"As I said, I'm just finding my place. "

"Excessive modesty is a manifestation of arrogance, don't continue this conversation, what do you want me to do for you other than this deal?".

"You actually saw it, I thought you wouldn't care, after all, you've lived for so long, and your long life hasn't worn out your empathy for humanoids. "

"I have always been a very human race, otherwise, I would not stand in front of you, listen to your requests for me, I would choose to kill your body, and then directly snatch part of the power of the elven apostles, it is much easier than making a deal with you. "

"You're really confident in your own strength now, but unfortunately, we can't have a deeper cooperation between us. "

"You better work harder for your own goals, it's easy to die, Holy Son, don't you think what you're doing is the most difficult thing than what I'm going to do?"

"I see, don't bring it up again, let's go to dinner, do you want to try the specialty of Gray Star?".

"For the record, I've always been respectful of the specialties of such places, and I won't eat them if they are far from the food I know. "

"I know, let's go, let's go to dinner, and then I'm going to audit today's meeting, it's Rhett, do you want to go and see it?"

"It's really hard to imagine that a humanoid like him will have a joint meeting, or want to go and see, I will try to design the information you want in three months, and when the meeting is over, find someone to take me to see the venue, and the materials you have now, I can be responsible for designing one, by the way, I will help you train the engineer, and the rest will have to work your own." "

"I see. Suddenly, his words paused, and then reverted back to his original somewhat hoarse voice, returning to her previous appearance. "Those old immortals started arguing again, I really don't know what to make about for some so-called traditions, sometimes I really want to kill them all, it's annoying. "

"Anyway, you've lived for three epochs, much better than Howard's temporary appointment, and your patience is really a little scarce. "

"Isn't it normal for you to have a bigger temper the older you get?"

"You see that I'm different, I'm a very peaceful human being, don't you think I'm very peaceful personally?".

"Your peace is bought by using the irritability and displeasure of others, you are really good at provocation, and sometimes I think you may actually be subduing the high priest under you, after all, the current obedient one is a bit suspicious of the humans. "

"Well, maybe the current high priest represents that one, after all, even the Thunder Apostle has decided to change, and he himself should be able to see that many things have changed since the Third Star War. Liu's tone changed subtly, and he did have a profound impact on that war.

"When you were in the Third Great War before, although I didn't find any traces on the surface, the matter of the Thunder Star Domain was planned from that time, what will your next plan be now?"

"There's nothing wrong with your previous question, but I'm still thinking about the next one, because I'm not sure where one thing is going. "

"There are still things in this world that you can't judge. "

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