"Director Qi, I think we should continue talking about the armistice." After a while, Mr. Wu said

"Okay, I think Mr. Wu is gentle and decent; I think your party has many talents like you." Qi Meng smiled and praised Mr. Wu and Gong Kuomintang.

"I don’t dare to take it seriously, I just did what a Communist Party member should do," said Mr. Wu

"The regent admired the Communist Party of China very much and said that you sincerely work for the people," Qi Meng said

"this.. We just did what we should do, and the people are the masters of the country." Mr. Wu didn't feel right, but he still responded to Qi Meng's words.

"It is a pity that in your eyes, the regent is a feudal slave owner from the old world and a reactionary leader who oppresses the common people." Qi Meng changed his subject.

"Um, this"Mr. Wu did not respond directly. He was wondering why Qi Meng suddenly praised himself and the Gong Communist Party.

"But this does not prevent us from sitting together and seeking peace together." Qi Meng played another twist.

"Peace is also the aspiration of people all over the world," said Mr. Wu

"The regent feels that the Communist Party is more suitable to govern this country than the Kuomintang." Qi Mengtu had a hard time seeing it.

"Don't you dare, I'm too serious, I'm too serious." Mr. Wu waved his hands immediately. Now he completely understood why Qi Meng said these pleasant words to praise the Communist Party of China. She was trying to sow discord between the Allies.

At this time, Zhang Qun's expression It is already extremely ugly. If the Jiuzhou Army unilaterally ceases war with the Communist Party and supports the Communist Party to replace the Kuomintang, it will really be a disaster for Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang currently controls only a few areas in Fujian cities and Taiwan Province. It is absolutely unacceptable that the Kyushu Army can be driven away by the Kyushu Army and once again become an overseas exile regime.

"Then I will stop talking about these irrelevant remarks. Mr. Wu, please look at this. This is our peace negotiation document. If your party agrees, please sign it." Qi Meng knew that Zhang Qun looked ugly, but he still talked to Mr. Wu. He was talking enthusiastically and took out a document and handed it to Mr. Wu.

Qi Meng only showed this document to Mr. Wu and did not show it to Zhang Qun and Almond. Obviously, this was a blatant attempt to instigate the Communist Party, the Kuomintang and the M The relationship between the people of the Republic of China.

These three are currently allies in the Republic of China.

"I protest, our three parties are allies, why did you only show Mr. Wu the peace negotiation documents?" Almond couldn't hold back and asked Qi Meng

"Because I only have this document, if you want to see it, you can ask Mr. Wu." Qi Meng immediately dumped the blame.

"Okay, I propose to adjourn the meeting." After saying that, Qi Meng left.

After returning to his residence,

"How is it going?"Yan Lingji asked Qi Meng while drinking coffee.

"Let them quarrel by themselves." Qi Meng said and also sat on the sofa.

"Add some sugar to this black water, and it tastes pretty good," Yan Lingji said. These girls called the coffee black water.

"I drank too much and couldn't sleep at night." Qi Meng glanced at the coffee cup in Yan Lingji's hand and said

"I just have a taste," Yan Lingji said.

On the other side, the residence of the Allied representative

"This is a blatant humiliation to the people’s government!"Zhang Qun held up the document and roared.

Mr. Wu sat on the sofa without saying a word.

Almond lit a cigarette by himself.

"Secretary-General Zhang, calm down, calm down," Yan Xishan persuaded Zhang Qun.

What content made Zhang Qun so furious.

It turns out that this so-called armistice document did not mention the Kuomintang and Country M at all. It was all about the Kyushu Army and the Gong Communist Party. Terms. And the terms are full of various benefits to the Gong Party, such as handing over North China to the Gong Communist Party.

In other words, Qi Meng’s document has kicked out both the M people and the Kuomintang, which is exactly what happened 2 At Chu Bufan's press conference in March, he said that the Kuomintang was already an illegal government.

Naturally, the Kuomintang representative Zhang Qun and the former commander of the Second War Zone Yan Xishan could not accept this statement that they were an illegal organization, and neither could the people of M. statement

"Gentlemen, we must find a way to reverse the current passive situation," Almond said.

"What good idea does General Almond have?" Yan Xishan asked

"I thought maybe we could look at this document," Almond said.

"I’d like to hear more from you," Mr. Wu said.

"The Communist Party can agree to this treaty. After accepting North China, the national army and our army can secretly march into North China," Almond said

"Can't!"Mr. Wu immediately refused.

"Why? asked Almond

"The enemy's reconnaissance capabilities are beyond our imagination. How can you ensure that the troops will not be discovered during the transfer process?. Chief Yan, do you have a map here?" Mr. Wu asked Yan Xishan for a map.

