"Qingzhongtang, we have made great concessions in this revised peace treaty. We hope that Emperor Jiaqing of your country will consider the soldiers and people of both sides and sign it as soon as possible so that everyone can have peace." Chu Bufan said to Qinggui

"Mr. Chu, can you remove the article about punishing war criminals?" Qinggui said

"We have inquired about it and found out that the old thief Dong Gao kept inciting the emperor of your country to use troops against me, which caused us a lot of trouble. This old thief must be punished," Chu Bufan forced him. In fact, it was just a pretense. He deliberately used it to disgust me. Qing court

"Then compensate in silver"

"If the Qing court is not rich, the amount of compensation can be discussed again."

Qinggui said, and Chu Bufan answered. This is just to make up the number, it is optional.

"Mr. Chu, Treasure Island is our territory of the Qing Dynasty, not an overseas vassal state. I’m afraid I can’t cede it to you," Qinggui said.

"Then change a place, Xiangjiang or Hainan are fine," Chu Bufan said.

"This is absolutely impossible, the emperor will not agree." Qinggui waved his hand

"Then change the place again, how about Liaodong?" Chu Bufan said again

"Lord Chu, you are joking. Liaodong is the land of the Qing Dynasty, how can it be ceded to you? Don't mention this again." Qinggui's face changed greatly after hearing this, and he refused in a rather tough tone.

"Qingzhongtang, you have no choice, you must cede a territory to me, otherwise it will not be good for anyone," Chu Bufan said

"The emperor can promise to cede all the overseas vassal states to you, but the territory of the Qing Dynasty was conquered by our ancestors, and we must not lose an inch of it in our hands." Qinggui still refused to cede any land in the Qing Empire.

"Well, this is settled, all the overseas vassal states of the Qing Dynasty belong to me," Chu Bufan said.

""Okay." Qinggui breathed a sigh of relief, finally preserving the territorial integrity of the Qing Dynasty.

"Don't be complacent, you won't be able to protect any of these places in the future." Chu Bufan narrowed his eyes and said in his heart

"Then, if nothing unexpected happens, the emperor will agree to the opening of the southern ports, but I'm afraid it won't be possible to garrison troops." Qinggui mentioned this issue again.

"If we cannot garrison troops, how can we ensure the safety of our businessmen?" Chu Bufan asked

"It can be handed over to our country’s government agencies," Qinggui said.

"This is impossible, we cannot believe in the ability of your government, so we must station troops in the south of your country." Chu Bufan also strongly refused Qinggui

"In this case, I will go to the capital to ask the emperor to make a decision," Qinggui said.

""Okay." Chu Bufan agreed.

"Jiangnan is the territory of the Qing Dynasty. We can only station 10,000 soldiers. This is too much. Can Mr. Chu make this area as well?"Qinggui said

"Your country's soldiers are brave and disciplined. What if there are too many people and they rob the goods of our merchants?" Chu Bufan said

"You can send the powerful Eight Banners troops to station in the south of the Yangtze River. The Eight Banners army will have strict discipline and there will never be any robbery," Qinggui said.

"What I am guarding against is the Eight Banners," Chu Bufan said

"you"Qing Gui was furious, but there was nothing she could do

"It seems that there are big differences between us. Qingzhongtang should go back and ask Emperor Jiaqing what he wants." Chu Bufan stopped the negotiation again.

""Okay, I will return to the Summer Resort immediately." Qinggui took the terms of the peace treaty and left Chu Bufan's military camp.

Chengde, the Summer Resort, Yanbo Zhishuang Palace

"Your Majesty, the foreigners are arrogant and unreasonable, and the slaves are incompetent and unable to turn the tide. Please punish me." After Qinggui came back, he knelt down and said holding the folder.

"Get up, I never thought that these foreigners would be so unreasonable and unreasonable," said the sick Emperor Jiaqing.

Yes, Emperor Jiaqing was sick again. In addition to Chu Bufan driving him away from the capital, Sichuan Bad news also came from the Shaanxi front line. The powerful Qing army was ambushed by the White Lotus Sect and was attacked by the opponent at night. One hundred thousand troops fled in panic and suffered heavy losses.

Both wars were severely defeated. Emperor Jiaqing, who had already recovered, fell ill again. Fortunately, God favored him and did not take him away. He was rescued and his condition was stabilized.

Since Emperor Jiaqing's body was not as good as before after two serious illnesses, he ordered his second elder brother Minning to help with important military affairs and take care of the military affairs. He shares worries

"Your Majesty, these are the terms revised by the foreigners. Please take a look at them." Qinggui handed the folder to Emperor Jiaqing.

"What did you talk about with the foreigners? Emperor Jiaqing asked Qinggui while reading the treaty, and asked him to get up and answer.

"Back to the emperor, the foreigners promised to reduce the amount of compensation and to give up on the cession of the treasure island, but they must hand over all the vassal states of the Qing Dynasty to the foreigners and must be severely punished.. Severe punishment of Master Dong and the garrison in the south of the Yangtze River"

"Okay, okay, I understand." Emperor Jiaqing looked at the treaty and listened to Qinggui's words. He felt his head hurt and waved his hand.

