"Commander, look, they have withdrawn." A company commander with sharp eyes saw the Kyushu soldiers retreating like a tide, and shouted loudly

"Hurry, hurry up and break out." Li Yunlong heard the shout and came back to take a look, but he did not dare to defend any longer, so he ordered to speed up the breakout.

At this time, the Japanese Yamazaki Brigade in the innermost circle also received a telegram from Zhang Bo, the commander of the 216th Division, asking them to immediately Withdrew from the original position, joined the 647th Regiment, and then attacked the New Third Regiment of the 386th Brigade, which was still trapped in the encirclement.

As the New Regiment broke through and withdrew, the First Battalion of the 648th Regiment followed in pursuit. The battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Ma Wenwen, led his troops throughout Maintain a certain distance and pursue.

Ma Wenwen's plaster-like pursuit method made Li Yunlong very uncomfortable. Hundreds of the remaining members of the New Regiment also suffered heavy losses again in this repeated tug of war.

As the 1st Battalion of the 648th Regiment received the regiment headquarters After ordering the retreat, there were only more than 30 soldiers left in the remnants of Li Yunlong's New Regiment. The New Regiment was almost wiped out in this battle. Among the cadres below the regiment leader Li Yunlong, only the first battalion commander Zhang Dabiao and five squad leaders survived. Battalion Commander Shen Quan died in the shelling at the beginning of the battle. The third battalion commander and the company commanders and platoon commanders all died in the subsequent battle. This battle was too tragic for the New Regiment. The work of rebuilding the New Regiment It was destined to be difficult and long.

During the battle to siege the New Third Regiment, the Kyushu soldiers began to pull their hips as usual.

However, the Yamazaki Brigade fought very vigorously. They vented all their anger on the New Third Regiment, and those few The rotating machine gun fired at the position of the New Third Regiment.

This caused huge casualties to the soldiers of the New Third Regiment. The regiment leader Liu Zuo had never seen a machine gun that made such a sound. The sound was like tearing cloth. As long as his soldiers were hit by this machine gun, they would be completely naked and no longer human.

Although the New Third Regiment resisted bravely, they were trapped in a tight siege and gradually became exhausted in the face of enemies that were ten times their size.

As the New Third Regiment The regiment's ammunition was exhausted, and the last moment finally came.

That night, the New Third Regiment's position was occupied. Only the regiment commander Liu Zuo and six soldiers successfully broke through, and the entire New Third Regiment was wiped out.

In the peripheral battle, the 386 Brigade's 771 Regiment and 772 Regiment Although the remaining troops and the New Second Regiment struggled to attack the encirclement, they suffered heavy casualties due to the enemy's fierce artillery fire and dense rain of bullets, and were unable to tear the encirclement apart.

"Brigadier, the enemy has increased its troops again." The chief of staff reported the latest enemy situation to Brigadier Chen.

"What?!"Brigadier Chen was very surprised.

"Brigadier, now we all understand that the enemy in front of us is not all the enemy's troops," said the Chief of Staff.

"How many enemies are there! We have been fighting for several days and we still don’t know the number of enemies. It’s really ridiculous! Brigadier Chen said

"Brigadier, our soldiers took the risk to conduct close inspection and found that the dirt road from the ravine to the outside of Lijiapo was full of enemies. There were so many enemies that you can't even see them at a glance. We also found that the enemy's heavy artillery was no less than a hundred, and there were an unknown number of them. tanks," said the Chief of Staff

"How come so many enemies suddenly appeared!"Brigade Commander Chen's eyes widened and he quickly looked at the map.

This is an incredible sight. This guy is going to eat up all the 386 brigade. This is not possible. We have to find a way quickly.

Because of Liu Zuo and Liu Zuo in the encirclement, Contact with the remnants of Li Yunlong was cut off. Brigadier Chen looked at the sky and saw that it was already approaching evening. He only waited for it to get dark and sent someone to sneak in to check the situation.

"Brigadier, I am sure that this time the Yamazaki Brigade went deep into the hinterland of our base area as a huge conspiracy. The purpose was to lure my main force to besiege the Yamazaki Brigade in Lijiapo, so that they could mobilize heavy troops on the outside and annihilate me in one fell swoop!"The chief of staff said eagerly

"We have to find a way to contact Li Yunlong and Liu Zuo," said Brigadier Chen

"Brigadier, there is something I don’t know whether I should say," said the Chief of Staff.

"explain! Brigadier Chen said

"Let me see, Li Yunlong and Liu Zuo.. It’s over," said the chief of staff.

"I won't let you talk nonsense!"Brigadier Chen cannot accept this statement.

