However, after going through many difficulties and dangers, he finally walked in front of their cell. Mia was the first to arrive, because Lady Emily couldn't wait for Howl's speed of transportation, so she went straight to help. So Ms. Humia watched her beloved apprentice and her old friend sleep together very harmoniously, and Jack accepted Mr. Liu's knee pillow with great peace of mind.

If you ignore the two untimely chains that only pass through his shoulders, such a scene is unexpectedly like two adult humanoids toasting in the middle of the night and talking until dawn, and then one of the races is too drunk to drink, and the other waits all night after a deep sleep. It's just two ordinary human-like ordinary ordinary scenes after a certain late night, which is not common, but it is by no means rare.

However, once these two were listed as the apprentices of the Supreme Justice and a person who transported and brainwashed His Royal Highness the Third Prince, the purpose of these two together was suddenly different from the previous one. Mia couldn't help but interrupt the scene softly, especially when she couldn't see her long-time friend as a young human.

"Cough, cough" When Mia spoke, Liu also happened to notice her figure, Mia in the light looked extraordinarily young, and Liu unconsciously recalled the first time they met, it was not a long period for him, but for the human race in front of him, it was almost a lifetime in length. "Jack, Jack, wake up. "

Jack sat up with sleepy eyes on Flow's legs, he had lost his sense of time in prison, and the lights here were torturous to him all day long, and he didn't know how long he had been asleep, of course Stream did know this, but it was undeniable that he wouldn't tell Jack, because the only thing he needed to know for Jack was when he should go to sleep and when he should get up.


rest of the space was for him to communicate with his dear Judas-san, who had successfully attempted to enter a so-called forbidden place during the two days, and was stopped at the gate by His Highness Will and warned that he had almost been strangled to death by the violent maniac, according to Judah's own account. Of course, this is obviously an exaggeration by the teenager, after all, Juji was soon forced to record a video to clarify that he was not treated unfairly by the royal family.

Obviously, there is no way to really give a so-called explanation in such an unconvincing video, which has also led to increasing pressure on the council in the past two days. Paradoxically, during these two days, Judah and Emily chatted more and more, and the lady became more and more fond of holding afternoon tea meetings for four people to discuss various political issues and the handling of different local issues, especially the convening of the feast.

This was very puzzling to Jud, as it seemed that Emily was getting more and more idle under such circumstances. The comment to this stream is, "That's right, you did see Emily getting idle, so what's your conclusion?".

It's not a day or two since you try to let Judah find the answer on his own, but unfortunately you can't always expect a teenage boy with a bloodline or even a magic that doesn't come from nowhere, to break into something that isn't suitable for him.

"So there's a gap between us, you see you still can't come to your own conclusions, but it's easy to see Emily's intentions on any of the headlines that are popular right now. "Leaving her dead to come back to life, she's going to put herself on the table as a card." "

The chess player will eventually become a chess piece.

Or is it a bigger chessboard?

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