
this point, perhaps not even the colonized miners, "Hopefully, you will have access to the basic human rights you want." Best sighed, even after working for many years, she still can't forget such a thing, for a long time because of her appearance was observed.

The cold is still tarsus, but now that she has learned to live in symbiosis, it seems that this is something that every kind of person in the life field has to learn, to compromise with life.

While Best was thinking about his own past, Vernay had other thoughts on the one hand, and it was obvious that as a male, his observation of some things was much more superficial than Best's, which of course depended on his youth and lack of detective experience, and perhaps more decisive was that he himself was as linear and straightforward as the passage route of some thunder star fields.

As a representative of the single book in the police station, it is naturally impossible to achieve excellence in many aspects, but who said that the single book does not have its own advantages, "Best, there is a very strange thing here, you come and take a look." He pointed to something obtrusive on the side of the TV stand, something that wasn't supposed to be there, at least not from the previous layout.

Vernay didn't go straight to get them, but he approached the bottle-like object, which was translucent, with some kind of residual liquid attached to the bottle and the mouth of the bottle, and the mouth of the bottle was plugged with something of a different material, which looked like a red wine stopper, at least the same material, Vernet judged.

Bester heard Vernay's words, and gave him a very appreciative glance, then walked straight to the TV cabinet and picked up the bottle, which used to be a bottle but at least now looked like it lacked the rubber ring that the bottle should have protruded to close the lid.

And there are continuous traces of grinding around the bottle, and at this point Best is very good at judging that she does have a full understanding of those things that are worn, from her own past, experience, or education, and she has very skilled experience in polishing objects, or being polished.

She opened the lid, "Do you have any idea what's in this?" and Vernay said as she asked, "The way this bottle is ground shows that its owner doesn't want it to be seen as its original purpose, and it may be ...... inside


Best sniffed it directly, and Verne didn't have time to stop it at all, "Fishy smell." "

Verne didn't react and mechanically repeated Best's words, "Fishy?" Of course, there was no affirmation in Best's tone, and then he remembered what he wanted to do before, "Agent Best, it's a very dangerous thing to do, if it's an extremely dangerous gas. "

"It's not likely," replied Best, "it's extremely unlikely, this and that red wine stopper was polished, and when it was opened, there was no air pressure imbalance, so the liquid in it was not so volatile, or that the bottle was not very airtight, and Ruth, as the only one we have found so far who lived alone, would not have done so if it had a huge toxicity in terms of the precision of his house." "

"This is the first time I've seen character profiles come in handy. Verne was dumbfounded.

"Nope. "Everything I've said above is just random stuffing, and I'm only going to smell that bottle because it's so efficient." "

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