In a large-scale manhunt that lasted for a month, the Kyushu soldiers captured more than 500 people, but most of them were not revolutionaries at all, and did not even reach the level of progressives.

But Wang Duo, who was in charge of this matter, was too lazy to waste time and effort on investigating and interrogating. He directly signed the order for the shooting.

More than 500 men and women were taken to the Yuhuatai in Jinling and massacred. It rained lightly that day, and the blood of the victims dyed the stone road red.

After the execution, Kyushu soldiers transported the corpses outside the city and burned them to prevent the spread of disease.

When Sun Wen, who was far away overseas, heard about this incident, he was so sad and angry that he summoned some comrades to issue a proclamation overnight, strongly condemning the Zhou Empire's behavior of interfering in other countries' internal affairs and killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The announcement caused a sensation in the world, and reporters from all over the world flocked to Jinling in an attempt to dig up useful information for publication in the press.

When other revolutionaries in exile learned about this incident, they turned their grief into strength and began to step up preparations for an anti-Qing uprising.

"I am a reporter from Ta Kung Pao. I request to interview the prince of your country."

"I am a reporter from Dianshizhai Pictorial. Please let me in."

"I'm a reporter for the New York Times"

"I am"

In short, there were reporters from local newspapers in the Qing Dynasty and reporters from foreign newspapers. These people surrounded the gate of the Andong Protectorate and asked to be interviewed.

"The prince does not want to be interviewed, please go back." A battalion commander directed the soldiers to block the reporter while rejecting the other party's request for an interview.

"Why did the prince refuse to be interviewed? Is everything the revolutionaries said true?"Journalists are naturally not easy to deal with. They are too cunning.

"Stop talking nonsense!"The battalion commander heard what the reporter said and immediately warned.

In De'an Hall, Wang Qi paced back and forth.

"Second brother, why don't you just shoot a few people? What's the big deal?" Wang Duo, who was sitting there drinking tea, didn't care.

"This matter has a great impact, and reporters from outside have to come in to conduct interviews in order to obtain the so-called truth," Wang Qi said

"The truth is that our execution of anti-Chinese elements is in accordance with the treaty and is reasonable and legal," Wang Duo said

"So is there any way to make these annoying reporters leave?" Wang Qi asked

"Let me think about it," Wang Duo said

"UmIt seems that we have to let Xiaoman act in this drama," Wang Qi said

"oh? What good idea did the second brother think of?"After hearing Wang Qi's soliloquy, Wang Duo asked

"The key to solving this matter lies with your second sister-in-law," Wang Qi said

"I’d like to hear the details," Wang Duo said.

"Well, come here." Wang Qi waved.

The two brothers began to plot.

"Xiaoman, there is something that needs you to come forward." Wang Qi came to Luan Pavilion to find Li Xiaoman

"What's up?"Li Xiaoman asked

"It's like this, you see"Wang Qi and Li Xiaoman talked about the whole story

"ah? Are you going to hit me again?! I won't do it!"When Li Xiaoman heard that he had to be beaten again, he immediately became unwilling.

"Xiaoman, it's all just acting," Wang Qi said, holding Li Xiaoman's waist.

"There are so many maids, why don't you just find one and give it a good beating before letting her go out to act? Why do you have to beat me?" Li Xiaoman said

"This time we are going to appear in public, so you have to take action in person." Wang Qi tried to persuade her.

But Li Xiaoman refused. Wang Qi talked for a long time before he was able to deal with her.

Then, Wang Qi slapped Li Xiaoman twice. The slap caused some trauma, and he asked the medical officer to get bandages and gauze to wrap around Li Xiaoman's neck and forehead, pretending that he had not yet recovered from the assassination.

Then Wang Qi released the news that a press conference would be held at De'an Hall the next day. A reasonable explanation was given for the large-scale manhunt a while ago.

The reporters retreated after receiving assurances.

