When reporters saw these"evidences", they stepped forward to take photos one after another so that they could be published in the newspapers after they returned home.

"Okay, friends reporters, I think today’s press conference is over. Let me tell you another piece of news. Our army will intensify its efforts to suppress the revolutionaries. Please keep yourself safe and don’t make fun of your own lives." Wang Duo Finally announced the end of the press conference.

After the reporters left

"Aunt, will the second brother's idea work?" Wang Duo asked Qi Meng

"It’s just an explanation to the outside world. It doesn’t matter whether it will work or not," Qi Meng said.

""Haha." Wang Duo smiled and said nothing.

Soon, major newspapers around the world reported the content of this press conference. Since the reporters did not bring film cameras, the scene where Li Xiaoman tearfully accused the Revolutionary Party could only be accompanied by photos. Wen Lai showed it.

The Qing court also saw the newspaper. The regent Zaifeng was very resentful. He was assassinated many times by the revolutionaries. Although he successfully escaped, he deeply hated the revolutionaries.

Now the"foreigners" of Zhou State The massive search for revolutionaries in Jinling made Zaifeng think that the revolutionary parties lurking in the country would soon be eliminated.

However, what the Qing court never expected was that the revolutionary parties in Jinling were eliminated, and the revolutionaries in other places, especially the capital The party became more and more rampant.

Wang Qi sent secret messages to the garrisons in other places except Jinling. He would not arrest the revolutionary party if he could, and he would find reasons to let go of those who were caught. He would even cooperate with the revolutionary party in assassinating them when appropriate. Important officials of the Qing court.

What's going on? It turns out that Wang Yu and Chu Bufan discovered through analysis that after the demise of the Qing court, the royal family and even the old and young still held a large amount of public and private property. This was unreasonable and huge. The Qing royal family would bring a huge social burden, so Wang Yu's message and Wang Qi began to systematically help the revolutionaries get rid of the Qing royal family members on the eve of the Qing Dynasty's demise, temporarily retaining only Zaifeng's family. Later,

Wang Yu would also send out a group of Xiantang killers or monks from all over the world come to do this. These people are not something that guns and artillery can deal with. They will pretend to be revolutionaries and carry out assassination activities.

As for the huge amount of property, they will naturally have to take it. What is done to the people and dispersed among the people will never be left to the revolutionary party or other forces.

(PS: And then you can put it into your own pocket through other means, right?

Wang Yu: You are slandering


Let’s get down to business.

As reports of this press conference spread at home and abroad, the situation of the revolutionaries began to become more delicate.

After reading the report, Sun Wen shouted that it was a slander and a baseless slander.

Other key members of the Revolutionary Party have expressed their intention to issue further proclamations to counter this slander.

At this point, a protracted"war of abuse" began.

However, the Anton Governor's Office did not seem to actively respond to the announcement issued by the revolutionaries. They only announced that if necessary, the Governor's Office would hold a press conference, and nothing more happened after that.

In the capital, the assassination activities are getting higher and higher. Many nobles of the Qing court were assassinated by the"revolutionary party". Those people came and went without a trace, armed with various strange weapons, and could even take people's heads a hundred steps away. Some An important official of the Qing court lost his head inexplicably on the way to court.

This incident caused great panic in the Qing court. Puyi and the regent Zaifeng were so frightened that they could not sleep well at night and slept in different rooms for fear that they would not be able to see the sun the next day.

Obviously this is a good thing done by the Jixiantang killers and the monks from all over the world.

On the night of October 10th, the third year of the Xiangying reign of the Great Zhou Empire (the third year of the Xuantong reign of Gongjilulu, 1911 AD), gunfire continued in Wuchang, and the revolutionaries launched an armed uprising.

"jingle jingle jingle"In the palace of De'an Palace, the phone kept ringing

"It’s so late, what’s going on?" Wang Qi, who had just finished with Li Xiaoman and was already asleep, reluctantly picked up the phone on the bedside.

"Second brother, I just received news that the revolutionary party is fighting the Qing army in Wuchang City. Now there is chaos in Wuchang. I heard that Ruicheng, the governor of Huguang, has beaten away the revolutionary party."It turns out to be Lao Jiuwang. phone call from manganese

"oh.. Just hitWhat did you say!"Wang Qi didn't take it seriously at first, but later realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Second brother, what should we do? I have ordered the entire city of Shanghuan to be under martial law," Wang Mn said.

