In mid-to-late May 1939, in the northern Shanxi base area, Lijiapo.

Li Yunlong's new regiment attacks the starting position

"Zhang Dabiao! Let people go and see who is setting off the cannons," Li Yunlong shouted.

"Commander, don’t look at it, it’s definitely not one of our own, this cannon is too powerful, it’s either Japanese or Zhou devils," Zhang Dabiao said

"Hehe, if it were really the Zhou Jaaps, I would have wanted to compete with them a long time ago to see if they are as powerful as the legendary ones." Li Yunlong was very optimistic.

"Commander, I think it’s better to be careful," Zhang Dabiao said.

"I said to Zhang Dabiao, do you want to run away from the battle? You said this?" Li Yunlong said

"Commander, you know me. I never lag behind during the war."

"Okay, okay, I know, I just said it casually, do you have any other meaning?"

Zhang Dabiao was about to explain, but Li Yunlong immediately answered.

"Okay, get ready to fight! Li Yunlong said again

"yes!"Zhang Dabiao saluted, and then went to greet the soldiers.

When they were suddenly shelled, the soldiers of the new regiment took cover one after another, planning to wait for the shelling to pass before launching the advance operation.

But Li Yunlong did not expect, and what Brigadier Chen did not expect was that not only did the shelling not ended, but became more violent.

Just outside the first battalion of the 648th Regiment, the main force of the 216th Division had already deployed, and the artillery regiment began to set up positions and conduct test firing calibrations. After the calibration was completed, the artillery regiments of the 216th Division and a temporarily attached artillery regiment The 105mm howitzers and cannons started firing.

In this military operation, in addition to the 216th Division's headquarters artillery regiment, only one of the other two artillery regiments temporarily assigned to the division followed to the vicinity of Lijiapo, and the other stayed in Taiyuan City.

But The two artillery regiments he brought were enough to blow Lijiapo into ashes.

As the 105 howitzer cannon began to fire mountain-drilling shells, the traffic trenches of Li Yunlong's new regiment were uprooted. Many soldiers in the trench anti-artillery holes were unable to fight with the enemy. He died heroically during the battle.

On the Yamazaki Battalion position.

Seeing the destruction of the Eighth Route Army trenches more than a hundred meters away, and the Eighth Route Army soldiers being blown away from time to time, the Yamazaki Japs and their subordinates cheered. The Yamasaki Japs knew that he was Will not be abandoned, look at the reinforcements, aren't they coming? Under such a fierce bombardment, the Yamazaki Japs did not believe that the Eighth Route Army could still attack him.

Brigadier Chen looked at the thick smoke billowing in the distance with his binoculars, and listened to the earth-shattering roar. The sound of the explosion made his heart bleed. Although the New Regiment was a newly-built unit after the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, in the end it was the armed forces of the Eighth Route Army. They were all his own soldiers. Now that they were hit by enemy artillery fire, how could Brigadier Chen not Heartbroken, he ordered the new regiment to find a way to evacuate.

Brigadier Chen was the first graduate of Huangpu. He knew that the troops would suffer heavy casualties under such fierce bombardment, so he could only pray that the soldiers could evacuate. One after another. At this moment, the New Third Regiment, which was responsible for the rear of Li Yunlong's New Regiment, was violently attacked by the First Battalion of the 648th Regiment. The New Third Regiment had not been established for a long time, and most of the soldiers in the regiment were participating for the first time. In the battle, they were very lacking in both experience and combat skills. Although their courage was commendable, they still suffered heavy casualties and their positions were continuously breached.

Liu Zuo, the leader of the New Third Regiment, did not dare to evacuate without permission, so he had to bite the bullet and withstand it.

But The purpose of the First Battalion of the 648th Regiment was to force Liu Zuo's New Third Regiment into the shelling area.

At this time, Brigadier Chen immediately sent a letter to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in the Northwestern Shanxi Province, requesting the troops to withdraw from the battle immediately, otherwise the 386th Brigade would have to report to the Here we are.

The headquarters agreed to Brigadier Chen's request. After receiving the order, the troops began to look for opportunities to evacuate.

However, the New Third Regiment and the New First Regiment were suppressed by artillery fire and could not evacuate.

