"We will send the detainees here and release them under the supervision of all parties. I don’t know what you think," Qi Meng continued.

"Okay, we agree. I don’t know what the Gong Communist Party and Country M mean."Zhang Qun agreed and then asked the two representatives.

Mr. Wu and Almond also agreed. In fact, it does not matter where the detainees are released to the Gong Communist Party and the M people. Currently, none of their senior officials have been captured by the Kyushu Army.

"Okay, now that this matter has been settled, what is the scope of the truce you have drawn?"Mr. Wu asked

"There was a total ceasefire throughout the Republic of China; oh, sorry, because the National Government is no longer the legal government, I really can’t find an accurate name, so I still call this country the Republic of China for the time being, please understand." Qi Meng also damaged a Jiang and Zhang Qun who were far away in Taipei were very embarrassed after hearing this.

"The Republic of China is the legal government and has a legal seat in the newly established United Nations." Almond forcibly defended the Kuomintang.

The United Nations here was established in New York, Country M, in June 1947 after the end of the Pacific War.

Country M, Country Goose, Britain, Gaul, and the Republic of China are the original five member states, and other member states are currently joining the United Nations family.

However, the Japanese Empire and the Great Zhou Empire have been declared as axis of evil countries by the first United Nations General Assembly.

The Truman administration of Country M is also actively planning to organize the United Nations troops to join the war in the East. However, Britain and Gaul currently seem to be low-spirited and have not actively responded to Country M’s call.

As for other countries, they were only decent enough more than two years ago. Germany, which withdrew from the war, has relatively strong combat effectiveness, but it has made it clear that it does not want to be involved in the war again.

"The Republic of China has been destroyed, this is an indisputable fact." Qi Meng responded to Almond

"Director Qi, Mr. Chiang is still in Taiwan. Taiwan is also the land of the Republic of China. Our army has also entered Xiamen. How can we say it has been destroyed?" Zhang Qun asked

"The Kuomintang is an illegal organization, and Mr. Chiang and his army have fallen into a corner and become bandits. Isn't this a sign of destruction?" Qi Meng responded

"Director Qi, that’s too much to say," Zhang Qun shot back.

"Okay, okay, our purpose is to seek peace, not to argue about other things," said Mr. Wu

"If the name is not right, I’m afraid the words will not be right," Zhang Qun said.

"If you want to be justified, Mr. Chiang and his bandit army must immediately lay down their weapons and surrender to the regent, and then the regent will appoint Mr. Chiang as the consul of the Republic of China. Only in this way can it be justified," Qi Meng said

"you"Zhang Qun is angry

"Since you want a ceasefire, why do you send killers to hunt down important officials from various countries?" Mr. Wu asked Qi Meng

"I'm a diplomat and I don't know much about this matter. Please forgive me for having no comment," Qi Meng said.

At this time, an M country officer entered the venue and whispered a few words in Almond's ear and handed him a telegram. The person's face changed after hearing this

"Then I suggest a temporary adjournment. This atmosphere makes it impossible to continue negotiations." Almond asked for an adjournment.

""Okay." Qi Meng immediately agreed.

So the two sides decided to adjourn the meeting for one day before starting negotiations.

"Not settled?"After returning, Yan Lingji asked Qi Meng

"The M people want to rest for a day and start negotiations the day after tomorrow," Qi Meng said

"There are so many things going on with these yellow-haired ghosts," Yan Lingji said.

On the other side, the representatives of the Allied Forces were also discussing how to continue the negotiations. The talks almost collapsed as soon as they opened today. It seems that this situation must be avoided.

"Gentlemen, just now, I received the unfortunate news that the Ambassador of the Republic of China to M, Mr. Hu Shizhi, was assassinated in Washington," Almond said to Zhang Qun

"What? Dr. Hu.. Assassinated?"Zhang Qun was shocked after hearing this.

"Yes, I just received the news." As he said that, Almond handed the telegram to Zhang Qun.

After reading the telegram, Zhang Qun slumped down on the sofa. After hearing what Almond said, Mr. Wu was also very angry about this kind of thing.

Since Wang Yu can send people to hunt down Dr. Hu who is far away in country M, he can also hunt down important people from all walks of life in the Republic of China. Mr. Wu decided to inform his headquarters of the assassination of Dr. Hu to let everyone be more vigilant.

