Li Xiaoman rested for a while and was about to stand up and continue walking.

""Hiss, it hurts, this little aunt is going to kill me." Li Xiaoman, who was about to stand up and continue walking, couldn't bear the pain.

"Madam, why don't we go back?" the female officer asked tentatively.

"It's time now, it doesn't matter whether I go back or not; forget it, I'll just risk my life to play with her," Li Xiaoman said.

Everyone supported her and continued walking.

In the afternoon, Wang Qian went back home, and Li Xiaoman sighed with emotion I was finally able to go back alive. My legs were completely disabled and I had to rest for a few days.

In the evening, a grand banquet was held in the hall of the Anton Palace of the

Imperial Guard in Old Summer Palace. Participants included senior officials of the Imperial Palace, Diplomats, commanders of various regiments of the North China Kyushu Army, and military commanders and division commanders in the capital. On the

Japanese side, there were senior officers of the North China Expeditionary Army, Japanese foreign attachés, and some big traitors who surrendered to the Japanese.

Wang Beixuan was not happy to fight with these Japanese. The traitor changed the cup and said he was sick and did not attend. Ji Yizhen also did not attend the banquet, the reason was to take care of her husband.

The brothers Wang Tongxin and Wang Guichen also made excuses for not attending the banquet.

Li Xiaoman did not attend the banquet. It has been mentioned in the previous chapter, so I won’t go into details here.

In the bedroom, Li Xiaoman took off his high heels and found that the soles of his"long johns" had been completely worn and stained with blood. It was obvious that there were blood blisters on the soles of his feet.

After taking off his"autumn trousers", the maids quickly cleaned and applied medicine to Li Xiaoman. After walking to the Old Summer Palace for a long time, Li Xiaoman almost fell apart.

Wang Qian, on the other hand, was not tired at all. After coming back, he sat for a while and took a shower. , then put on makeup again and changed into slightly more formal clothes, and went to the banquet with his parents.

Wang Yu wore a black royal robe, but did not wear a Jiuyi crown, only a simple golden hair crown.

Da Siming She was dressed more fashionably, wearing a long-sleeved black tight-fitting slit dress, red ten-centimeter strappy heels, her hair slightly tied up, a women's black shawl with a golden fire phoenix pattern, and a phoenix brooch on her left chest. Showing her status as a royal aristocrat.

It is worth noting that Song Jinling was also brought to the banquet today, but she had been sitting on a chair by the wall drinking. The banquet began and all the guests arrived one after another.

"His Royal Highness the Regent and the Royal Concubine of the Great Zhou Empire have arrived." A female official from the Protectorate Palace came to the banquet and shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the door to the side of the palace opened, and two maids inside the door bent down and lowered their heads.

Da Siming held his arm. Wang Yu walked out of the door with his right arm.

The female official who had just shouted stepped aside and bowed to the couple.

The guests bowed and saluted one after another. Some Japanese even bowed to ninety degrees, which was so respectful.

The traitors, big and small, almost knelt down. It's down, it's really ugly

"Okay, everyone is exempt from the courtesy." Wang Yu came to the middle, stretched out his left hand and raised it

"Your Highness the Regent, please excuse me." Qi Meng, as the Director of Foreign Affairs, conveyed Wang Yu's words

"Don't be formal, everyone, please be casual." This was what Da Siming said.

Then Qi Meng conveyed it again

"Father, my son would like to introduce to you, this is General Sugiyama Gen, the commander of the Japanese North China Expeditionary Force, this is General Okamura Neiji, the deputy commander and chief of staff, this is Mr. Jiang Chaozong, the president of the North China Maintenance Council, and this is"Wang Qi introduced to his father the Japanese and traitors attending the meeting.

After a brief introduction, Wang Yu returned to Sugiyama Yuan to talk to him.

"Your Highness the Regent, I feel very honored to be able to attend the banquet hosted by you." Sugiyama Genhan bowed and said to Wang Yu

"Hahaha.. I heard from Inuko that General Sugiyama is the leader of your country’s army and he will soon return to take office."

""Father, he is the Minister of Military Order."

Wang Yu said and forgot the words, and Wang Qi reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh, he is the Minister of Military Command, and he will be promoted to Marshal. I would like to congratulate General Sugiyama." Wang Yu said while holding up the wine cup.

"Thank you very much, His Highness the Regent." Sugiyama Yuan raised a glass goblet and expressed his thanks.

"I wish the general all the best," Wang Yu said again. After saying this, he drank the wine in one gulp.

"Hi! Thank you again, His Highness the Regent." After Sugiyama Yuan responded, he also drank all the wine in his wine glass.

At this banquet, the guests used glass goblets, and Wang Yu's family used bronze wine glasses.