"Yes, yes, come and get a map." Yan Xishan nodded, and then asked someone to get the map.

"Chief Yan, are you taking the map of Shanxi?" the adjutant asked

"What map of Shanxi? I ​​asked you to take North China"

""It's a map of the Republic of China."

Yan Xishan reprimanded the adjutant, and Mr. Wu answered.

"Go quickly and get the map of the Republic of China." Yan Xishan ordered the adjutant again.

Soon, the map was brought

"If you look at it, if we don’t count the enemy’s troops in the Goose Kingdom, there are at least two complete enemy regiments stationed in the northeastern region, as well as hundreds of thousands of Japanese Kwantung troops; on the defense line from Jiangnan to Southwest, there are eight complete enemy regiments. There are also three complete enemy corps in Xuzhou, the gateway to Beijing and Shanghai; this does not include the enemies stationed in North China. If we sign this treaty and fully take over North China, we will be surrounded and squeezed by millions of enemies. Once things change, our troops will be annihilated by the enemy's heavy group in North China. This is very dangerous. At that time, the country may really be destroyed." Mr. Wu pointed to the map and analyzed it for everyone.

"Farke! These cunning guys!"Almond immediately swore after hearing this. He had never been to the Republic of China before and did not understand the situation in North China at all.

"Hiding evil intentions! This is harboring evil intentions!"Zhang Qun also scolded Qi Meng angrily.

"It seems that the enemy's peace talks this time are fake, and the real thing is to lure us into an encirclement," Mr. Wu said

"Mr. Wu, what should we do?" Almond asked

"Only by uniting closely can we defeat the enemy. I just don’t know what Mr. Jiang’s thoughts are." Mr. Wu said and looked at Zhang Qun.

Chang Kaishen’s way of doing things is really unbelievable. The reason why he has no big ideas here is The reason for the friction is that his power is always being blamed, and he really does not have the ability and capital to cause friction with the Communist Party.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, the Chairman will definitely maintain the unity of the Allies and fight the Japanese Japs to the end." Zhang Qun responded to Mr. Wu

"Then, let’s study how we can get terms that are favorable to us," said Mr. Wu

"Okay." Almond and Zhang Qun nodded.

They began to discuss.

Capital, in the Forbidden City

"Hahaha.. Well, good hehehe.. Jing Salamander, you are a great contributor to our old Wang family." Wang Yuzheng hugged Jing Salamander, and he was very proud.

It turns out that Jing Salamander is pregnant with Wang Yu's child again, catching up with Li Longji and Xuan Ye's plan Another small step forward

"Your Highness, is this really okay for us? If Taishi"

"shut up! I am the head of the family!"

Jing Salamander said, but was immediately interrupted by Wang Yu

"Yes, you are the head of the household"Jing Shaozi had no choice but to agree with Wang Yu

"I have already told Luna, she doesn't care; if this tigress had woken up earlier, she wouldn't have had so many troubles in these years." Wang Yu also scolded Luna from afar.

"oh? Yeah?"However, a very unkind female voice appeared in the palace

"moon.. Luna.. how.. Hey, Moon God, you have to listen to me and explain this to you slowly."Wang Yu jumped out of bed and explained to the Moon God with a playful smile.

Luna suddenly wanted to see her son and her husband by the way, so she activated the teleportation technique and came to the Republic of China. Unexpectedly, she saw this"warm" scene and heard Wang Yu say bad things about him behind his back.

In the Great Zhou Empire, the Moon Goddess and Concubine Yan took turns or were in power together, which greatly reduced the pressure on the Moon Goddess. However, she was a ten thousand-year-old housewife who was unwilling to move, so she never came to the Republic of China.

""Grandmaster" was startled and the salamander quickly got out of bed and bowed to salute.

"You are pregnant with a child, so there is no need to be polite." Moon Goddess said to Frightened Salamander in a soft tone.

"Yes, thank you so much, Grand Master." Jing Salamander thanked him and then stepped aside.

"What did you just say about me?"Moon God frowned and asked Wang Yu in a cold tone.

"Moon God, I said you are a gentle and virtuous wife who is hard to find in all eternity. It is my blessing to meet you." Wang Yu said and even wanted to grab Moon God's hand.

""Go" Moon God hit Wang Yu

"No, I just heard that it was a tiger." Moon God said angrily.

"It's an illusion, it's definitely an illusion." Wang Yu categorically refused to admit what he just said.

"Moon God, why don't you stay a little longer this time? I'll call all my sons to pay your respects." Wang Yu changed the subject.

"No need, I came here to see Xiu'er," said the Moon God

""Okay, let's go to the outer hall, and I'll ask someone to call you," Wang Yu said.

The Moon God and Wang Yu went to the front hall.

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