"Who knows, to be honest, sometimes I wonder if our dependence on him in the first place was also deliberately cultivated by him. Ash said nonchalantly. "You don't know how far our relationship with him has gotten at that time, he is like the kind of human race that has never been defeated in any sense, we have never seen a humanoid like that, not even after that. "

"I don't know very well, the humanoids I've come into contact with who have a deep relationship with him, often hate him, or admire him, but it doesn't seem to be to me to that point. "

"It's normal, if he makes you feel powerful at the beginning, it just proves that he is not powerful, after all, if an underage child can understand what he is doing, then he is really regressing. But he's really changed a lot, it's not like before, he was a little more flamboyant before. "

"Isn't he flamboyant enough now? I think he's quite flamboyant in provoking others, and putting himself in danger. Where the hell are we going?" Judah had been following Ash as he walked up and down the same towering buildings that looked everywhere without any distinction.

"Now it all looks the same, mainly to get rid of those people in the back, we still have to be more careful, I don't want me to find a safe house was also bombed, and that was in exchange for a very expensive commission, now we don't have the help of the flow, if the flow was there, I don't have to do this commission, he will say in a very down-to-earth tone, let's build one directly." "

"Your trust in him has really reached a level that surprises me, I do trust him, but the trust in this aspect is not so deep at all. "

"Yes, because he's the kind of human race that can convince you that everything you're doing now is meaningful, that you can get what you want in the end, and that even if you don't get those things in the end, you'll feel like ah, I've done my best, there's nothing left to do. "

"But," Ash paused. "It's at times like this that the stream will connect all the previous efforts of the humanoids in an inexplicable way, and then you will find that you can really do those things. "

"It's ridiculous, sometimes we all wonder if the flow is going over again, but then I think about it, if it's really a new one, he shouldn't have intersected with such an ordinary us, but now it doesn't seem to be very ordinary. "

"You don't look so ordinary, or since the flow is still in contact with you, it proves that you have a good relationship with him, and it is not easy to think about being able to have a good relationship with a humanoid like that. At the same time, Juji realized that they were walking away from the center, because the buildings around them had suddenly begun to get shorter, but this speed of retreat was too fast, and he suddenly realized that it was not normal for them to walk for long, but they had begun to show a noticeable decline in the level of construction.

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