""Hey" Qinggui responded, then stopped talking.

"Master Dong is the chief master of Shang Shufang, a veteran of two dynasties, and a great figure in the Qing Dynasty. He has made great contributions to the country and to me. I will never agree to punish Master Dong," Emperor Jiaqing said

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Emperor for your kindness." After hearing this, Dong Gao immediately knelt down to express his gratitude.

"Master Dong, please get up." With that, Emperor Jiaqing motioned for Minning to go over and help him up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and thank you, Second Brother." Dong Gao burst into tears of gratitude.

"Emperor Ama, this treaty"Jiaqing didn't express his position for a long time, and Minning asked tentatively.

"Minning, do you think I should sign this treaty?" Emperor Jiaqing asked.

These words frightened Minning so much that he secretly cursed himself for talking so much. If he said he should sign, Minning would probably become a traitor; if he didn't sign, he would be a traitor. , now all the armed forces capable of fighting in the Qing Empire have been basically wiped out. Although there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses left, everyone knows that these people are simply unable to fight. Maybe they were scared away before they saw the shadow of the"foreigners".

Around the Summer Resort Some troops from Xishan Ruijian Camp and Fengtai Camp are stationed with him. Although they have strong combat effectiveness, these troops have the task of protecting the emperor and cannot be transferred out. Even if they are transferred out, can they defeat the guns of"foreigners"?

"Emperor Ama, I think it would be better for you to make a decision on this matter. I am not very talented and have little knowledge, so I dare not overstep my authority." Ming Ning threw the question back.

"snort!" Emperor Jiaqing was very dissatisfied after hearing this.

"Emperor Ama, I am guilty!" Min Ning was so frightened that she quickly knelt down.

"Get up," Emperor Jiaqing responded.

""嗻" Minning stood up again

"Qinggui, I won’t allow this treaty, let’s talk to foreigners again," Emperor Jiaqing said.

""嗻" Qinggui responded.

At this time, in the camp of the Kyushu Army, Chi Lian asked to go to the capital for a walk. Chu Bufan did not refuse, so he sent a regiment of troops to escort Chi Lian into the city.

In the capital, the streets were deserted. Fighting. The last time they came to the capital was during the Chongzhen period of the former Ming Dynasty. At that time, Li Zicheng captured the capital and forced Emperor Chongzhen of the former Ming Dynasty to hang himself from the old crooked neck tree in Jingshan. Now one hundred and sixty years have passed, and how can the common people of the capital not do anything? Unexpectedly, the war had already reached the doorstep of their homes.

Whether they were ordinary people or those dignitaries who had not had time to escape, they were cooped up in their homes and did not dare to go out for fear of being shot by"foreigners".

Chi Lian rode a war horse with six thousand A group of people walked on the streets of the capital. She looked around and saw that no shop was open for business.

Since the Kyushu New Army had been stationed outside the city before, the capital was not damaged after Jiaqing's escape and basically remained in its original state.

Outside the Forbidden City, Chi Lian led his troops here

"General, the map says this is their palace," the regiment leader told Chi Lian

"Got it, let's go into the palace and have a look." After Chi Lian finished speaking, the soldiers led the horses to the Forbidden City.

At this time, there were still some eunuchs and maids in the Forbidden City, and dozens of skilled and brave eunuchs supported the defense of the Forbidden City.

These skilled eunuchs Eunuch Yong is actually a eunuch who knows some martial arts and can use weapons proficiently.

Chi Lian and his troops were discovered by Eunuch Ji Yong as soon as they arrived in the Forbidden City. They thought Chi Lian was here to rob, so the eunuchs used the favorable terrain to sneak attack the soldiers of the Kyushu Army

"Call me! Beat them to death!"Chi Lian was furious and ordered to open fire.

Since they did not carry artillery, the Kyushu Army's counterattack could not destroy the buildings in the Forbidden City, but it still left traces of bullets on some buildings.

After the clearing, a total of twenty-five Eunuch Jiyong was beaten to death, and more than ten people fled the pursuit.

Chi Lian became angry and ordered the massacre of other eunuchs and maids in the Forbidden City.

Hundreds of innocent eunuchs and maids were captured by the Kyushu Army, and all the captured eunuchs and maids were kidnapped. The shooting was carried out outside Duanmen, so this horrific incident was also called the"Duanmen Massacre" by later scholars on Rooster Land."

"foreign devil! You must die a good death!"

"Foreign devils! God will not let you go! The emperor will come back to avenge us!"

Some upright eunuchs scolded those Kyushu soldiers

"Snapped.. Snapped.. Da da da"

There was loud gunfire, and another group of eunuchs were killed outside Duanmen.

Then he took another group and continued shooting until they were all killed.

The same was true for the palace maids. Groups of captured palace maids were brought in and executed.

"General, all the more than 600 captured enemies have been killed," the regiment leader reported to Chi Lian

"I feel much more comfortable. Let’s go in and take a look." Chi Lian didn’t care about it at all.

"Yes, escort the general into the city." After hearing this, the regiment leader ordered.

The team marched into the Forbidden City in a mighty manner.

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