"Your Highness, there are too many children for her to take care of on her own, and some negligence is excusable." Jing Salaman sitting next to Wang Yu persuaded her man

"Don't plead for her. She has too many children to take care of, right? Well, just record these six children in Zhong Heng's name and have them taught by Xiao Man. Xue Nu can teach her children well enough to be the mother of the children!"Wang Yu reprimanded Jing Sala, and then directly deprived Xue Nu of her custody rights to her six sons.

"Father, Father, please, don’t take the children away from your daughter-in-law. For the sake of your daughter-in-law giving birth to six children, please forgive me." After hearing this, the Snow Girl cried and crawled to her and pulled her away. Wang Yu's robe begs for mercy

"Father! I beg you not to treat us so cruelly." Wang Ying also knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Father, please calm down. The nephews are just not used to the life here. They will be fine in a few years. Why should the father be familiar with the children? Besides, the mother's side"Wang Qi stood up to intercede on behalf of his brother and his family, and even brought out the Moon God to speak out.

Li Xiaoman has always been very proud, but when her husband interceded for Wang Ying's family, she immediately became unwilling. But on this occasion, when the"old man" was furious, Li Xiaoman could not show her dissatisfaction with her husband. , and even cooperated with her husband to plead for mercy to the eldest brother and his family.

"Father, as the saying goes, everything will be prosperous only if family and mother are together. It is not easy for you and your mother to have worked hard to raise so many children and grandchildren. They are all the flesh and blood of your father. Why do you have to make trouble for yourself for such a trivial matter? Please take care of your sister-in-law. forFor the sake of giving birth to many heirs, let’s spare her this time." Li Xiaoman also stood up to plead for Wang Ying’s family.

She also pretended to go over and help the snow girl up, and then called the maid to take the handkerchief to help. Snow woman wipes tears

"Father, I ask my father to forgive my sister-in-law and several nephews. It is human nature for the nephews to be new to the country and be ignorant." After watching the show for a long time, the twelfth-year-old Wang Ruo also interceded for his eldest brother and his family.

Wang Ruo is the king. Ying is the biological brother of the same father and mother. They are both sons of the Moon God. It would be too unreasonable for Wang Hao not to say anything at this time.

"No matter what, Xue Nu can no longer be Boheng's head wife, and all six of her sons will be deprived of their baronetcy, so be it." Wang Yu finally insisted on this ruling. But he did not deprive Xue Nu of her custody rights to her sons.

"Thank you father for your kindness." Li Xiaoman first thanked her eldest brother and his family. She felt quite relieved.

Wang Qiong and other six fools were deprived of their titles. Besides being the heirs of the eldest son, what else could they do with anything?

Li Xiaoman thought about her three sons again. Although they were not extraordinary talents, each of them was better than Brother Wang Qiong. The eldest son Beixuan was the son-in-law of the Zhou royal family. The second son Tongxin and the third son Guichen were now high-ranking officials in the army. Staff officer, Li Xiaoman has stepped on the snow girl this time.

"Okay, everyone, sit down, the food is cold," Wang Yu said.

Then he asked the maid to come over and bring him some food.

Wang Yu got angry, and the atmosphere of the meal was not good. Wang Ying and Xue Nu did not move their chopsticks the whole time..

After eating, Wang Yu drove Wang Ying and Xue Nu away, and sent Wang Wei and Wang Jian back, leaving only Wang Qi and Li Xiaoman talking here.

"Your eldest brother is obsessed with that cheap maid, and I regret choosing her to serve Bo Heng." Wang Yu said to Wang Qi

"What my father said is absolutely true, she is just my sister-in-law.. Concubine Exue has served her eldest brother for so many years and has given birth to six more children. If she is not handled properly, she may cause panic," Wang Qi said.

"It's also my fault for being soft-hearted. I should have killed her back then to avoid future troubles. Alas!"Wang Yu said, holding his forehead and sighing.

"Your Highness, the children have grown up and have their own lives, so don’t worry about it." Jing Salamander also advised Wang Yu.

Wang Yu glanced at Jing Salamander and said nothing.

"Is Beixuan back?"After a while, Wang Yu asked Wang Qi

"Not yet," Wang Qi said

"Well, let him live a good life with the eldest princess from now on, and don't let him get involved in national affairs," Wang Yu said

"Yes," Wang Qi said

"I plan to abolish the national title and laws of the Republic of China next year," Wang Yu said

""Father, are you too hasty?" Wang Qi asked

"It is an indisputable fact that the Republic of China no longer has a legal court, so there is no need to keep this country title;The laws of the Republic of China, this is about to become the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the"Laws of Zhou" should be used," Wang Yu said

"I'm afraid it will cause a backlash from all sides," Wang Qi said.