Two hours later, the shelling stopped, and the two regiments The remnants have been surrounded by more than 7,000 people from the 647th Regiment of the 216th Division, plus 1,600 people from the 1st Battalion of the 648th Regiment and more than 300 people from the Japanese Yamazaki Brigade inside. The number of troops surrounding the New 1st Regiment and the New 3rd Regiment is as high as nearly 9,000 After withdrawing , Brigadier

Chen learned that the two regiments were surrounded by heavy enemy formations, and immediately ordered the remnants of the 771st, New 2nd and 772nd regiments to attack from the outside in order to open a gap for the New 1st and New 3rd regiments to relieve the siege.

But the two and a half regiments combined have only more than 4,000 people, and they have no heavy weapons. The heaviest weapons are a Type 92 infantry gun captured from the Japanese and three 60 mortars, and then there are light and heavy machine guns. It is too difficult to open a gap to cooperate with the remnants of Li Yunlong and Liu Zuo to break out.

Don't forget that the 216th Division also has three battalions of the 649th Regiment and the 648th Regiment, with a total of 10,000 and several thousand people who have not been involved in the battle. In addition, the 216th Division also brought four"Mo" tanks this time plus the division's artillery regiment. Large-caliber self-propelled artillery, this is no joke.

On the position of the new regiment of the Eighth Route Army

"Zhang Dabiao, how many people do we have left?" Li Yunlong asked, looking at the densely packed Kyushu soldiers on the opposite side with no end in sight.

"There are less than five hundred people left," Zhang Dabiao said.

"Look at how many people are there on the other side?" Li Yunlong asked

"Commander, if you can’t see the head at a glance, there must be thousands of people." Marshal Zhang curled his lips and said.

"Commander, there are still hundreds of Japanese Japs behind us and thousands of Japanese Japs in front of us. I don’t think we can defend here, so we might as well break out over there." Zhang Dabiao pointed in one direction.

"You guys are just talking nonsense here, what is that place over there? If the Japanese bite us and go there, we will be in trouble," Li Yunlong said. The direction Zhang Dabiao pointed to is where the arsenal, the clothing factory, and some headquarters logistics agencies are located.

"Da da da.. Da da da"

"Snap.."Pa" suddenly there was a loud sound of gunfire, and the two battalions of the 647th Regiment in front began to attack the new regiment position under the cover of half-track artillery vehicles. The

Kyushu Army's attack method was a cluster attack of the entire battalion or even the entire regiment.

"Give me a fight!"Li Yunlong ordered shooting

"Da da da.. Dang, Dang, Dang!"The machine gun bullets of the Eighth Route Army hit the half-track artillery vehicle and bounced off the armor plate.

"Battalion Commander, I'm going to blow up that bastard!"A soldier shouted, grabbed the explosive bag and rushed out of the trench.

"Little tiger! Come back!"Zhang Dabiao wanted to catch him, but was a step too late.

"I'll fight with you!"Little Huzi was about to rush to the half-track gun truck with the explosive pack in his arms.

A series of bullets hit Xiao Huzi. He fell to the ground, but he still used his last strength to crawl forward to the bottom of the half-track gun truck and detonate. The explosive package was found.

But a jaw-dropping scene happened. The explosive package exploded, but the half-track gun truck only shook for a moment, and then continued to advance.

This scene made Li Yunlong and Zhang Dabiao stare at the boss in the position. They were fighting with The Japanese had blown up armored vehicles during battles. This method of stuffing explosives under the vehicle could blow up Japanese armored vehicles and even tanks, but it didn't work here, and a good soldier of the Eighth Route Army was sacrificed in vain.

It turns out that in order to prevent similar attacks, the armored vehicles of various corps of the Kyushu Army are coated with a special coating on the bottom of the vehicle body. This coating can disperse and absorb most of the explosive power of explosive packages, cluster grenades and even light anti-tank mines, thus protecting the vehicle. Vehicles are not destroyed

"Da da da.. Da da da"Gunfire rang out.

Fierce fighting is still going on.

Played for a while."Captain, the soldiers are out of bullets, hurry up and break out," Zhang Dabiao said to Li Yunlong.

"Breakout!"Li Yunlong couldn't control that much anymore, and immediately led his men to break out.

But at this time, the Kyushu soldiers stopped attacking and retreated.

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