"But how the hell did someone like you become such a good friend with this humanoid race that sounded like they had very distorted values? "

"Are these values distorted? I think it's okay you know, you may think it's distorted now, but if you go back to 700 years ago, about two generations ago, this kind of thing was not uncommon, and that's already good, the world has changed a lot. "

"Speaking of which, there is a real big difference in the average age of humanoids. The human race is really miserable, maybe three generations will not survive the other generation. Juji couldn't help but sigh, "I don't know how long I can live." "

"You, this kind of fool must live a long time, there is an old saying in my hometown that a fool has a foolish blessing, that is, the more stupid the humanoid, the longer and better the life. As he said this, he touched Yuji's head, "You are still a child, and you don't understand and understand many things, but if you have the opportunity, you will understand many things in the future." "

"But let's rest for the next two days. Liu stopped talking and looked at his information, "I will simply send you information about the elf race, you can tell me where you want to play, otherwise we can only be like when we were in the Thunder Star Domain and the Federation, the days when we have been busy and have no time to go out to play are not comfortable, and the combination of work and rest is the point, isn't it?"

"If you say that, won't your employer really think you're slacking off?" said Yuji as he began to look at the information that had been shut. I have to say that Judah II thought it was amazing when he first saw it, the elves have the most conservative and open atmosphere among the twelve star fields, and they do not marry outsiders, but at the same time, they welcome outsiders to come to their own territory to play, and it is the smallest one in the entire twelve star fields except for the Federation.

The Elven Apostle is said to be a very beautiful man, known as the Son, of the purest Elven blood, and a very devout believer.

The key is that although there is no photo of him on the data, judging from the description on the data alone, either this information is written by his brainless fan, or this elf species is so beautiful that it is impossible to distinguish between male and female. However, this naturally has nothing to do with ordinary people like him, who have now returned to civilian status.

So very happy, Judah saw a lot of places he wanted to see in this information, such as a whole mushroom-covered planet, with a very special ecological environment underneath, which can squeeze out mushroom juice rich in magical energy, and at the same time, there is a special mushroom on the whole planet that produces a smell that is harmless to most humanoids and smells good.

There is also the main gathering planet of the elves are several planets with sufficient vegetation coverage around the same star, although the ecological biomes are different, but with the continuous efforts of the elves, they are finally transformed into unified, diverse ecological biomes.

"So how long are we going to stay here?" asked Judah after reading the information, "I've already figured out that we'll go to two planets." "

"Have you decided?" Stream put down the terminal in his hand, he was just trying to apply for a new interstellar card by himself, the original one had been broken by him, and now the money in it was almost beyond Stream's own expectations, so it was directly handed over to Missy to deal with, anyway, all her actions need money, and she can use it when necessary.

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