In late July of the 30th year of the Great Zhou Empire (the 27th year of the Republic of China, 1938 AD). The Southwest Corps of the Kyushu Army besieged Chongqing.

From the beginning of the shelling on the 20th to the 23rd, some factories in Chongqing were bombed, the fortifications of the national army defending the city were heavily damaged, and the shells fell into residential areas, causing many civilian casualties.

On July 24, after the rail guns were in place, they began to bombard the airport in Chongqing to fundamentally solve the air threat posed by the Kuomintang Air Force to the Southwest Corps.

At this time, in addition to some old-fashioned Martin bombers, the bombers equipped by the Kuomintang Air Force also included the B-17B bomber aided by the M country, which was an early model of this type of aircraft. There are currently twenty such aircraft at Chongqing's Sichuan-Chongqing Airport.

At three o'clock in the afternoon on the 24th, 240mm mountain-drilling artillery shells began to fall on the airport.

The bomber group then tried to take off to escape, but when the first bomber was about to take off, a shell blew up the runway, and the sliding bomber slid directly into a huge and bottomless crater.

The ground crew risked the risk of shelling and ran to the edge of the crater to take a look. They couldn't help but gasped. There was no trace of the bomber that fell into the crater, which showed how deep the crater was.

Sichuan-Chongqing Airport is a large comprehensive military airport with several runways for aircraft to take off and land.

Other planes saw that one runway had been destroyed and hurriedly called on the ground crew to drag the plane to another runway for takeoff.

However, the Zuanshan shell was so powerful that the shock wave caused by the explosion hundreds of meters away directly destroyed several bombers and fighter jets.

As a large amount of airport equipment was destroyed by shelling, Sichuan-Chongqing Airport gradually came to a standstill.

Jiang, who was in the temporary residence, learned that the Sichuan-Chongqing Airport was destroyed and all the bombers were lost in the bombardment. He cursed the airport security team for being incompetent and wanted to shoot the security captain.

Chen Cheng persuaded Jiang and asked him to evacuate Chongqing and transfer to Chengdu to continue commanding the operations.

Jiang rejected Chen Cheng. The Southwest Corps had been bombarding Chongqing but did not send infantry or tanks to launch a ground attack. This made Jiang feel that Chongqing might be able to be saved.

At the same time, Jiang also ordered the hundreds of thousands of Nationalist troops who had withdrawn from Wuhan to break through the outer defense line of the Southwest Corps and enter Chongqing as soon as possible.

However, the peripheral national troops have been attacking the defense line of the 52nd Army of the Southwest Corps in the past few days. Unfortunately, they cannot break through, and instead suffer heavy casualties.

There are more than 900,000 Chinese troops who have retreated from Wuhan, almost all of them are on the side of the 52nd Army.

""A few against one" is really"the advantage is mine" for the national army.

On the 25th, Chi Lian ordered the 51st Army to reinforce the 52nd Army. At the same time, he also telegraphed the 93rd and 21st Corps of the 21st Corps under the Ninghuhang Garrison Command. The 94th and 96th armies and the independent 21st Anti-aircraft Artillery Division affiliated to the Corps Headquarters marched westward to join the Southwest Corps and outflank the Nationalist Army from behind.

Chi Lian wanted to annihilate all 900,000 Nationalist troops outside Chongqing.

If this goal is achieved, Chiang Kai-shek will The situation must be over for someone, and there will be no more major battles on the frontal battlefields of the Republic of China. Maybe this year the war on the frontal battlefields can really end. Obviously,

Chi Lian's doing this conflicts with the strategic goals set by Wang Yu before the war started. The latter does not want the war to happen as soon as possible. It's over.

But Chi Lian can't control so much anymore. As the president, she also needs some credit. The annihilation of 900,000 national troops in Chongqing is considered a big victory in the Kyushu Army and in the world.

As for Wang Yu's subsequent punishment, Chi Lian said that the family said he was not guilty, but they were just playing a little too much. In the outer positions of Chongqing, the 51st and 52nd armies of the Southwest Corps held on to the defense of hundreds of thousands of people. By August 1, more than 150,000 Chinese soldiers were killed and injured.

At this time, Chi Lian ordered to reduce the intensity of the bombardment to give the Chongqing defenders some breathing space to prevent Chiang Kai-shek from panicking again. Escape.

As the intensity of the shelling weakened, the Chongqing defenders finally took a breath, and Jiang also felt a little more relaxed.

On the night of August 3, the 125th and 126th Divisions of the 32nd Army of the Southwest Corps, totaling 48,000 people, came from the east. Launched a large-scale night attack.