"You are doing the right thing, you must strictly check to prevent the revolutionary party from sneaking in," Wang Qi said

""Yes" Wang Meng responded.

"You pay close attention to the trends in Wuchang and never act rashly. If there is a revolutionary party wreaking havoc in Shanghai, send troops to Wuchang to destroy them," Wang Qi said

"Yes, I understand," Wang Mn said again.

After hanging up the phone

"What happened in the middle of the night?"Li Xiaoman also woke up, she asked resentfully

"A fight broke out in Wuchang, and the revolutionary party beat away the governor of Huguang." Wang Qi said as he got out of bed and walked to the coffee table to pour himself a glass of water.

"oh.. What?! Wuchang"Li Xiaoman suddenly realized something. The Wuchang Uprising broke out. The Qing Dynasty only had a few months to live.

"Yes, the situation may change, so you have to prepare in advance. I will immediately inform the capital and the garrison in the northeast." Wang Qi said, got dressed and went to the telecommunications room.

"You immediately send a report to President Han and Commander Wang of the Eighth Army Corps, asking them to be on alert immediately," Wang Qi said to the person on duty in the telecommunications room.

""Yes." The telegraph operator responded, and then started to connect to the radio station to send the report.

The capital, in the

Old Summer Palace. When Chi Lian led his troops back to the capital, he violently occupied the Old Summer Palace and drove away all the Qing court personnel in the garden. From then on, this great The Old Summer Palace became her headquarters and presidential palace

"Zhuang, let's come again"

"Zhuang, stop talking and kiss me"

In the bedroom, Chi Lian was doing something with a handsome man.

It turns out that Wei Zhuang came from the Zhou Empire to visit Chi Lian, so I won’t talk about it. This has to be narrated by the person involved.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside the palace

"Who! Looking for death, right?"Chi Lian was very angry when he was disturbed.

Wei Zhuang also frowned.

"President, Jinling urgent call" came the voice from outside the door.

"Okay, let's go." Chi Lian got dressed and went out to get the message and drove away the soldier who reported the message.

"What's up? Wei Zhuang asked

"There's a fight over in Wuchang, and the Jinling Protectorate wants me to be on guard to prevent any accidents." After Chi Lian said that, she threw the telegraph newspaper on the ground.

Then she started playing around with Wei Zhuang again.

Changchun, Northeast Line In the Duhu Mansion.

Wang Zheng also received the telegram. After reading it, he ordered martial law in the three eastern provinces overnight, and at the same time blocked Shanhaiguan, cutting off the communication inside and outside the customs. Early the next morning, Wang Zheng sent a telegram to all Qing armed personnel in the three eastern provinces, asking them to Disarm on the spot, otherwise they will be wiped out.

The Qing troops outside the Pass had no choice but to do so. After disarming, Wang Zheng ordered all the Qing troops outside the Pass to be sent into the Pass.

In the south, the eighteen-star flag of the Revolutionary Party flew over Wuchang, and the Wuchang Uprising was successful.

The Qing court received the news and panicked. Empress Dowager Longyu and Regent Zaifeng urgently ordered Army Minister Yinchang to lead the Beiyang troops of 125,000 troops to go south to wipe out the revolutionary army. At the same time, Navy Admiral Sa Zhenbing also led the navy into the Yangtze River to attack the revolutionaries from the waterway. The"Three Towns of Wuhan" under the control of the army.

But at this time a trouble arose, that is, the two Yangtze River bridges had been blocked by Kyushu soldiers. Yinchang's troops had to find a way to cross the river on their own.

Just as the Qing court was in a panic At that time, the Andong Protectorate issued an express telegram stating that it would not interfere in the war between the Qing court and the Revolutionary Party. At the same time, it opened the Yangtze River Bridge to allow Yinchang's troops to cross the river south.

The Qing court's troops arrived due to the deliberate indulgence of the Kyushu soldiers. Three towns in Wuhan, but Yinchang obviously could not command the troops in Beiyang. In the early days of the war, the Qing army was defeated one after another. The Qing government had no choice but to replace Yinchang and sent Yuan Shikai, who had retired to seclusion and idle time, to lead the troops.

Yuan Datou was naturally able to lead the troops. Soon, the revolutionary army There was only one Wuchang area left under control, but at this time things changed again.

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