The messenger hurriedly rushed to Jiangning and handed over the imperial edict of the Qing Emperor to Qinggui. Knowing that Emperor Jiaqing was basically fine, Qinggui felt a stone fall in his heart.

"snort! What a loud tone! If we end the negotiation here, we will only get more on the battlefield." Chu Bufan learned of the Qing court's attitude, he pretended to be angry and said to Qinggui

"Mr. Chu, calm down, calm down, the matter is not out of control yet." Qing Gui hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"I don’t care, your emperor is playing tricks on our prince," Chu Bufan said.

"No, no, no, this is a misunderstanding. After all, the emperor is the king of a country, but the terms of your country are too harsh. It is reasonable for the emperor to refuse. Besides, doesn’t the prince still want to be friends with the Qing Dynasty?" Qinggui waved his hands repeatedly

"I intend to be friends with your country, and I am also willing to pay and send troops to help you wipe out the rebel forces in the northwest of your country, but that was last year, and now I just want the emperor of your country to bow his head," Wang Yu said

"Your Majesty, please calm down. As long as the war can be stopped as soon as possible and the territory is not ceded to station troops, I am willing to persuade the Emperor to agree to your request." Qinggui gritted his teeth and said

"oh? If we don’t cede land and don’t garrison troops, then are we here to play?" Chu Bufan asked Qinggui.

"This is an imperial edict, please read it, Mr. Chu." Qinggui took out the imperial edict from Emperor Jiaqing.

"Well, only agree to open ports in Guangdong and Guangdong? I think we might as well go to the capital and talk to the emperor of your country." Chu Bufan glanced at Wang Yu, immediately threw the imperial edict to the ground, and threatened to lead troops to attack the capital.

"Lord Chu, Prince, you must not raise troops to go to Beijing, everything is easy to discuss, everything is easy to discuss," Qinggui quickly picked up the imperial edict and persuaded him.

"You can write a note to your emperor. We don’t have to set up a diplomatic mission in the capital, and we don’t have to let you have overseas vassals such as Chaoxian. However, the Baodao area, Aomun Island and Xiangjiang Prefecture must be ceded to us. In addition, all exports south of the Yangtze River must be ceded to us. Haikou must be open to us," Chu Bufan said

"I will go to the capital now and ask the prince to restrain the soldiers and not to start another war." Qinggui said

"Okay, let's wait for the good news from Qingzhongtang." Chu Bufan nodded.

This round of talks is over.

"Your Highness, what would you do if Emperor Jiaqing really risked his life with us?" After seeing Qinggui off, Chu Bufan asked

"Then destroy him." Wang Yu's answer was very simple. I have long disliked this piece of land.

There have been relevant chapters about the origin of this piece of land. It is the same as the Great Zhou Empire where Wang Yu was in the pre-Qin period. The history is similar, and the emergence of this land is more than two hundred years later than the Great Zhou Empire, so there is no situation of division or non-division. The overseas islands that Wang Yu sunk and destroyed in his early years reappeared around the Rooster Land.

Then With this series of changes, the Great Zhou Empire will become increasingly lonely, with only one country on the land it is located on. In other words, the Great Zhou Empire has become the"eighth continent" besides the"seven continents", and is the"eighth continent" with only one country. continent"

"Since Your Highness is determined, why not cross the Yangtze River early and ride on the Forbidden City?" Chu Bufan said

"But now I want to believe that the Qing Dynasty is all soft and weak," Wang Yu said

""Oh, then I hope your highness is right," Chu Bufan said.

"I must be right." Wang Yu's words seemed very conceited.

Soon, Qinggui's book was sent to the capital.

After some discussion, Emperor Jiaqing still rejected Wang Yu and Chu Bufan's conditions.

So Chu Bufan came to Wang Yu's house Under the instruction, he temporarily suspended the negotiations. He told Qinggui that he would go back and mobilize reinforcements. After the spring, he would cross the river and go north to the capital to talk to Emperor Jiaqing. Qinggui was so frightened that he quickly ran away with his people. They wanted to pass the news back to the capital.

Chongqing In March of the sixth year of Ning Dynasty (1801 AD), the Kyushu New Army began to build large-scale pontoon bridges on the Yangtze River, and soon ten pontoon bridges were completed.

Chu Bufan led the Kyushu First and Third Army, a total of eight divisions More than 140,000 people and six artillery regiments with a total of 576 105mm heavy guns and 80 small guns began to cross the river.

The scene of the army crossing the river was very spectacular.

After crossing the Yangtze River, the Kyushu Army began to attack Xuzhou.

It only took a quarter of an hour. , Xuzhou was conquered.

After a few days of rest, Chu Bufan led his army straight to the capital.

When the news came out, the garrison officials and people in the prefectures along the way from Jiangbei to the capital fled.

