Old Summer Palace, outside a landscape

"Second sister-in-law, hurry up, hurry up." Seeing Li Xiaoman staggering, Wang Qian ran back and took her arm.

"Little sister, my second sister-in-law is getting older and is no better than you. She can’t walk anymore. Why don’t you let the soldiers protect you for a while and then we can go back soon. Your parents and your second brother will have to worry if you are out for a long time." Li Xiaoman coaxes Wang Qian

"snort! Second sister-in-law is lying, you are so young, how can you not be able to walk? Hurry up!"Wang Qian didn't agree.

""Little sister, please spare me, I really can't walk anymore, my legs and feet are about to be broken," Li Xiaoman said out of breath.

""Okay, I'll go and take a look at it myself. You hurry up and follow me." Wang Qian let Li Xiaoman go.

Then a large group of Kyushu soldiers followed Wang Qian and continued walking.

On the other side, Chi Lian received the news of Wang Yu's arrival and started from The Forbidden City came to meet them.

As a result, Wang Yu and Da Siming hadn't gotten up yet, which made Sister Lian very dissatisfied.

"Hurry up and call them out," Chi Lian said to Wang Qi.

"Haha, Aunt, you know my father’s temper. If you shout rashly, I’m afraid"Wang Qi laughed, but he didn’t dare to go

"Then let me go." Chi Lian put down the tea cup, stood up from the sofa and asked someone to take him to the palace where Wang Yu lived.

""Aunt, please be patient. Please wait a moment. Please sit down." Wang Qi was afraid that something might happen, so he led Chi Lian to sit down again.

In the palace, Da Siming was sleeping on his stomach, exposing half of his beautiful back. Wang Yu turned sideways Putting his right hand on Da Siming's back, the two of them slept in darkness without knowing it was already dawn.

After a while, Wang Yu woke up, but he did not wake up Da Siming, and just went to wash and dress himself. He came to the living room. , happened to see Chi Lian sitting there

"Oh, I feel very honored that the president is here, haha," Wang Yu joked

"You are finally willing to get up." Chi Lian also teased

""Haha, if I knew you came to see me this morning, I wouldn't dare to get up so late." Wang Yu smiled and sat down.

The maid came to serve tea at this time.

"I don’t have to." Chi Lian politely declined the maid. She had already drank while waiting for someone.

"You have beaten the Kuomintang so badly that you can declare the end of the war." Wang Yu held the tea cup and said with a smile.

"I'm just executing your order to eliminate the enemy troops in a planned manner," Chi Lian said.

The so-called"enemy troops in preparation" means that the Kuomintang has officially established troops. The Kuomintang army must account for the majority. We will fight in several battles. Come down, the elite troops compiled by Jiang before the war have been destroyed.

As for some famous units we may see later, such as the 71st Army, 74th Army of the Kuomintang, etc., they have gone through at least two reconstructions.

Others participated The local warlord units that fought in previous battles, such as the Guangxi 7th Army and the 48th Army, have also undergone at least two reconstructions.

"Father, are the large-scale enemy corps in Sichuan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi, Guangxi, and Guangxi to be wiped out together?" Wang Qi asked, and handed a folder to his father.

"Well, there is no rush. The enemy troops in these places are too thin. Let's wait until they gain weight." Wang Yu took the folder and said.

More than 400,000 Sichuan troops, 200,000 Yunnan troops, and 100,000 Chen Cheng are in Guangzhou. The newly raised Chiang Clan troops, and the 200,000 Guangxi Clan troops who are being rebuilt and whose number is still increasing. There are currently nearly a million national troops pressing on the southwest border in Hua La Hua La, and they are slowly receiving M aid. If given In a few years, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

In addition, there are more than 100,000 regular troops of the Eighth Route Army in the Taiyue area and various base areas, which are rapidly expanding, and there are nearly 10,000 new troops in southern Anhui.

If these are also included Counting this together, there are still nearly 1.2 million regular soldiers on Rooster Land. As for other irregular anti-war forces such as the Lunan Railway Team and various regional, county, brigade and district squads, they are not included in them for the time being.

There is another special one, The more than 10,000 remnants of the Kuomintang Yan Xishan's Jinsui Army who fled to Linfen are too weak to receive sufficient reinforcements of troops or weapons and equipment. Together with other irregular anti-war forces, they are not counted as regular soldiers.

