Everyone’s job change: Necromancer! I am a natural disaster

Everyone’s job change: Necromancer! I am a natural disaster


2085 Chapters Ongoing Status


The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered an era of job transfer for all.

Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss!

Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity go hand in hand!

The only way is to become a job changer! Upgrade and become stronger! Only then can we stand on top of the world!

On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, the Necromancer.

Obtain god-level talents. Only level 1 talents can enhance all skills by 10 times.

Obtain god-level passive skills, and all damage will be transferred to the summoned object.

From now on, if the summoned objects are immortal, Lin Moyu will not die.

"Endless god-level skeleton warriors!"

"Billions of lich mages!"

"Countless immortal bone dragons!"

"Can you bear it?"

Under the curse, the gods turned into bones.

Bodies exploded, the sky fell and the earth collapsed, and the world collapsed.

"I sit high on the throne of bones and walk between life and death."

"I am a natural disaster!"


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