"Bounce? Are they those unscrupulous scholars who advocate for illegal parties and Westerners?"Wang Yu said

""Um," Wang Qi said

"This country was ruined by the pens of these unscrupulous literati. These bastards who eat people's food and do not speak their language should be punished." Wang Yu especially hated these literati in the Republic of China. He thought they were all cynics and dogs.

""I understand," Wang Qi said.

As a result, the entire Republic of China once again launched a massacre of literati and major scholarly families.

"Father, Tongxin and Guichen have been working with you. I wonder if they can satisfy my father?" Li Xiaoman asked tentatively. The two sons served as senior staff officers for their grandfather. They usually lived in the Forbidden City and rarely spent time with their parents. Li Xiaoman also cares about his two sons

"Very good, Mr. Chu praised them for being smart and able to do things," Wang Yu said

"Being able to share the worries of my father is a blessing." Li Xiaoman said something auspicious. Wang Yu nodded. He found that as time went by, Wang Pu was somewhat like his sixth uncle Wang Zheng or his eighth uncle. Uncle Wang Duo, Wang Pu does not mix any personal emotions when executing orders, which is better than Wang Beixuan. This is also the reason why Wang Yu excludes Wang Beixuan from the core of power. He thinks that Wang Beixuan, his grandson, has too many personal emotions and is easy to Falling into emotional tangle, Wang Beixuan is not suitable for holding important positions at all. Being an idle nobleman is the best destination for Wang Beixuan

"I plan to go back to the Old Summer Palace next year to live for a while. The layout of the Forbidden City is very bad. I want to demolish and rebuild it." Wang Yu suddenly thought of this. His idea was to raze the entire Forbidden City and then build a pre-Qin style palace here. The Forbidden City covers an area of ​​720,000 square meters, which is 80,000 square meters smaller than the Taishi Mansion in Luoyi.

"Yes, I will prepare this matter immediately after I return," Wang Qi said

"No, I am going to let your twelfth and thirteenth brothers take charge of this matter," Wang Yu said

"Thirteenth brother"Lao Twelve was fine, but Wang Qi gnashed his teeth when thinking of Lao Thirteen, his half-brother. It is an open secret that Thirteen is dull and weak. It is not appropriate to put him in charge of this matter.

"Your thirteenth brother has already grown up, it’s time to share my worries," Wang Yu said.

"Yes, everything is decided by the father." Wang Qi couldn't say anything else.

"You guys go back, I want to rest." Wang Yu signaled to his son and daughter-in-law that they could leave.

On the way back to the Old Summer Palace in the car

"Alas, this baron is not so easy to do." Li Xiaoman was in such a good mood, she hummed a little tune and said sarcastic remarks.

"Why are you gloating about misfortune?" Wang Qi scolded

"Your six good nephews have become a joke because they don't study hard or behave well. Now they are doing something bad. The old man is angry and has demoted your beautiful sister-in-law to a concubine. I I think the old man is not confused yet," Li Xiaoman said

"Talking nonsenseIf it reaches your father's ears, be careful and he will have your tongue cut out," Wang Qi threatened.

"The old man also knows very well that your eldest brother's family cannot be counted on, and they have to rely on us at the critical moment." After a moment of silence, Li Xiaoman actually drifted off again.

"With your mouth, you are making more and more weird words." Wang Qi nodded Li Xiaoman's forehead.

"I'm telling the truth, the old man can't count on anyone now, he can only count on us," Li Xiaoman said

"alright! do not talk!"Wang Qi immediately stopped her talking.

Li Xiaoman ignored Wang Qi and she did not continue.

In the Yikun Palace, after Xue Nu came back, she sat on the bed and cried alone.

"Why didn't you tell me about Qiong'er?" Wang Ying asked Xue Nu

"I thought it was not a big deal. My father has many beautiful maids. It’s nothing to play with Qiong’er or two. Who would have thought that my father would use this reason to punish me?"The snow girl cried and said that she still felt wronged

"Confused! Do you know what a sin it is for Qiong'er to touch her father's maid? Wang Ying heard this and shouted:

"It’s just a female slave, what’s the big deal? There are many such female slaves in the palace." The Snow Maiden still said stubbornly.

"Kneel down!"The angry Wang Ying pointed to the ground and asked the snow girl to kneel down.

After hearing this, the latter could only stand up from the bed reluctantly and then knelt down to listen to her husband scolding her.

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