With the acquiescence of Ray, in the arrival of the currency, this human race used extremely rapid and terrifying means to expand its own business territory, and at the same time stimulated the development of their race, which is obviously not something that can be done in a day or two of planning, this human race does have the qualifications to trade with the Thunder Apostle, perhaps the accessory of this transaction is the extension of the life span of this human being, and it is not uncommon for Raymond to do such a thing, in order to continuously extend his existing lifespan.

And the reward they received came from the friendship of the human and a large reserve of talents, and even under the entire residence they developed a whole complete laboratory, in order to realize the plan, their clan did let their bloodline, the inheritance of magic, in front of science.

However, this kind of research did not achieve the results they expected, it only ended up with a feasible conclusion, and the unavoidable sacrifice that could not be optimized was finally made, Raymond was not surprised by this result, he had indeed been preparing for this for a long time, and the end of the war had a price, and if such a price could indeed solve the problem permanently for his people, he was willing to make sacrifices.

"In mid-April 1675, the Witch Race officially intervened in the Third Unification War, using extraordinary tactical ability to intervene in the war of the Phantom Race without the support of the Apostles, and in the war they counterbalanced the Phantom Race with the support of the Apostles of Conquest.

In July of the same year, the Apostles of Conquest no longer directly or indirectly interfered in the war, and the rout of the Phantom Species did not come as expected, because both sides lost the support of the Apostles, the war fell into extreme anxiety, and the Phantom Species in the Third Unification War as the core combat force at the same time attracted order and life, that is, the spiritual species and the mechanical species, while the Witch Race was the main force and the neutral star hermit, currency, wisdom had a close connection with the support of the Apostle of Love.

This also promotes the racial diversity of the Thunder Star Domain, and after the formal intervention of the witch race, the main political center of the Thunder Star Domain has changed from the religious monopoly at the beginning, to the joint unified governance of the royal family and the parliament, with Raymond as the main force of military power, and at the same time, the parliament is mainly responsible for coordinating the development of the old religious aristocracy to the transformation industry, the main decision-maker of the royal family is Raymond, and the parliament at that time did not have a specific decision-maker due to the initial form.

After the end of the war in 1700, five years later, the first decision-maker of the parliament was elected through the unified election of all members of the parliament, that is, Marati, under the leadership of Marati, a variety of economic and monetary policies were introduced one after another, with the rich mineral resources of the Thunder Star Domain as a springboard, the economy of the Thunder Star Domain began to develop rapidly, and a number of commercial ports were established outside the capital star, the most prominent of which was the Star Sea Port in the third-level star field. "

- "A Brief History of the Thunder Star Domain".

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