"We weren't born, to be honest, technology has developed so far, and the importance of the bloodline of the children between us does occupy a part, but what we hope more is that they can get rid of what is in my head, a curse, our clan does have this way of inheritance, and as we get older, we will become more and more eager to live, and eventually go crazy. "

"But aren't you using technology?" Juji was even more puzzled, he didn't think that he had made a mistake in his understanding of the secrets written down, it was obvious that most of this kind of thing was achieved by using the power of technology, and even Juji suspected that he also used some of the computing power of the Void System.

"If you think it's really a technological means, how did our previous inheritance come about, even if the entire Dark Star Domain has not developed too rapidly in science and technology, it is better to say that the entire Dark Star Domain has never developed much except for the introduction of relevant economic means after the war at the beginning, even now that gambling, drugs, and chaos on the surface have been stopped, in those invisible shadows, these things are still constantly breeding. "

Will spoke in a completely different tone from Raymond, but he couldn't be called Raymond now, it should be said that it was Lowell, after all, Will told him that this was the unified name between them, and that they together formed an identity like Lowe that was half-dead, but still existing.

"And this can be attributed entirely to our damned bloodline, imprinted in our instincts is the absolute thirst for violence, but at the same time, because our very existence is indicative of reason, each of our family leaders accumulates their own paranoid madness, and the dark apostles give us power while bringing with them never-ending shackles. Will's expression was distorted, he was so relieved and so resentful, that his expression was divine and at the same time extremely depraved.

It looks like two different personalities are fighting.

So in the end, Liu gave two solutions, using the method of exchange transfusion or finding another person to bear the inheritance of this power together. There was a slight tiredness in Will's eyes, and when he said this, he felt a deep sense of guilt, which even exhausted his body, and he leaned against the iron bars of the prison, as if something more unbearable was urging the humanoid to give up his insistence.

"So which one did you use in the end?", Ju Er thought of the obvious difference between the eldest prince and the second prince halfway through his words, and suddenly understood, "You ended up using both?"

Will gave him a deep look, "yes, we ended up using both of them, just to be on the safe side." "I didn't want to do that, but I still underestimated the impact of Lowell on me, and my body was processed into two different parts, and I used some means to make my memories and Rowell's memories not be swallowed up by his consciousness even after they were combined, and then finally became like this." "

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