After all, he and Raymond's entire family have found an important position in it, and it is only a decades of war, and for the people in the star field, the era has begun to change of its own. Unfortunately, what should not be in such changes is the legacy of the past.

For example, himself, or Raymond, he already has an idea in his heart.

No humanoid can understand the most important part of the so-called destiny plan better in this world than himself, after all, it is something that he was familiar with and is being popularized every day, but he also found that this method does not seem to be completely mastered by Raymond's family, maybe it is missing or maybe the darkness did not want to give them the complete version in the first place, and use this method to balance them.

He himself had no way to guess the specific intentions, and he was not familiar with all the apostles, especially the darkness for him, and the flow could not understand this person's thoughts very well, and the things that he could not guess were extremely fatal and worthy of vigilance for an existence like him.

Not being able to figure out what belongs to His arrangement is actually an extremely terrifying thing to rely on his own judgment, and he hates to make one wrong judgment after another, especially against an uncertain apostle, and the inaccuracy of the purpose has always made it impossible for Liu to see through that apostle, so for him, it is true that he needs a way to approach this apostle, maybe the Cetina family will be a good opportunity, after all, not all humanoids have such a natural blood advantage.

"Maybe there is a chance that the changes of the times will continue to happen, at least we have a lot of trends that can be proved by us, right?" A sentence of incomprehensible meaning, the council still has a lot of business to deal with, and the short stay and meeting time of the stream is over here, so he turned around, as Rowell had done before, and walked out with some problems to be dealt with.

For example, the establishment of the entire judicial system, in such a place where almost all commoners have few opportunities to learn, no amount of legal restrictions can restrain them, perhaps the same is true for the nobles, the commoners have nothing to lose and are not afraid of punishment, and the nobles rely on their complex common interests, a trial, if all the people are on one side, it is almost impossible to get a fair judgment. This is a result that all humanoids can meet.

So it's important to be neutral in the system itself, but what's more neutral in that way, all humanoids have their own very traditional network of relationships, very normal social interactions, and it's unrealistic and impossible to sever these relationships in order to enter the judicial system.

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