August 4, 1938, after dawn.

There was loud gunfire in Chongqing. This was the battle between the 31st Army of the Southwest Corps and the Chinese army in the city.

A few hours ago, the 379th Regiment of the 126th Division of the 32nd Army captured the Aimei Building and captured all members of the advisory group, including the head of the advisory group, Major General Marshall.

Marshall himself protested, saying that Zhou and the United States were not at war, and the Southwest Corps had no right to restrict the actions of the advisory group. But the only response General Marshall received was the butt of his gun and a bunch of ugly words.

Marshall had no choice but to lead all members of the advisory team to stay in the building and wait for an opportunity to get in touch with the outside world.

Because the temporary residence of the Chairman of the Generalissimo was raided, the news that Jiang escaped in embarrassment and that Song Gengling was captured did not reach Marshall. Moreover, the national army who was still resisting did not know about this incident. This led to violent outbreaks in the city. war.

The Aimei Building and the Chairman's Residence had been occupied, so subsequent shelling avoided these two places.

This indiscriminate shelling, except for the Aimee Building and the Chairman's Residence, plunged Chongqing into a sea of ​​flames.

National Army GarrisonA large number of losses were suffered in the fierce shelling. Among them, more than 8,000 people of the 264th Division of the 79th Army were almost completely lost in the shelling. This was also the only unit in the Chongqing National Army that was almost completely wiped out due to shelling.

The war lasted until the afternoon of August 6, when Chongqing fell.

There were a total of 103,000 people from 15 divisions of the six armies of the National Army defending the city. Except for 28,000 people who were captured or voluntarily surrendered, the rest were all annihilated. More than 100 National Army artillery pieces were captured (mostly 75mm field guns and mountain guns). some mortars), 15 aircraft (13 fighter jets, 2 transport aircraft), nearly 100,000 guns of various types, more than 400 cars, and tens of thousands of tons of other various materials.

After the battle, Chi Lian heard the news and led three divisions of the 50th Army and the 124th Division of the 31st Army into the city to establish a new corps headquarters.

""Bring me all the captured high-ranking officials." In the temporary residence of the Chairman, Chi Lian temporarily used this place as the corps headquarters.

""Yes," the officer said with a military salute.

In this raid on Chongqing, the Southwest Corps captured many senior military and political personnel of the Kuomintang. Some very famous figures were captured in this battle.

Like Zhang Qun, Gu Zhutong, Luo Zhuo Ying and other famous figures were captured before they had time to escape. Chen Cheng felt bad when the battle started at night, so he disguised himself and fled to Guangzhou. At this time, he did not know where he was. What is even more surprising is that Chiang Ching-kuo actually also He was captured. When he was evacuating with the 202nd Division, he was bitten by a regiment of the Kyushu Army. Soon the main force of the 122nd Division of the Kyushu Army arrived and wiped out the National Army 202nd Division, capturing the injured division commander and Jiang Jingguo. Jiang lost his wife and After breaking up the troops, the eldest son has joined in. It is not an exaggeration to say that the situation is over for him.

But don’t worry, the 51st and 52nd armies of the Southwest Corps are still fighting fiercely with the national army on the periphery.

Go to Chilian and lead the regiment headquarters to Chongqing Committee As of the Governor's Mansion, the Nationalist Army had lost more than 200,000 people in the peripheral battles, but there were still nearly 700,000 Nationalist troops pressed against the 51st and 52nd Army.

Given that Chongqing had been captured and Chiang Kai-shek had escaped, if the peripheral Nationalist Army Knowing this news, the army will probably disperse and flee and then regroup elsewhere. If this is the case, it will not be easy to handle.

While waiting for the prisoners, Chi Lian gave an order to the Ninghuhang garrison commander Niu Jiao: The remaining soldiers of the 21st Corps All troops marched westward to join the Southwest Corps to encircle and annihilate the Nationalist troops outside Chongqing.

In this way, including the 51st and 52nd Corps on the peripheral defense line, as well as the 31st, 32nd, and 50th Corps in Chongqing City, the Southwest Corps has a total of 9 There are more than 1.4 million people in the 36 divisions of the army, enough to encircle and annihilate the national troops gathered outside Chongqing.

After receiving Chi Lian's order, Niu Jiao immediately ordered the remaining troops of the 21st Corps to leave as soon as possible. They must arrive in Chongqing as soon as possible. Together with other troops of the Southwest Corps, they besieged the national army.

Back to business

"President, everyone is here." The officer came in and replied.

"Bring them in," Chi Lian ordered.