As the commander-in-chief of the Second War Zone, Yan Laoxi only had 10,000 defeated soldiers under his command at this time, and the World War II zone was already in name only. After seeing the inventory given to him by

Chi Lian and Wang Qi, Wang Yu couldn't help but feel happy.

"Hehe, it’s so exciting. After more than a year of fighting, the enemies are getting more and more. Only such a tough and tenacious country can let me face it. They deserve to be respected." Wang Yu returned the folder to Wang Qi and said

"What the father said is absolutely true." Wang Qi echoed

"I won’t have much to do with military operations, which are left to the president’s full authority," Wang Yu said.

""Yes." Wang Qi and Chi Lian responded together.

"Also, any gang force must be severely cracked down on, and anyone associated with gangs will have their homes confiscated and their families destroyed! This order must be widely publicized," Wang Yu ordered.

""Yes." Chi Lian responded.

This order completely eliminated the possibility of gangs such as the Qinggang and Sihai Hongmenhui resurrecting. Moreover, this order not only punishes gang members, but as long as they are involved, it is basically equivalent to the ancient Yi annihilation of the three tribes. This is It is a very serious punishment.

The sources of gang power are complex, and it is extremely easy for lurking spies to appear. At the beginning, many spies lurked in the Qinggang at the Juntong Shanglan Station, but they were all wiped out by Niujiao's Ninghuhang Police Headquarters. In order to fight against spies, It is imperative to eradicate gang influence

"That's it, I'll go to Zunhua to take a look later," Wang Yu said

""Father, I will arrange the escort." Wang Qi is about to leave.

"I can go alone, no need to make a big fanfare," Wang Yu said

"this"Wang Qi is suspicious

"It's nothing, I just went to pay homage to a few old friends," Wang Yu said with a smile. Wang Qi nodded, but still didn't quite understand.

Wang Yu had breakfast at least, and then used the teleportation technique to arrive at the Qingdong Mausoleum area in Zunhua.

Kangxi Jingling Area

"In broad daylight, the sky is bright, it is a good day to dig graves," Wang Yu said to himself while floating on the top of the Ming Tower.

Then he disappeared.

The purple and gold wheel of reincarnation flashed, and all the treasures buried in the tombs were sucked away , the remains turned into fly ash and disappeared.

Not only the emperor's mausoleum suffered from this disaster, but the concubine's garden and the elder brother's garden were also looted.

However, there was no difference at all from any position on the ground. The mausoleum was intact, but underground The tomb was completely empty.

After the Qianlong Yuling Mausoleum was emptied, Wang Yu also erased all the statues and reliefs on the stone door.

After doing all this, Wang Yu removed some of the Dingdong Tomb of Cixi and Qianlong Yuling. If the building structure is destroyed, these two tombs will naturally collapse in a few decades, and the underground tombs will also be exposed. When the archaeologists come in and take a look, what will their expressions be? They have broken their heads and cannot understand the natural collapse of a tomb. Why are the mausoleums cleaner than their faces? Then there will be various urban legends such as the"Qing Dong Tomb" is a fake tomb, which would not be lively. After a busy morning, Wang Yushan moved back to the Old Summer Palace. At this time Chi Lian has gone back to the Forbidden City. Da Siming has also gotten up early.

In the living room."You are back." Da Siming said when he saw his husband strutting in.

"You're back, why don't you see Qian'er?" Wang Yu sat next to Da Siming and asked

"I heard from my servants that Qianer and Xiaoman went to visit the Old Summer Palace early in the morning," Da Siming said.

"Haha, then forget about them, there are soldiers everywhere in the garden, nothing will happen." Wang Yu said with a smile.

A landscape somewhere in the Old Summer Palace

"Ah, I'm so exhausted." Li Xiaoman sat down on a fairly flat rock. She had decided not to leave.

""Madam, it's too cold here. Madam, please move your body so that the maids can put the cushion on the stone." The female officer was also very tired, but she still gritted her teeth and said.

Li Xiaoman got up with difficulty, and the maid placed the cushion on the stone. On the stone, he sat down and rested again.

At this time, Wang Qian had already disappeared, and he was running around somewhere. The Old Summer Palace was too big.

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