"Brigadier, I don’t want to do this either, but listen to the sounds outside. The shells of these heavy artillery hit the position, and even our anti-gun holes were uprooted. How could comrades attack the heavy artillery without cover? Survived the bombing! said the chief of staff.

"I do not believe! Li Yunlong and Liu Zuo have great fortunes! They can't die! Brigadier Chen said

"brigadier! The 772nd Regiment was counterattacked by a large number of enemies and could no longer withstand it." Suddenly, someone reported to Brigadier Chen

"Order them to hold on until dark. After dark, each unit will take turns to cover the retreat," Brigadier Chen ordered.

In the evening, the 772 Regiment was forced to switch from offensive to defensive.

At this time, the 772 Regiment had suffered more than 2,300 casualties, and there were still more than 2,300 casualties left in the 772 Regiment. Less than 400 people

"brigadier! Leave some seeds for our group!"Captain Cheng contacted Brigadier Chen and asked to retreat.

"Hold on until dark, I ask you to withdraw first, but not now! Brigadier Chen said decisively.

"Brigadier, there are only more than 300 people left in the 772nd Regiment. If we continue to fight like this, this glorious unit will be gone!"Captain Cheng said sadly.

"Excuting an order!" Brigadier Chen said with pain. Because he knew that if they retreat now, the enemy will definitely bite them and pursue them fiercely.

But night is the home ground of the Eighth Route Army, and the ability to move troops under the cover of night has been practiced since the Red Army period. A good show.

Helpless, Commander Cheng could only carry out defensive operations with the remaining 300 troops. However, after he put down the phone, the Kyushu soldiers never attacked him again.

From Commander Cheng to Ordinary soldiers, they are all praying that night will fall soon. They have never experienced a battle of this intensity before. Now that they cannot fight positional warfare and cannot swim in guerrilla warfare, do they still have to wait here to die? If the

772nd Regiment does this If this glorious unit is really wiped out, then this will be a huge and irreparable loss to the 386th Brigade and 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army and even the entire headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in North Shanxi. It will also be a huge blow to Northwestern Shanxi. The morale of the Communist Party's anti-war forces.

After dark, Brigadier Chen ordered the troops to retreat and sent capable investigators to sneak into the encirclement to check the situation, only to find that it was full of enemies and no trace of Li Yunlong and Liu Zuo could be found.

But at this time, The flares all over the sky emitted dazzling white light, illuminating Lijiapo and nearby areas like daylight. The retreating Eighth Route Army troops had nowhere to hide, and they were determined to fight to the death.

"Da da da.. Da da da.. Da da da"Kyushu soldiers' automatic rifles and machine guns began firing. But the direction was not towards Brigadier Chen.

It turned out that the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in the North of Shanxi sent an independent regiment that did not participate in the early battles to come for reinforcements. The leader of this regiment was Kong Jie, who also belonged to the 386th brigade combat order, but had always been tasked with protecting the headquarters.

Kong Jie led his troops to raid the 647th Regiment of the 216th Division at night, causing a brief chaos in the 647th Regiment.

After receiving the report, the commander of the 216th Division Zhang Bo ordered each regiment to take turns to cover and slowly break away from the battle and evacuate Lijiapo, while discarding some heavy equipment.

At dawn, the gunfire stopped completely. This also means that the"Battle of Lijiapo" has come to an end.

"Commander, look, what is this?" A soldier from the independent regiment discovered a 105mm howitzer and several large trucks while cleaning the battlefield.

"This is a heavy artillery. It is this guy who blew up our troops so badly." Kong Jie came over and pointed at it and said.

Then he touched the barrel and his eyes widened. He had never seen such a heavy artillery before.

"Commander, the car is full of cannons!"Several soldiers who climbed onto the truck lifted the canvas to take a look, and then shouted loudly

"Zhou Guizi is so damn rich, he just doesn’t want a few carts of artillery shells." Kong Jie scratched the edge of the cart and poked his head up, just in time to see a soldier take out a 105mm howitzer shell from the box, and said

"Leader! There are some heavy cannons over there!"Another soldier came to report.

Kong Jie walked over and took a look, and almost blinded his eyes. He only saw three intact 105mm howitzers quietly placed on the position, with piles of shell casings surrounding them. As well as some unused artillery shells, there are also more than a dozen trucks parked near the position.

There is no doubt that, at least for now, Kong Jie has recorded these heavy artillery pieces in the accounts of the independent regiment. Of course, these four heavy artillery pieces together with the artillery shells and trucks were eventually seized by the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army of the Northwestern Shanxi Province.

But considering the tragedy of other troops in the 386th Brigade, the price paid for these seizures was very heavy.

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