All in all, he has not done much about wool, so he is very good at being a shopkeeper, and he has no guilt about it, so he contacted Howard. After all, Apostle Ray is not at home, and the high priest is the person in power in the true sense, and he doesn't know when there will be fresh blood in the church.

Anyway, at present, Comrade Lei Apostle has not yet had the idea of managing the church, and many forces have indeed mixed into the church, but because of the reputation of Lei Apostle, he does not dare to act rashly, after all, if he is not careful, he will be reported by the other party, and if he does this kind of thing, it will not only affect them, but the entire family behind it.

"It's so convenient, in that sense," said the self-deprecating mutter, "after all, it was once one of the important ruling classes for a long time, but now it is the interests of the people at the bottom who have to be defended and there is also the praise of it, and Ray really gave me a wonderful joke." "

Howard wasn't busy, in fact, even as a high priest, his rights were only high in the political sense, and religious rights were overshadowed by this, and his political status made this kind of people uncomfortable, "I haven't seen each other for a long time, haven't you?" said Liu.

Of course, the loss of religious status and the value it should have on the chessboard is not something that happens in a day or two, to be precise, it should be an important measure that has been promoted for nearly a hundred years, and the purpose of the flow can also be glimpsed from it, which makes Lowell honestly relax a lot, and he is more inclined to accept a collaborator with a clear purpose than a collaborator with an unknown purpose in a high position.

Among the churches that have not been seen for a long time, the most practical cathedral in the churches of the capital star is the church of St. Arianna, this church is said to be the first church of the Apostle Ray, initiated by a female leader at the time, naturally the lady's name is Arianna, as for her race, it is no longer known, the time has passed so far that even if the humanoids have a slightly longer life expectancy than humans, they have no way of knowing the origin of these things.

There is also some nostalgia for the stream, in the early days when there were no humanoids in the universe, and of course there were no gods, and similar churches were everywhere, but people did not believe in anything external, they only believed in science, and the flesh might decay for logic and truth.

Until they finally die because of science, they are also extremely obsessed, and the consequence of such a longing and obsession to get closer to the truth is self-degradation, and the truth will always despise everything, after all, it is the truth.

Later, when humanoids and humans coexisted, and when all life was extinguished, a new era began. After all, even the gods were born in this way, and it was not surprising that even the gods were born in this way.

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