"Returning to the magic itself, one of the reasons why bloodline magic has never been learned by most humanoids, and is so difficult to study, is due to the high status and scarcity of the users, but more importantly, the reason for this. "

Stream paused deliberately, not because he didn't want to continue, but because the ship's alarm button began to light up bright red. The entire chamber was filled with a large amount of blood red, which flickered and seemed to be the embodiment of fear, but correspondingly, neither Ryu nor Judah were too frightened.

Such sudden events seem to have become a norm, and such things are not uncommon in Juji's past lives, but for Ryuji, such things are obviously very unexpected, after all, although he does play some role in some things that seem important, such sudden and unforeseen things are still very new.

"Unauthorized connection detected. "

The "Detected Unauthorized ......" stream manipulation for a moment, then stopped the sound, turned on the ship's connection mode, and the other ship docked very efficiently without encountering resistance.

"I knew that the tour you were talking about would have to stop for various reasons. Juji's eyes were filled with no surprise that he and himself were in this situation.

"Don't blame me, I really just planned to take you to play, after all, I didn't want to do anything, I just think I really need to relax, of course don't you think you should celebrate a little?"

"I don't always have something to do, after all, the previous errand was my next one. "

"Then let me ask, how does your estimate of this errand compare with the last time?" "Juji had already made up for all kinds of cultures about the Elven Star Domain when he came, so he could clearly see that the spaceship that came was from the Elven Star Domain, and obviously, the stream was also targeted by the humanoids of the Elven Star Domain for some reason.

"It took me almost six hundred years and almost seven hundred years last time, so this time I've decided to mess up a little bit, so let's run away in a very unethical way after that. Stream looked at the monitoring of the hatch where the docking was completed, and out came one or two, no, many, all sorts of humanoids.

"Blood demons, dwarves, giants, undead, necromancers. "Streaming one by one is like announcing the name of a dish. "Tsk, it's so troublesome, it looks like this time it's really a bit big, and it's not something we can refuse. "

"But," Stream suddenly reacted from a depressed look. "The more they do this, the more it means that we may not be able to solve this problem, and if we can't, we can go back to our journey immediately. "

The connecting hatches were in the middle and back of the ship, so in order to prevent them from wandering around the ship and then running into something they shouldn't touch, Ryu still took Juji to the back to greet the guests.

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