The kind of person behind the Thunder Apostle didn't say too much, just the lines on a certain body of him showed his particularity, the Thunder Apostle's divine domain was still very ordinary and dried up like that, but in such a barren land, an unknown plant actually grew out of thin air, or some kind of life, some kind of life similar to a rock began to germinate in a place as hard as steel, or with more familiar words, germinated, such a specific scene did not have any touch for the Thunder Apostle, on the contrary, he did not even look back, but looked at the false sky in the divine domain as always。

If Howard was still there, there would have been some traces of humanoid life in this place, but since Howard's defection, the High Priest has become a vacant position, and no humanoid race is qualified to connect his real space with the divine realm again.

If there is no answer, even Wright is not actually able to enter.

But is that really the case?

It should have been, but the Apostle Ray knew clearly that He had not allowed any humanoids to enter.

"You shouldn't have come, but you came anyway, for what, to kill me?".

"For my own sleep. "It's a simple reason, but it's too roundabout in terms of methodology, and it's not a real idea. "All the more because, after learning about this power, I have every day with great fear, a destructive power, an overwhelming power, and I firmly believe that if this power does not disappear or is in my hands, nothing can sleep in peace. "

After the third year of insomnia, which was Wright's fifteenth birthday, he finally made that immensely large wish, "I want to be an apostle." "I didn't say it, but it was true, the plan in my heart had begun to plan for itself, expansion and plunder were originally compulsory courses for the humanoids of the Thunder Star Domain, but peace and the void blinded most of the humanoids, allowing them to clothe their instincts in the robes that belonged to civilization.

But Wright had lost this robe, and he had to face the most terrifying shiver of his life, he was facing an insurmountable mountain, he didn't even reach halfway up the mountain, and the only thing that resisted his instinct was instinct, so he went step by step in the plan, and finally he got here, but he didn't know what else he could do.

"I don't know, I want to get your power, but I've reached the limit. They are both very aware of the gap between each other, "I just have to do something, otherwise the fear that comes from the bone marrow, the maggots that follow me step by step, will eat away at my reason, so I must come to you, I must see the source of that fear, I don't want to fall into madness for no reason." "


vitality is more vigorous, at this time Wright looks extraordinarily divine, his surroundings are overflowing with the breath of life, as if his life is precipitated from his own body, Wright is constantly aging, but constantly young, not reincarnation but two states at the same time, in order to enter the realm of God, he has to go further to let the power he fears more replace himself, more fill himself, Lei knows very well that such a state, the initial state of every potential apostle is similar to this, or become a carrier of some kind of power, or eventually be swallowed by the power to find another carrier。

But in fact, the most crucial place is compromise, every humanoid will compromise on the way to becoming an apostle, becoming a force itself is the only way to succeed at the moment, humanoid reason is too fragile so that for a long time, chaos has been happening, because instinct drives the carrier of power forward, and reason is not worth mentioning, only the ultimate balanced humanoid or apostle can live, in a distorted form.

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