"What is it?" Juji's heart was a little shocked by this, in his opinion, such a thing was already unsolvable, and then he understood that after all, he actually came for this matter in the first place, but then he was involved in these complicated things, "It's the Divine Banquet, you actually believe in such a thing, and there are not many people alive in the first place every time." "

Juji actually very sincerely believes that the realization of the ideals of the so-called first place is absolutely impossible to realize, after all, the so-called winners are only using the advantage of blood, and they are not even a kind of wisdom.

"But they did achieve their purpose," Will replied in the usual way, "do you think that if this is a hoax, why do all the humanoids, regardless of race, whatever kind of apostle they believe, end up going forward without hesitation, and of course our one did not achieve his purpose, or maybe he achieved it but we don't know, maybe he had a different pursuit in that tournament." "

It was only a short paragraph, and it was said that Ju Er's back was cold, and he really had never thought about such a question.

"The secret of this is only known to us races chosen by the apostles, if you really want to know the specific situation, you can ask Liu, he should be able to tell you, we are all restricted. Instead of continuing with these topics, Will changed the subject, "You seem to wonder why I have to answer all questions?"

Originally, Juji wanted to ask why the stream would know, but since they all started such a topic, Juji started his own narrative from the beginning," From the very beginning, I thought it was very strange, if you want to win me over, there is no need to do such a thing, the relationship between you and the stream is not as unfamiliar as I see, and even you and the stream are simply together, but now you pretend not to be familiar at all, and the flow of the game is an accident in the eyes of the outside world, and even the entry of the game is promoted by Mia, what do you want to do?".

"Ah, that's the reason," Will didn't feel any emotion about it, but calmly elaborated, "you seem to be on the outside, so your observation between us is slightly incorrect, and our efforts are really only for our own survival, and the goals are the same as those before us, and now it flows. Will pondered his words, "We are on different paths, and he has higher ideals than we are." "

Lies, even Judah can hear that Will is far less noble than he himself said, "So you mean you're breaking up now?", very simple logic, if it's just to survive, it is obvious that you can communicate directly with Flow, and in Judah's opinion, Stream should not have such a great ability.

Thinking of this, Yu Er's pupils shrank, unless they did something that they couldn't even forgive, and it was obviously against the principle of doing things that flowed, then there was no need to use themselves as a threat here.

Will shook his head in denial of this view, "If that's the case, obviously there won't be such a peaceful development between us," he replied to his own answer, "It's because we're sorry for him, because of our weak hearts." "

"Why do you have to be so high-sounding, there's no need to lie to a child like that, Raymond. A familiar voice suddenly came out, "I've always wondered where you put the laboratory, but I didn't expect it to be so close." "

"And oh, don't fake my handwriting, I'll be angry. "

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