"That's not a mistake, is it?" "They were really talented when it came to testing. "

"Yes, humanoids that resonate well with the Philosopher's Stone will make the Philosopher's Stone glow in a ripple-like light, and the farther it is transmitted, the higher the talent. Stream shook his head. "But for some humanoids, the greatest achievement of their lifetime with magic may end there, and their talents may not have to be exhausted. "

When Juji heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful. "The right approach is really important. "

"What's right and what's not?" Stream has a different view of this. "It may be sad for the gifted to be able to keep using their talents, and the early days of magic were spent most of the time fighting and simply plundering the lives of others. "

"That's a long way off, in fact, what I originally wanted to tell you is that the magic that we use universally is called general magic, and there is also a part of the magic that can only be used by a fixed bloodline called blood magic, which is something we have known before, but have you ever thought about one thing, there is no taboo thing about the study of blood magic, but in the end, even in the wisdom star field, there are not many people who really study this kind of magic in a reasonable way. "

"Anyway, it must be because of some reasons that can't see humans, and it's similar to the trouble in the Thunder Star Domain. "

"There is a big difference between the two, the Thunder Apostle has his own reasons in the affairs of the Thunder Star Domain and is not very well involved, so I can only be asked to go to the front line as a spokesperson, especially in recent years, oh it is the past few hundred years, the reason why I have been in the Thunder Star Domain is also because my relationship with the Thunder Apostle is actually the best of all the Apostles, so I will spend so much effort and do so many things for Him. "

"What about blood magic, isn't it because there are humanoids, or most powerful humanoids, who don't want to be researched?"

"You seem to have a misunderstanding of power, power is not the only or not really important factor in determining the development tendency of a star field in this world. "

"What really matters is the Apostles? But isn't the Apostle Ray completely uninvolved?"

"I've said it before, the apostles may know, but he doesn't necessarily participate, does he?" Stream answered Judew's question as he began to pull up the information.

"The main race in the Elven Field, which is the Elves, but all the native humanoids in the Elven Field, use magic. The stream went back to the original topic and showed some similar pictures. "In addition to general-purpose magic, there are also some of their own exclusive magic, although most of them are not strong, but it cannot be ruled out that in the case of such a long time and space, there are no very powerful special individuals among them. "

"You're changing the subject, right?".

"That's right, because it's very dangerous to discuss the topic of apostles, the power of apostles is far beyond your imagination, especially since we are not in the territory of the Apostles of Thunder now, and I don't have such a good relationship with the other apostles. "

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