"Get in!"

The soldiers shouted and drove the captured senior military officials into the hall.

"Who is this"Seeing a woman standing at the front, Chi Lian asked

""President, she is Jiang's wife Song Jinling," the military translator reminded Chi Lian in a low voice.

"Mrs. Song, please sit down," Chi Lian motioned.

"Ms. Song, please sit down, President." The translator conveyed Chi Lian's words to Song Geng Ling, and then the soldier moved a chair.

Song Geng Ling slowly sat down. Due to the sprained foot, she had difficulty moving and limped, but she had gained some strength. treat

"General Han, what do you mean?" Song Genling pointed out something else.

"The regent ordered me to destroy all your troops this year to end the war, so I had to leave the capital and come to Chongqing, a barren and remote place, to personally command the battle." Chi Lian listened to the translator's message and responded to Song Genling

"There are still nearly one million Chinese troops withdrawn from Wuhan. Your battle is doomed to fail." Song Genling said harshly.

"They will not come, Wushan County is their burial place," Chi Lian said

"What? this"Song Gengling took a breath of cold air.

The same is true for other captured national army generals

"I can let these generals go, but Mrs. Song must stay," Chi Lian said.

"Do you want to threaten the Chairman with me?"Song Jinling said

"I just want to invite you to the capital as a guest," Chi Lian said

"Aren't you afraid that our allies will attack us and hold them accountable?"Song Jinling said

"Westerners have too much time to take care of themselves, so they have no time to care about you." Chi Lian was very amused after hearing this. Don't worry, the M country people will have to deal with it sooner or later. Chi

Lian met the captured Song Genling and others in Chongqing, and what is the war situation in the northwest region.

Time Return first before the Japanese attack Wuhan, on June 8, 1938. The Northwest Corps of the Kyushu Army and four armies (less than one division) went north from Xuzhou, first to Luoyang, and then to Chang'an on June 25. At this time, Chang'an only had A security regiment of the Kuomintang and a cavalry regiment of Ma Bufang were stationed.

This force was naturally unable to fight against the fifteen divisions of the Northwest Corps. On June 27, the 332nd and 334th regiments of the 144th Division of the 36th Army of the Northwest Corps used only two regiments under the cover of tanks. Chang'an was captured within hours, the Kuomintang security regiment was annihilated, and the Ma Department cavalry regiment fled in confusion. Chang'an fell.

Wang Xuan, commander of the Northwest Corps, immediately set up the regiment headquarters in Chang'an.

The 36th, 37th and 30th armies of his unit were launched in July On the 2nd, it started from Chang'an and went straight to the Shaanxi-Gansu border, and then transferred to Qinghai and Ningxia. The plan was to eliminate the local warlord forces of Ma Bufang and Ma Hongkui, and then transfer to northwest Shanxi to eliminate Yan Xishan's Shanxi-Sui Army. As a result, there was no longer a main force of the Kuomintang on both sides of the Yellow River.

After crossing the Yellow River, troops from three armies and eleven divisions surrounded Xining. Guarding Xining was the 82nd Army, the most capable unit under Ma Bufang. The total number of this army was 33,000. It was a rare and nearly full force in the national army. The

82nd Army, led by Ma Bufang, defended Xining, and at the same time asked for help from his brother Ma Buqing in Lanzhou and"old father" Ma Hongkui in Yinchuan, Ningxia. After receiving the telegram asking for help, Lanzhou Ma Buqing immediately led the Fifth Cavalry Army to aid Xining, but the departure He was worried that the Kyushu Army would split up again to attack Lanzhou, so he sent a cavalry division and local security forces to stay in Lanzhou.

However, although the cavalry was fast, it was not faster than the artillery shells of the Kyushu Army.

When Ma Buqing led two divisions of the Fifth Cavalry Army to Xining, , the Xining City in front of them was in ruins.

Ma Buqing's main force did not dare to enter the city, so he sent a company into the city to investigate.

After entering the city, the cavalry company was attacked by the Kyushu Army who was cleaning the battlefield, and only five people escaped.

Ma Buqing saw that Xining was in ruins and his brother Ma Bufang was probably in ruins, so he led his troops back to Lanzhou to set up defenses.

As for"old father" Ma Hongkui, he never showed up.

Among the ruins of Xining, Kyushu soldiers discovered the dying Ma Bufang's family and shot them. To avoid future troubles.

As for the captured"Qingma" officers and soldiers, they were imprisoned in a centralized manner, and after being withdrawn to Xuzhou, they were handed over to the Japanese Japanese.

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