"If that's the case, how can you have the money to deliver cookies to your neighbors?" Bester said to himself, recalling the information, "Verne, have you ever considered that they might have other sources of income?"

"I don't know, aren't you clerks better at thinking at this point, to be honest, I don't know the Ruth family at all, but if you ask the caretaker of the trailer camp here, I do know him, we can ask later, that guy owes me a lot." "

"I see," Verne replied as he slammed the door open, not a heavy task, but the wooden door was so light and fragile that Verne didn't even use a special tool, for he was afraid of smashing it directly.

However, even so, there were some small dents left on the door, and they looked like the bruises of a weathered old man, dented and shriveled, and they did not look much different from this house, or rather, it was a different kind of local custom

Ruth's room layout is very neat, or there is no smell of living people, there is almost no smell in the whole room, there is only a trace of ambiguous mold in the air, if it is really about three days or so there are no humanoids, mold is normal, there is almost no organic matter in Olgley can remain the same after getting out of the control of humanoids, which is not only due to the prosperity of mold, but also the influence of the life star field on the planets in their own domain.

Of course, this is the knowledge found in some popular science books, which is common knowledge for Best, and there are some places in her proud hippocampus that are beyond ordinary people, and these knowledge seem to be engraved in her mind in itself, and Best herself has nothing to do with it.

It was for the director that the man seemed to really feel sorry for Best's plight, and after hearing this, he was even more determined to send Best away, but in view of Best's personal insistence and the perennial lack of clerks in the bureau, he finally compromised.

As an independent house, there is no doubt that it naturally has its own complete ecosystem, and all of these things have their own place without exception when considered from various aspects, perhaps this is indeed an obsession for Ruth, because Best can clearly see the strange harmony in a series of different contents.

Or a sense of dissonance, everything is placed where they should be, the right side of the room hangs on the wall is a TV belonging to the previous era, with a heavy amount of dust on it, which is obviously not always used, and under the TV is a TV cabinet, but unlike the wall-mounted TV, the size of this cabinet is designed to support it, as for why Verne knows this because he also uses such a cabinet to house the TV in his own home.

It could be said that it was the nature of a clerical person, or the requirement of some kind of unreasonable interference system, in short, the first place where Best's eyes focused was on the most peculiar part of the room, and on the desk were different kinds of herbs, as well as some tools, which were very prosperous, and very new in appearance, almost unused.

Best tried to take a closer look at the complex structure of the entire desk, and found that the composition was actually unusually simple. The herbs and the tools that the herbs need, and the tools that are not needed but must be placed next to them, do not seem to have obvious meaning, or rather more like visiting for the purpose of performing certain actions than the presence of those things.

Symbolic symbolism is more important than practicality. Best came to a cold conclusion.

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