"I've seen it, and I think it's doable. "It's just against ethics and morality, he didn't continue to say these extraneous things, the Apostles of Ray needed their help, and they were willing to pay for it, obviously the world was not merciful enough to let them leave morality and survival at the same time.

But it's not their fault, it's the world's fault. There are many things that humans don't say, but he just tacitly allowed this to happen, he understands that he can't be a salaryman, but he can do his own work for it, change is not the right of the elderly, aging makes people weak.

"Then do it. The Thunder Apostle said in a deep voice.

After saying that, the Thunder Apostle didn't say anything more, and the two of them were silent in the room, and finally the human opened his mouth and broke the silence. The Thunder Apostle just sat on a high-backed chair in the center of the hall, with nothing but shadows on him, and the human just found a random place to sit, but obviously there wouldn't be any other seats in a place like this, so he just sat on the ground.

The Thunder Apostle did not stop his trespassing, in fact he didn't care about these things, what he really cared about was only the future development of the world, obviously this idea was much more important to him at the moment than the actual human behavior in front of him.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Him come to you. "

When this topic was mentioned, the tone of the Thunder Apostle rarely became more emotional, "I don't know, but there aren't many places where he can go, we all know that the place where he can really be free in the Thunder Star Domain does not exist for the time being, but I do hope that his arrival can bring us more." Humanity realized that He was using us, but instead of pointing it out, he continued the conversation as before.

"You also understand that the symbolism of the apostles is a bit more intense than the actual creatures, isn't it, so it doesn't mean hope but certainty, it will definitely work. The human said this, and then lost interest in continuing the topic and moved on to another, more discussed topic.

"I've always felt that you're a little more receptive to these things, you don't care, why?" The human's expression of interest seemed to be exploring, but in fact it was just his own bad taste, and the Thunder Apostle did not give a direct answer to the human's question, but a rhetorical question.

"What do you think my symbol is?".

"Your name is the Apostle of Thunder, isn't it?" Humans know that this is not the right answer, but they are still stingy in giving an answer, because such a question should be explored by the apostles themselves, whether it is symbolism or definition itself, it is up to them to strive for it.

"I have always thought that I represent war, just as angels represent strength, darkness represents violence, and life represents existence, and these concepts give us too much and at the same time restrain our progress, but at the same time it is necessary for the apostles. "The Apostle of Thunder was saying these words as if he were a human, but this was obviously not the first time that such a form of conversation had occurred, and real humans were familiar with such a form of conversation.

"Maybe in a sense there is nothing wrong with this reaction, it's just your way of thinking, the definition is fluid, the same is true of the apostles, everything we do is just to perpetuate our existence, after all, the power of faith is too strong for the actual flesh. The man said this, but the marble on the floor did not become warm because he had sat down for a long time.

"I'm leaving. He stood up and said, the position of the Apostle of Thunder has not changed, he has not tried to keep the humans, the appearance under his mask is not understood by any human, his ideas are as treacherous and changeable as his own style of war, but this is not a reason to refuse change.

He was just suddenly feeling a deep sorrow in vain.

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