Emperor Jiaqing mobilized fierce ancient cavalry from outside the pass to go south to stop the Kyushu army, and then With the 30,000 troops garrisoned in Zhangjiawan and the fierce ancient cavalry, although these troops came fiercely, they were all wiped out under the stranglehold of machine guns and artillery, and most of the horses were captured. The

Kyushu Army attacked the capital all the way, and during the period they pulled out some stubborn soldiers who resisted. The small county town and military fortress.

In late April of that year, a pioneer regiment of the Kyushu Army arrived in the capital. Soon all the main troops arrived to surround the capital. The

105mm heavy artillery had been aimed at the city towers and walls of the capital.

At this time, Emperor Jiaqing had already led the troops The princes, princesses, major ministers and harem concubines fled to Chengde Summer Resort.

"This damn fat Jiaqing ran pretty fast." Chu Bufan said to himself when he learned that Emperor Jiaqing had run away.

"What are you waiting for? Let’s enter the city now," Chi Lian, who was accompanying the army, said.

"No, we won’t go to the city for the time being. We will rest here for a few days and at the same time send a division to the summer resort to scare Emperor Jiaqing," Chu Bufan said

"Okay, but is this so-called summer resort really a place to escape the heat?"Chi Lian asked

"Just for fun, who takes it seriously?" Chu Bufan joked.

But just when the 11th Division under the Third Army was about to set off, the Qing court sued for peace, and it was Qinggui, an old man, who came to Chu Bufan's military camp to negotiate terms to end war

"Qingzhong Hall, I didn’t expect that we could meet here," Chu Bufan said, pointing to the tall and tall capital city tower.

As a modern time traveler, Chu Bufan has never seen the real capital city tower, but compared with the city towers in Luoyi, this capital city Although the city tower looks big, it is not as imposing as the Luoyi City Tower.

"Hey, I have always been advocating for peace, but I didn’t expect that things would turn out to be this bad. I am a sinner of the Qing Dynasty." Qinggui sighed and shook his head.

"Qingzhongtang doesn’t have to be like this, you are the pillar of the Qing Dynasty, your emperor’s capriciousness in this matter has led to the current situation that is almost out of control, and it has nothing to do with Qingzhongtang," Chu Bufan said

"You are still working for peace between the two countries at such an old age. When I go back, I will report it to the emperor of our country and grant you the honor." Chu Bufan said again

"Haha, Lord Chu, are you making fun of me?" Qinggui smiled bitterly.

"Qingzhongtang, please don’t misunderstand, everything I said is true and I speak from the bottom of my heart," Chu Bufan said.

After hearing this, Qinggui did not respond.

He came to the commander’s tent and sat down, and the two sides began to negotiate the terms of the armistice.

"Qingzhongtang, it is impossible for me to withdraw to Jiangnan immediately." Wang Yu flatly rejected Qinggui's suggestion to withdraw troops first.

"You have also served as the commander of the Eight Banners, and you are also aware of things in the army. The hundreds of thousands of soldiers under my command have traveled more than 2,000 miles from Jiangning to the capital. If we retreat immediately, the soldiers may mutiny. How dangerous a mutiny is. , I don’t think Qing Zhongtang doesn’t understand," Chu Bufan said

"What does Master Chu mean?"Qinggui asked

"The treaty must be signed by the emperor of your country in person before our troops can evacuate," Chu Bufan said.

"this.. Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, how can you condescend to him?"

"That's your business, and this condition will never change."

Qinggui was very embarrassed, but Chu Bufan pressed hard.

""Hey, life is not easy," Qinggui sighed.

"This is the armistice clause we have re-drafted. Please take a look at it, Your Excellency." Chu Bufan took a folder from the team-level officer and handed it to Qinggui. The content of this revision is somewhat different from the previous draft. Its content is: : First, the Qing court gave up the three overseas dependent states of Yuenan, Chaoxian and Liuqiu, and ceded the Baodao area to the Zhou Empire.

Second, the Qing court paid an indemnity of 30 million taels of silver.

Third, punished the main war faction. War criminals, especially Dong Gao, the leader of the main war faction.

Fourth, all ports south of the Yangtze River were opened to the Zhou Empire, and Qing troops were not allowed to enter these ports without authorization. Fifth, the number of Qing troops stationed in the south of the Yangtze River should not exceed 10,000.

Sixth In order to protect the safety and interests of the merchants and people, the Great Zhou Empire could station at least one army in the provinces south of the Qing Dynasty.

Seventh, if the merchants and people of the Great Zhou Empire committed crimes in the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government officials had no right to deal with them and had to Leave it to the nearest Great Zhou Empire garrison or other overseas yamen.

After reading it, Qinggui still shook his head.

This amendment does not include the provision of opening a diplomatic mission and garrisoning troops in the capital.

However, the compensation of 30 million taels of silver may not be enough. , can't be taken out at the moment.

We can talk about giving up Chaoxian and other three overseas vassal states, but I'm afraid ceding Baodao Province is not possible. Opening the port can basically be agreed, but I'm afraid the Zhou Empire stationed at least one army cannot be agreed.

As for the lack of government offices of the Qing court , The right to deal with those who committed crimes in Qing and Zhou Dynasties is not beyond negotiation.

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