Mr. Wu The approach is understandable and necessary, but it is basically useless. The killers of Jixiantang are not agents who perform assassination missions as people think. The killers of Jixiantang do not need to disguise themselves before hunting the target. They only need to know The specific location of the other party is enough. These killers have the ability to disappear in place and teleport very easily to kill the target in public.

After a day's adjournment, on June 12, the two sides continued negotiations.

"During the armistice, we will not launch any offensive military operations, and the troops stationed in various places will only conduct defense," Qi Meng said

"Since it is an armistice, we hope you can return some occupied cities of the Republic of China," Almond said

"Isn't it good to maintain the truce on the current front?" Qi Meng asked rhetorically

"You have invaded a large area of ​​our country and displaced many people. You should return our territory," Zhang Qun said.

"In this case, our army can vacate the entire Fujian Province, but the local people don't seem to welcome you," Qi Meng said.

Wang Yu had already given the order to withdraw from Fujian, but because a large number of people in Fujian could not bear it, the U.S. and Chiang Kai-shek After being harassed by the coalition forces, they gathered near the Jiuzhou Army's garrison to seek shelter. This was why the order to withdraw from Fujian was not carried out. Later, three more divisions of the Jiuzhou Army entered Fujian to help shelter the people.

"You are using strong words to make excuses," Zhang Qun said.

"You have harassed the local people in Fujian and committed various crimes. If it is made public, I am afraid it will be very detrimental to Mr. Jiang." As he said that, Qi Meng stretched out his hand to the side. The translator of the Jiuzhou Army understood and took out a few files from the folder. Pass the photo to Qimeng

"Take a look for yourselves, the people and things here," Qi Meng said, throwing the high-definition color photo on the negotiation table. When the

Allied representative took the photo and looked at it, his expression suddenly became rich.

Mr. Wu frowned and looked at it. Zhang Qun and Almond, he knew that the Kuomintang’s nature was hard to change.

Zhang Qun and Almond were very embarrassed.

In the photo, there happened to be a few national soldiers robbing ordinary people’s things, and there were soldiers from M country assaulting women in the street.

"This is slander! It's fake! Our military of country M is highly disciplined and would never do such a thing." Almond immediately denied the content of the photo.

"I have some other evidence here. You can take it back and take a look after the negotiation is over." After saying that, Qi Meng asked the translator to take out an oblate metal box from a school bag.

This metal box was used for Putting the film film, it is obvious that the evidence Qi Meng presented is a long-term film film, and the content is evidence of the crime of M country soldiers assaulting local women in Quanzhou.

This video was shot using color film, which was very expensive at the time. After the filming was completed, it was High-definition restoration, image quality comparable to 4K

"Look, I still have a lot of these dirty things here." Qi Meng patted the film box. The translator behind her took out several more boxes of film from her schoolbag and placed them on the table.

This time Almond began He broke out in a cold sweat. He knew that soldiers of Country M had repeatedly violated local women. Not to mention other troops, the 10th Army where he was the chief of staff had no fewer than hundreds of such incidents. There was even a

Constitution of Country M.Also joining in this kind of"activity" shows that the military discipline of country M is just that.

So has the Kyushu Army never had this kind of thing after so many years of fighting? To be honest, it really hasn't happened.

Wang Yu did not prohibit soldiers from having male-female relationships with local women in the Republic of China. After formulating the strategy of"drawing money from the bottom of the cauldron", he also encouraged soldiers to have male-female relationships with young women in the Republic of China.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, both parties, especially the woman, must be voluntary and cannot be coerced or induced. If it is just to meet physiological needs, then money must be paid after the matter is completed. If a serious relationship ends up breaking up, the man will have to give the woman a considerable amount of compensation, usually no less than fifty dollars. The money was paid half by the army and half by the soldiers.

Wang Yu did not care for women, it was just to establish the image of the army in the Republic of China.

If there is an act of forcibly assaulting a woman, as long as it is proven true, even an officer with the rank of general will be removed from his post, arrested and sentenced to death.

"General Almond, the army of Country M claims to be a civilized army, and Country M also claims to be the beacon of the world, but your soldiers ignore the law and moral principles and do such unethical things in a foreign country; please forgive me, this is A trampling and insult to civilization!"Qi Meng rebuked Almond loudly.

It was as if Almond and his M country army were evil invaders.

At this time, Almond was sweating under the evidence on the table and Qi Meng's scolding. The M country officer quickly took out a handkerchief and handed it to him to wipe it with.

So far, the nature of the negotiation seemed to have changed from an armistice to a conference to denounce the various illegal acts of the US-Chiang coalition forces in Fujian.

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