At about ten o'clock the next morning, the reporters came to sit down in the spacious hall of De'an Hall one after another, waiting for the press conference. start

"Everyone, please be quiet, please be quiet." Qi Meng motioned to the reporters to be quiet.

"I am the foreign affairs director of the Great Zhou Empire stationed in Jinling. If you have any questions, you can ask me and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Qi Meng stood in front of the microphone and said

""We have invited the victim, the wife of General Wang Qi, the governor of Anton, to tell us what happened that day," Qi Meng said again. As soon as this statement came out, the reporters below immediately went crazy. It seemed that there was big news.

After a while, two people A maid supported Li Xiaoman, who had a bandage on his head and some scars on his face. He came out and sat next to Qi Meng.

The reporters quickly took pictures with their portable cameras.

"Madam, please tell reporters from various countries about the assassination of you by the revolutionaries that day." Qi Meng said very clearly.

All the reporters heard it, and some of them had already started taking notes.

Then the moment for Li Xiaoman's performance came, according to the script that had been agreed in advance , she tearfully complained about the fact that the so-called revolutionaries threw a bomb on her carriage.

"My son, who was only six years old, was so frightened by them that he had a mental problem. He still dares not see anyone until now.. my son"As Li Xiaoman said this, he suddenly lost control and burst into tears.

She is so talented in acting that even those who awarded her an Oscar felt that she was not talented.

"Madam, madam." The two maids on the side wiped away their tears and persuaded.

Qi Meng saw that the heat was almost done, so he asked the maid to help Li Xiaoman back.

"I'm really sorry. Madam has suffered great physical and mental injuries, so it's inconvenient to receive reporters here. Please forgive me." Qi Meng apologized politely. The reporters below also gave her face and expressed the hope that Madam May you recover soon

"So regarding the arrest details, Madam Director, can you reveal some details?" a foreign reporter asked

"You can ask General Wang Duo, who is in charge of this matter, to describe this matter to everyone." After Qi Meng finished speaking, he motioned to a soldier standing guard to invite Wang Duo.

After a while, Wang Duo came to the venue.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I, Wang Duo, am the commander of the overseas corps of the Great Zhou Empire. I am responsible for the security and defense of the Jinling area. I am fully responsible for the arrest and execution of the revolutionaries some time ago. If you have any questions, you can ask them."Wang Duo smiled and faced the reporters.

"Hello, General Wang, I am a reporter from the Washington Times. Did you execute 500 so-called revolutionaries? Did they all participate in the assassination?" asked the reporter from Country M.

"Hello, Mr. Reporter, the revolutionaries I executed were indeed more or less involved in the assassination. Some of them provided cover, and some provided weapons and ammunition. In short, this was a premeditated rebellion against the Zhou Empire. Zhou activities; as we all know, the confrontation between the Qing court and the revolutionaries began as early as the Sino-Japanese War of 1899-1899. As the military commander stationed here by the Zhou Empire, I had no intention of intervening in the civil strife of the Qing Dynasty. However, the revolutionaries were audacious and assassinated me in the capital of Anton. People who protect the mansion, this is a very serious matter. This is a provocation to our Great Zhou Empire! I hope that the Revolutionary Party can give a reasonable explanation and apology, and also ensure that similar things will not happen again in the future, otherwise I will never give up." Wang Duo said a lot, almost making the reporters faint.

"Hello, Mr. General, I am a reporter from Britain. Just now you said that the 500 people executed were revolutionaries and participated in the assassination. Is there any misunderstanding in this? You must know that the assassination of 500 people must have been an assassination."This is a massive operation, so do you have conclusive evidence that they were involved in the operation?" asked a reporter from Britain

"I have a list here. We arrest people according to the list, and my soldiers also found a lot of weapons and ammunition in the revolutionary party's lurking strongholds." Wang Duo said, motioning Qi Meng to show the forged so-called list.

This At that time, a group of soldiers brought several large wooden boxes containing arms and placed them in front of the reporters. There were round bombs in the wooden boxes, as well as grenades, pistols and many bullets. Of course, these physical evidences were all fake.

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