"On behalf of our army, I would like to thank His Highness for your assistance to us." Sugiyama Gen brought another glass of wine to toast Wang Yu.

But after the Battle of Jinling last year, Nakajima Jingao brought back 60 million gold US dollars, and the Japanese Army was violent overnight. Now that you are rich, you can ask Sugiyama Yuan to kneel down and give Wang Yu a kiss.

"Hahaha, why do you need to say thank you? I think your country's funds are not sufficient, so this little money can be used to add some nutrition to your soldiers." Wang Yu smiled and waved his hand. It's only 60 million U.S. dollars in gold bars, does it count? ? The Japanese are really poor and short-minded. How dare they start a war with this situation? What kind of co-prosperity circle are they planning to create? Oh, it’s so ridiculous.

Anyway, Wang Yu thinks the other party is ridiculous.

"No matter what, your help will be unforgettable for us," said Sugiyama Gen.

"Okay, then just remember it," Wang Yu joked.

"Your Highness the Regent, it has been almost two years since I left Tokyo. I wonder if Your Highness still remembers me?" A woman dressed in enchanting but ordinary looks came over and said to Wang Yu very casually.

"idiot! How can you talk to the regent with such an attitude?" Sugiyama Gen immediately scolded him.

"Hi! I'm very sorry." The woman immediately corrected her attitude

"It doesn't matter, this lady looks familiar to me, I seem to have seen it somewhere," Wang Yu said

"I had the honor to meet the regent at the wedding of His Royal Highness Pujie of Manchuria," the woman said

"Oh, I remembered, you are Kawashima.. Miss Kawashima?"Wang Yu had recognized her a long time ago, but he just pretended not to remember.

"I feel very honored that the regent still remembers me despite his busy schedule," Kawashima Yoshiko replied

"Haha, because you are a woman, I can still remember it." Wang Yu leaned over and whispered in Kawashima Yoshiko's ear.

"Ah, this man's scent.."So special." The faint fragrance on Wang Yu's body made Kawashima Yoshiko a little confused. She couldn't wait to capture Wang Yu immediately.

As a strictly trained spy, Kawashima Yoshiko is good at taking advantage of men, but if she wants to take advantage of Wang Yu, She had to think about whether she had the ability to survive Wang Yu's place.

"Isn’t Miss Kawashima in Japan? Why did you come to North China?" Wang Yu distanced himself and asked

"I was appointed by the Military Ministry to perform official duties in North China," Kawashima Yoshiko said.

"Haha, since it's official business, I won't ask anything about it. I hope Miss Kawashima's official business can go smoothly." Wang Yu said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Yoshiko Kawashima expressed her gratitude.

"Well, I have to go meet the generals of our country, excuse me." Wang Yu said and left.

"Your Highness, please excuse me." Sugiyama Yuan responded politely.

He took a seat by the wall.

Song Jinling was drinking red wine here alone.

""Mrs. Song" Chi Lian sat next to her and greeted her.

"What are you going to do with me?" Song Genling asked. She has been under residential surveillance for several months and is going crazy.

"I'm waiting for orders from him," Chi Lian said, looking at Wang Yu who was walking this way.

Seeing Wang Yu approaching,"Prince Regent" Chi Lian stood up and greeted him.

""Sit down," Wang Yu motioned.

"This is Mrs. Jiang, right?" Wang Yu sat on the other side of Song Genling and said

"You are the regent." Song Jinling had close contact with Wang Yu for the first time

"Have you seen my portrait in the newspaper?" Wang Yu said

"Yes, you look like a zombie crawling out of the grave." Song Gengling also mocked

"My country is a country that pays attention to tradition. You can't understand this little ink in your belly." Wang Yu shot back, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"It's just that Mr. Jiang is so vulnerable, which makes me very disappointed. I thought this country's army was tough and tenacious, but unfortunately I was wrong. I overestimated your strength." Wang Yu then said

"I"Song Gengling's anger

"What is your purpose?" Then Song Genling asked again

"I was waiting for Country M to join the war, but unfortunately, the people of Country M are as timid as rats, and I overestimated their courage," Wang Yu joked.

In reality, Country M did not join the war until the end of 1941, but I don't know if it can be done here. Instigate country M to join the war early

"Are you so confident that you can defeat Country M?"Song Genling asked

"Country M may not be the final winner," Wang Yu said.

"You are very conceited," Song Genling said

"I heard the president say that you trust country M very much, and your trust in country M even exceeds your trust in yourself," Wang Yu said again

"That is the beacon of the world, the existence that people look up to," said Song Genling

"But this lighthouse seems to be unstable, and it’s probably not a good thing to turn off the light at every turn," Wang Yu joked.

Song Genling did not respond to Wang Yu.

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