But Juji, a child, was not of royal blood in the first place, but having the right to inherit was originally a very good choice to control, but unfortunately it was taken crooked in just seven days, but is this really the case?

Emily began to suspect that it might actually be her dear sister, who had no intention of letting her children participate in such competition, so the current situation arose, but how could it be, how much the female race wanted this position, how competitive it was.

In the end, he was discouraged and left, how could such a humanoid child not want to join the competition. Emily didn't understand why the boy didn't show any desire for these things that she could give Judah resources, prestige, money, everything that could fulfill his wishes.

It doesn't matter, she comforts herself, it's still a long time, maybe the kid doesn't know or understand what it all means. She can teach him by hand.

Stream had no contact with Jack at this point, but Jack had already made it to the ship, and even though he didn't know what he was going to do, he sat down peacefully on the couch in the middle cabin, and there were even some bags of nutrition bars that had not had time or were too lazy to be thrown into the garbage disposer.

There are more blueberry flavors, and it seems that one of the two people likes to eat blueberry-flavored nutrition bars. Jack's mind was unusually calm at this time, because he suddenly realized that in fact, it seemed that he just had to follow that one, and it seemed that in fact, Ms. Mia and Mr. Liu had been preparing for a long time, and it was not such an idea that suddenly appeared in recent years.

But because the time was up, he came, and he quickly understood this, so now all he had to do was wait and understand the whole plan, or maybe the plan was on the ship? Thinking of this, he first went to the main control room to take a look, and since the inner door of the whole ship could be opened directly, it was very easy for Jack to walk in, very simple equipment, very traditional design.

It's so simple that it's hard to hide the materials, and the only place that might be hidden is on the bookshelf next to it, which is full of books that you haven't even read. "On the Connection between Social Class and Lineage in the Thunder Apostle Star Domain and Specific Observations on the Aristocratic Class", will anyone really read such a book? "Social Analysis of the Mechanical Species: The Limitations and Advantages of Technocracy", "The Elven Species: A Practical Critique of Dreams and Reality, the Decentralized Implementation of Augmented Reality", etc., the common denominator of these books is that their authors are all written under the name of a person, that is, Stream.

As the name suggests, these things seem to be about different considerations of society. It seems that these are all outlines of observations and criticisms, and they are not directly related to the actual plan, could it be that there are some methodologies for how to deal with them in some of these books?

So with excitement, Jack opened the book called "About the ...... of the Thunder Star Domain" anyway, there is a book about the Thunder Star Domain, and after opening it very simply, you can find and see the last chapter in the table of contents - countermeasures and reality.

Countermeasures and realities

Unfortunately, it is often difficult for us to find a solution to the current social environment, in fact, change is not only a problem of its own, but also a problem that requires external factors to intervene.

Due to the turbulence of the current situation in the past few years, Lei Xingyu has long been the current extremely conservative foreign policy, and it is almost impossible to get his own invitation letter of hope for the world to become better under such a high-pressure policy, and it is precisely because of this situation that it will gradually slow down in the foreseeable future, my personal suggestion is to wait for the arrival of the social renewal force, in the current situation, it is difficult to change the thinking of a humanoid leader in actual practice, so that the society begins to become turbulent, and the situation changes to have a chance to make the actual situation better。

To this end, I will make my own efforts to carry out this project through a very simple trilogy.

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