"I don't know, I've been here for a long time, I've been like this when I came, I can only say that there may be some reasons that we don't know very well, and in fact, it's hard to find a safe place in such an environment, even the city center can become like that, what do you think the surrounding area will become?".

"So what kind of people are chasing us again, or trying to kill us? I always have some right to know about my murderer. "

Ash glanced at Juji in surprise. "When the pig is killed, you don't care who is trying to kill you, I mean you didn't escape, and you start to wonder if it's a little too relaxed. "

"Didn't the stream entrust you to protect me, I trust him. "

"It's such a familiar sense of trust, I always feel that you will go down the same path as me in the future, after all, we were like this at the beginning, how did it come about, he has been operating in the Thunder Star Domain for so many years, just to organize that perverted plan, is he dead?".

"What kind of organization are you, how come almost all the people associated with him know about it, and you seem to know a lot, and he didn't even tell me much. "

"I asked directly, your friend suddenly and inexplicably wants to go to another star field to permanent, and he has to abandon all his previous identities, at this point, it's normal to ask, and it's not normal not to ask. And to be honest, we still didn't understand much of what he said. "

"I don't know, he only said that he was going to stop a humanoid from trying to put his soul into the minds of all humanoids to control all humanoid thoughts, but in the end he waited in there for six hundred years, and there was no way to kill that humanoid, to be honest, it was a little too slow, he was probably just doing those things by the way, and we don't know what he really did. "

"I think it has something to do with him wanting to kill the gods, I don't know if it's just a feeling, don't you think he was serious when he said that?"

"He also told you, none of us believed in him at the time, but the longer we got along, the more I had a feeling that he could really do it, I don't know what he was planning, I didn't know what he was thinking, I just felt an inexplicable feeling of what he was doing now, he was probably negotiating terms with the apostles. "

"What the hell is an apostle, I've never really recognized the difference between any of the apostles, their so-called powerful abilities, and the magic passed down from our bloodline. "

"Different schools of thought have different opinions, let's go in and talk about it. Ash said as he walked over to a door. To Juji's surprise, there was no building behind the door, just an isolated door there, and there was a wall on the side of the road on the side of the road, which was across the building, and Ash seemed to see Yuji's suspicions, and he led Juji around the back of the door.

There was no difference, just a two-sided door without any special place, but this was precisely the most special, a door should not appear alone in an isolated open space, Ash opened the door directly, and then threw him directly into it before Judah had time to see what was inside.

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