"No, he's just busy with other things, Malatti's death was done by me, so he needs to deal with the overflow of related content, and of course it's also a credit to the flow you asked to help, after all, that one was calculated on Marati's head from the beginning. Wright's tone was unconsciously ironic, after all, he had put a lot of effort into the palace in order to understand these secrets, and it was not a good feeling to be confined to the capital star all the time.

"I can give you a free choice, after all, you didn't kill Tucker, you can decide whether to kill me or replace me after listening, it's a deal, but I must remind you that the success rate of both options other than the option of replacing me is very high, but replacing me, even if I don't rebel against you, it is almost impossible to succeed, for a humanoid who has not received relevant knowledge, there is no essential difference between replacing the apostle and sending me to death. "

"I see, then you can say it. "

"The second way is to completely become my heir, I will wipe out all the blood from your body, including the physiological structure, and then use my own body to help you reshape it, for a year, after which you will be able to freely enter and exit all the territories of the Thunder Star Domain, but not out of the Star Domain. You will become the High Priest, you will become the High Priest who really has the power to control it. The third way, I will use the genes of the human race to help you reshape, you will become a human race completely, and I will hide all your memories of the apostles, you will enter the Federation with the help of the flow to work, and then gradually remember the past with the influence of time, the fear brought by that power is essentially a kind of blood suppression, so as long as you take your time, there will be no mental trauma. "

The Thunder Apostle turned around and really looked at the person opposite him, this was the first time they met, even if half of the body of this person belonged to him, but it was almost impossible for the apostle to have his own heirs, he not only gave the child his own blessing, but also gave the blessing of life, which is why he is still alive now, but such a blessing is a source of pain for humans, and strength comes at a price, this is an eternal truth, and even more so for Wright, he has the power of three apostles, should not have had such a tragic fate, but in the end it went to such a tragedy.

The Thunder Apostle has lost the ability to be merciful, and his divinity has suppressed his humanity to a certain extent, which is why he raised Tucker, in order to maintain his humanity.

He only sighed that he should have thought that the apostle was not mad when he gained power, and that the so-called power might even seem to him to be madness, madness, unspeakable, self-justification in silence.

So he didn't continue to speak, just waited silently, Wright didn't give an answer, and for a long time he opened his mouth to ask a question that even he thought was stupid, "When it's all over, can I make another decision?"

The Apostle of Thunder was not surprised by this, he just stood, he just looked at the young humanoid opposite, faced him, and then silently traced his appearance with his gaze, it was indeed extremely beautiful, but it was too fragile, and it was indeed quite good to think that he could get this far, "No problem, if you want to come in, you just need to talk to Tucker." "

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