"Ah, that's it, then I'm still not going, I'm more interested in the cooking club, they say they make some traditional desserts, aren't you interested?".

"To be honest, I'm also very interested, but for these contents, I don't have time to participate in the two together. "

"Okay, then I'll let you make the experiment then, and I'll give you something to eat when I'm done." "

"Okay, I don't think you'll be able to make anything unpalatable anyway. "

"The main content of our club is to find out the information of interest on those rare planets, and share them, no matter what attracts you, even if the name of this planet is very similar to your parents, it is okay to say that it makes sense, and each member of the club must share it at least once. "

At least this is the first time Nala has looked at a planet with a more academic eye.

"What's your content for sharing, Maggie?".

"I'm not sure, what are you preparing?"

"A planet about special plants, do you know that the star around this planet is only its own gravitational effect due to the influence of the power of the Dark Apostle in the Third Star War, and the plants born on this planet are very similar to the Starry Night Flower in the Dark Star Field. "

"yes, I really don't know much about it, maybe it has something to do with the influence of the Dark Apostle, right?"

"It's true that I'm going to wait until I'm sharing the data and the like, and I really feel lucky to be a part of this club, and I've always thought that my interest wasn't of interest to any humans. "

"How so, we all came together because of these things, didn't we?"

Time is the cruelest thing in this world, and happiness is short-lived, it's always like that.

When Nora returned from the middle of the first semester of her junior year of high school, she saw her sisters and her mother sitting at the table, looking very serious.

"Nala, I think we should really think about your future. Her mother said to her solemnly. "I know you've always wanted to go out and see, you shouldn't be confined here because of us, I've discussed it with your sisters, they also have their own places to go, I'm going to be sent to the planet of the second-level star field of the Love Star Domain next, to carry out a new mission of the company, I want you to study abroad in the Order and Life Star Domain, I helped you look at some schools, of course you can be local, but we all know the planetology of the local university, there is no need to study, isn't it?".

"I see, I'll take a look. "Some documents, some choices, and some applications, surprised humans, of course Maggie was not even surprised, for her, at least once she did consider leaving the family, but now, she did hesitate, just for a moment, for a long time, her desire for knowledge did overwhelm her love for her family.

Humans have to grow up, and traveling far away is not just a dream, and the same is true for Maggie, but not every wanderer can expect it, and not every wanderer will have a way back.

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