In a sense, this can even be said to be a short-term powerful technique by consuming the upper limit of one's own bloodline. For the sake of the continuation of the race, such spells may indeed be necessary, but for a single humanoid, such an act would undoubtedly be a great harm to oneself. For example, His Highness Will, to a certain extent, Hal can clearly understand that it is obvious that the erosion of the magic received by His Highness Will is more serious. This is also the reason why he has not been out all the time round, and His Highness Will is probably the humanoid who has been in charge of the entire project.

But he wouldn't say the same thing, not entirely because of the royal family's life-saving grace, but also because Hal had already taken his place in their part of history with Ina Raymond, Emily's grandfather, when he was young, and it was a glorious time. The role of magic in warfare is incomparably huge, and the technology itself with extreme power also requires a certain amount of magic to be able to fight back against the enemy on the battlefield.

"Hurry up, Hal, we can't wait here. Mia's old but unexpectedly powerful voice came, but theoretically she was the one who was most worthy of worrying the rest of the people on the whole journey, "You're not old enough for a human race like me to beat, are you?"

"I'm here, I'm here, it's not a big deal, Lady Mia, you should be careful with your body, you're a human race at an advanced age. Hal carried the specially made camera equipment that had been rushed out to adapt to the special magical environment of the prison. Truth be told, these things have been prepared for a long time, but they never knew what they would be used for, and today it was finally time for them to see the light of day. "And these equipment are very old, even if they have been sealed with magic technology and physical means to this day, they need to be handled with care. "

Emily just walked with Mia's steps, as decisive and silent as ever when the female leader's words were as decisive and silent as her own methods. Her steps were surprisingly light

"There aren't many days like this. She thought, for her that the relaxed atmosphere was more of a sign of the storm to come.

"We are all to blame. She thought so, her fingertips unconsciously raised as if to grasp something, but unfortunately the leader could not see anything that matched her heart in prison, and she could not grasp what belonged to her.

"The times are advancing. She thought like this, and she didn't know what she was going to ask when she met Ryu again, and she didn't know that the first time, she was as helpless as she had heard of her sister's death.

The human race beside her seemed to feel it, so the weak human race took hold of her hands, and the old hands brought her uncontrollable warmth. "You've been restless for the past two days, Emily. The human species spoke, her lips opening and closing with difficulty, once upon a time between them had come to this point.

"I'm just, there are too many things to be busy in the past two days, the divine banquet you know is going to be held again, and the Thunder Apostle has to deal with the planet as an examination room in the past two days, so it has caused me to coordinate a lot of things in the past two days, and there is still this file of things. And this time the feast is different, you remember the young man we pushed up, Peterman. Emily let go of the human race's hand, "Hal be careful, it's okay to slow down, after all, it's an old thing from fifty years ago, and it's still a little reluctant to carry it like this now." "

"I see, Your Highness. "As a magician, Hal has no choice but to do such a thankless job at this time. The structure of the prison really limited his play to a large extent, but fortunately, his body was made by himself through cultivation technology, and there was not much place to rely on pure magic.

Just about Peterman, Mia didn't answer and Emily wasn't mentioning this type of person, because it was a non-existent member of the royal family, and he shouldn't have been mentioned at this time. It's also Emily who has a bit of a headache from her current job, so she didn't mention it after thinking about it for a while.

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