The 21st Army of the National Army was suddenly attacked in front of them and was defeated. It quickly lost most of its troops.

After defeating the 100th Division of the 21st Army of the National Army, the 125th Division of the Southwest Corps received reinforcements from its own tanks that followed up. The troops went straight to the temporary residence of the Generalissimo as planned before the war. Their purpose was to surround the residence of the Generalissimo and attract the national army to rescue them. However, as the battle deepened, the goal of surrounding the residence turned out to be to capture alive Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist Army. Song Jinling.

The targets of the 126th Division of the Southwest Corps are the Sichuan-Chongqing Airport located in the southwest of Chongqing and the Aimei Building where the M country advisory group is staying. Although the Sichuan-Chongqing Airport has been bombed, small aircraft can still take off and land. The Aimei Building is where Jiang The residence prepared by someone for the advisory group of Country M was a high-end hotel.

The 378th and 380th Regiments of the 126th Division attacked Sichuan-Chongqing Airport, and the 379th Regiment assaulted the Aimei Building.

In addition, in order to strengthen the assault force on the Aimei Building, there were ten tanks The 379th Regiment was temporarily assigned to the operation. After capturing the Aimei Building, they formed a defensive formation on the spot and waited for the arrival of follow-up troops.

The troops responsible for reinforcements were the 121st, 122nd and 124th Divisions under the 31st Army of the Southwest Corps. They formed three divisions after the assault force set off. Follow up every hour, keeping the radio and walkie-talkie open throughout the process so as to receive news from the front and orders from the Southwest Corps headquarters at any time. At three o'clock in the morning on August 4, the 125th Division of the Southwest Corps besieged the official residence of the Chairman of the Chongqing Committee. The person guarding the residence was the attendant's room. One and a half battalions of guards and teaching corps.

Although this national army of less than a thousand people is equipped with Thompson submachine guns and M1919 7.62 mm machine guns assisted by M country, they have no choice but to face stronger firepower and there are twenty more people than them. Several times as many enemies

"Chairman! Enemy attack at night! Please transfer the chairman and his wife as soon as possible!"A captain in the attendant's room called Mr. Jiang's room.

Mr. Jiang had not slept well. After hearing the gunshots, he and Song Genling had already dressed up and prepared to escape.

Now that the call came, the couple ran out immediately The room was evacuated toward the back door under the protection of the guards in the attendant's room.

Outside the official residence, the 375th Regiment under the 125th Division was still besieging the official residence. However, the tanks temporarily assigned to the 125th Division did not bombard the official residence. Instead, they only acted as mobile bunkers and provided machine gun fire cover.

"Call me! dash forward! Capture Jiang and Song Genling alive!"

"Brothers, listen, whoever catches Chiang Kai-shek or Song Geng Ling will be rewarded heavily by the president!"

Besides gunshots, this sound was everywhere outside the official residence.

"Chairman, madam, go this way!"The leading attendant captain and ten people escorted Jiang and Song Gengling out of the temporary residence through the back door, but they did not know that they directly entered the encirclement of the 376th Regiment of the 125th Division.

"Chairman, hurry up." The people in the attendant's room almost helped Jiang to evacuate.

Suddenly, the tank's lights came on in front.

"Catch them!"The sound came.

Immediately, a large number of footsteps approached

"Chairman, go over there quickly!"The five guards in the attendant's room stopped behind to buy Jiang some time to escape.

"Da da da.. Da da da"

"Da da da"

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and the five guards in the attendant's room were quickly beaten into pieces.

""Yeah." While escaping, Song Gengling suddenly felt pain in her ankle. She had sprained her ankle.

"Madam, how are you?" Jiang asked quickly

"Darling, my feet.. I can't leave, please go quickly and leave me alone," Song Genling said

"Madam, I can't leave you behind." Jiang said and asked the guards to carry Song Gengling on their backs.


Suddenly, a bullet hit the guard crookedly, and Song Gengling fell to the ground again.

"Catch them! Don't let them get away!"A large number of Kyushu soldiers are chasing after them.

"Darling! It's too late, hurry up and leave!"Song Genling gave Jiang a push.

"I.. Walk!"Jiang was cruel and ran away with the remaining guards in the attendant's room.

"Put your hands up! quick!"The Kyushu soldiers rushed up to surround Song Jinling.

The latter slowly raised his hands

"take away!"The leader of the Kyushu Army Captain ordered.

Several soldiers carried Song Genling and returned to their own camp.

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