploded.

"Please be quiet, please be quiet." Qi Meng saw that it was too noisy, so he motioned to the reporters to be quiet.

"I would like to ask Director Qi, the official government of the Republic of China is still in Taiwan, and the United Nations also recognizes the Republic of China. Moreover, the regent does not control the entire Republic of China. Such abolition of the national title of the Republic of China will not be recognized by the international community, and people with lofty ideals in the Republic of China will not Will they rise up to fight back against the Regent's perverse actions?" It was the Ta Kung Pao reporter who was speaking just now.

"The National Government in Taiwan is an illegal party and a pseudo-government. This is an indisputable fact. As for the so-called international community or the United Nations, the Regent does not recognize these illegal organizations, and the Regent has issued an order to exterminate them. We will do our best to kill these unscrupulous scholars under the guise of people with lofty ideals," Qi Meng said.

"Why is this happening?"The reporters started talking again.

"So from today on, you are either the subjects of the Great Zhou Empire, or you are people without a country. You can choose for yourself where to go," Qi Meng said again.

Overnight, hundreds of millions of people in the entire Republic of China became countryless."Refugee", if you have the ability, you can leave Rooster Land and settle in other countries, but the vast majority of people in the Republic of China will be willing to become subjects of the Great Zhou Empire, because the food shortage sweeping the entire Republic of China is coming.

Since 1949, Wang Yu has Continuously dropping special seeds into non-Kyushu military-occupied areas within the Republic of China to destroy soil crops has been effective so far. In just a few years, there will be no harvests in many places. By that time, the affected people will flee. will fall into the arms of the Great Zhou Empire.

And whoever prevents the affected people from fleeing is the enemy of the people. Anyway, the Kyushu Army will no longer go to the disaster area to provide disaster relief. Wang Yu called this action"Those who wish to take the bait". If you don't come, then Just waiting to die, you can talk about anything when you come here, including farming, where can't be planted?

After Wang Yu's transformation, there are many fertile fields in the new Far East that are uncultivated. It is a land full of hope.

In addition to putting in special seeds, Wang Yu It is also planned to disrupt the ecological structure within the Republic of China and cause a large number of animals and plants to become extinct. This will make hunting and gathering wild fruits more difficult, and hunters will be in a situation where they cannot survive. By then, they will naturally look for a way out.

Therefore. Once the United Nations forces invade the territory of the Republic of China again in the future, they will have to rely on their own supply lines, and"sourcing local materials for military use" will become a thing of the past.

Let's take a look at how strong the sea and air transport capabilities of the United Nations forces were at that time.

Currently, in In Europe, the"Great Rout Plan" has been effective. The 50th Army under the 11th Corps of the Kyushu Army was defeated again as expected when chasing the retreating 3rd Armored Division of Country M. They have now retreated back to the starting point of the attack. That is, near the border between Gaul and Switzerland.

Back to the press conference

"Now is the time for reporters to ask questions." After Qi Meng conveyed Wang Yu's will, the translator said to the reporters

"Your country's army has suffered repeated defeats in Europe and Chaoxian. What does Director Qi think of this matter?" asked the Shanglan Reporter reporter

"This matter has nothing to do with the overall situation. After all, Chaoxian and Europe are not our homeland. No matter whether we win or lose when fighting on the enemy's land, we are not considered losers," Qi Meng said

"Hello, Director Qi, do you think the statement made by President Truman of Country M that the scale of war has tipped to the United Nations is reasonable?" asked a reporter from Xinmin Daily

"I think he'd better think about his situation, his lies can't deceive the people of Country M," Qi Meng said

"Hello Director Qi, I am a reporter from the Beijing-Tianjin Times. I would like to ask how long the war is expected to last. This is also a question that many people are concerned about. I wonder if Director Qi can reveal some inside information?" asked the reporter from the Beijing-Tianjin Times

"The war will end, but not now, I can only say this much," Qi Meng said

"There have been rumors outside that the regent and the crown prince have great differences on whether the war should continue. Considering the recent defeat of your army in Western Europe and Chaoxian, whether the conflict between the regent and the crown prince will affect the war situation, I wonder if Director Qi can Can you clear up everyone’s doubts?" Another reporter asked

"These are just some household matters of the regent and will not affect the war situation," Qi Meng said

"Everyone, let me tell you another news. After abolishing the title of the Republic of China, the Regent is also planning to abolish all laws and regulations including the"Constitution of the Republic of China". Later, he will use the"Laws of Zhou" of our Great Zhou Empire."Replacing the above-mentioned repealed laws" Qi Meng broke the news again.

As soon as this statement came out, the reporters were even more shocked.

"Director Qi, if you rashly abolish the laws of the Republic of China, I am afraid it will cause great chaos," a reporter said

"Only by causing chaos can those Chiang Kai-shek agents lurking in the dark be exposed, which is not a bad thing," Qi Meng said.

After the bustling press conference, Qi Meng returned to the Qianqing Palace to report to Wang Yu

"Very good, as long as they take action, I can take action." Wang Yu said after listening to Qi Meng's report.

"Your Highness, the current war in Europe is very unsatisfactory. Our army has been driven out of Gaul. In Chaoxian, we have also suffered several defeats. The army is about to be driven back to the Yalu River," Qi Meng said. She said as It is not strange for a diplomat to be familiar with the war situation, but she was not very clear about the details of the"Great Rout Plan" and really thought that the army was being defeated.

"Hahaha, we can only drag the United Nations troops on the battlefield by losing some battles. Victory or defeat is often a matter of talking and laughing." Wang Yu said with a smile.

Qi Meng nodded after hearing this.

The camera came to the battlefield of Chaoxian.

The Cavalry of the M Country The 1st Division is attacking the position of the 184th Division of the 46th Army of the Kyushu Army.

The two sides are fighting together, and the Kyushu Army is gradually showing its decline.

Behind the 1st M Cavalry Division is the 11th Division of the Kuomintang's 18th Army.

The 18th Army is the elite of the national army. Army Commander Lieutenant General Yang Botao. The commander of the 11th National Army Division currently fighting with the 1st National Cavalry Division is Major General Liu Dinghan.

Why are the Kuomintang troops placed behind the M National Army instead of in front? Because Chang Kaishen's troops have already appeared at this time In addition to the shortage of troops, Taiwan's population is limited and it is impossible to support Chang Kaishen's large-scale expansion of troops.

At this time, Taiwan's total military strength is less than 1 million, and this is despite the uncontrolled various economic and military assistance from country M. Under the circumstances, otherwise Chang Kaishen could only have an army of five or six hundred thousand at most. This was determined by Taiwan's productivity at that time, and Chiang was powerless.

In a word, the modern army burned money, and Chiang's pocketbook was already Bottomed out, he could only hold tightly to the thigh of his father from Country M.

On the battlefield, the 1st Cavalry Division of Country M surged forward, chasing the 184th Division of the Kyushu Army all the way. Palmer, the commander of the 8th Regiment, even Due to the vigorous pursuit, he was separated from the follow-up troops for more than ten kilometers.

This Colonel Palmer was an old acquaintance. As early as 1945, during the final stage of"Operation Plow", Palmer, who was still the battalion commander at the time, was captured in Guangzhou. The superior strength of the Kyushu Army was defeated. Later, this guy was promoted to the commander of the 8th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division, and landed in Chaoxian with Van Fleet's 3rd Army. The 3rd

Army of the M Country Army is now Walker's 8th Army's order of battle. , Van Fleet, commander of the 3rd Army, is currently in Chaoxian.

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