Warcraft novel series
Chapter Chapter
Arthas Menethil joined the Knights of the Silver Hand and became a paladin.
Varian's son, Prince Anduin Wrynn, is born.
Thrall became a consistent champion in the Arena, but Blackmoore plotted to use him to overthrow the Alliance.
There was a riot in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and Queen Tiffin Wrynn was killed in the chaos. The stonemason mob left the city to form the bandit group Defias Brotherhood.
Thrall successfully escaped from Durnholde with the help of Taretha, and then came into contact with the Warsong clan. Thrall entered the Alterac Valley, met his own people, the Frostwolf Clan, and passed the Drek'Thar Trial to become a new generation of orc shaman.
Orgrim Doomhammer returned, uniting the Frostwolf and Warsong clans to begin the operation to liberate the orcs, and the new tribe was officially reorganized.
The Scourge almost captured the entire underground kingdom. Anub'arak, the leader of Azjol-Nerub, and most of the soldiers were turned into minions of the Lich King, and the Spider War ended.
Kel'Thuzad, the archmage of Dalaran, heard the call of the Lich King and began to conduct research on psychic magic. He was later discovered by his colleagues and expelled from the city, and then set off to Northrend to pursue power.
Orgrim died in a battle to liberate the concentration camp. Before his death, he passed the warchief position, his weapons and armor to Thrall.
Thrall led the new Horde to attack Durnholde, the center of the concentration camp, and killed Edras Blackmoore in revenge after Taretha was killed. After the victory, the battle to liberate the Orcs in the concentration camp continued.
The paladin Tirion Fordring was exiled by the Alliance for keeping his promise to protect the orc veteran Eitrigg.
Kel'Thuzad returned to the Kingdom of Lordaeron and secretly founded the Cult of the Damned, secretly spreading the plague.
The former guardian Aegwynn resurrected the guardian Medivh, who was truly untainted by demons.
The main dwarf city of Gnomeregan was invaded by a large number of cave monsters, and the dwarfs sealed off the city themselves to fight against the invasion of these monsters.
Medivh began a lobbying trip, and Thrall, the chief of the tribe, followed his instructions and led the tribe to move west to the continent of Kalimdor to pursue the prophet.
Arthas Menethil was assigned to assist the mage Jaina Proudmoore in investigating the plague epidemic in the country, and found that many undead were already rampant in the country, and the Third War began.
Arthas and Jaina invaded Andorhal and killed the necromancer Kel'Thuzad, the leader of the plague.
In order to curb the plague in Stratholme, Arthas massacred the entire city and deprived Uther, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, of his title. In order to hunt down the demon Mal'Ganis who spread the plague, Arthas led the entire fleet to Northrend for the Northern Expedition.
Arthas met the dwarf expedition, and began to search for legendary weapons with Muradin Bronzebeard to deal with the undead. In the end, he obtained the rune demon sword Frostmourne at the cost of his own soul, completing his great cause of revenge.
Arthas returned triumphantly as a death knight, killing his father and destroying his country, the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
King Genn Greymane of the Kingdom of Gilneas ordered a complete blockade of the country's external communications to resist the invasion of the Scourge. He also ordered the Archmage Arugal to summon worgen from the Emerald Dream to assist the army in fending off the undead and the plague.
Thrall and the orc tribe passed an island on their voyage and rescued the troll Darkspear tribe. Vol'jin was grateful and brought the whole tribe to join the tribe.
After hearing the news of his brother's death, King Magni Bronzebeard of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan used the power of grief and anger to forge the holy sword Ashbringer to the Paladin Lord Alexandros Mograine.
Arthas killed his loyal minister and mentor Uther to obtain the bone altar needed to contain Kel'Thuzad's body, and began to march towards the high elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas.
Arthas broke through the high elves' defenses with the help of the high elf traitor Dar'khan Drasil, and ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner was killed and resurrected as a banshee.
Arthas killed the high elf king Anasteria Sunstrider, polluted the Sunwell, and resurrected the lich Kel'Thuzad.
The high elf prince Kael'thas Sunstrider returned home to regroup his tribe, renamed the whole tribe to blood elves in the name of commemorating their dead tribesmen, and then destroyed the contaminated magic source of the Sunwell. But the red dragon mage Krasus regrouped the scattered energy of the Sunwell and took the pure part and transformed it into the human female Anveena.
Jaina took the people of many Alliance countries who were willing to follow her on her journey westward to the continent of Kalimdor.
Arthas invaded Dalaran, killed the leader Archmage Antonidas, obtained the Book of Medivh needed for the summons, and then assisted Kel'Thuzad to open a huge portal, allowing the demon Archimonde and his Burning Legion to Return to Azeroth. The entire city of Dalaran was destroyed.
Thrall arrived on the continent of Kalimdor and met the tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof on the way to pursue the prophet. The tribe began to receive help from the tauren tribe.
When Grom Hellscream was assigned to collect the wood needed by the tribe, he had a fierce conflict with the night elves. When he was cornered, he led his clan to drink the corrupted blood prepared for him by the demon Mannoroth, killing him. The demigod Cenarius.
Thrall and Jaina met during the mission to find the Prophet, and under the guidance of the Guardian Medivh, they formed an alliance and cooperated to purify the fallen and betrayed Warsong clan of orcs.
Grom and Thrall challenged the demon Mannoroth, and in the end Grom sacrificed himself to kill the enemy and free the orcs from the curse of the demon blood.
Under the leadership of Tyrande Whisperwind, the night elves began the task of awakening the druids. The archdruid Malfurion Stormrage and many druids awakened from their long slumber.
Tyrande released Illidan from ten thousand years of imprisonment, but Illidan was tempted by Arthas and absorbed the power of the evil Skull of Gul'dan, and then killed the demon Tichondrius. Illidan was then exiled by the night elves.
Malfurion and Tyrande, under the guidance of Medivh, cooperated with the Horde led by Thrall and the Alliance led by Jaina to form a grand coalition, and defeated Archimonde at the top of Mount Hyjal at the sacrifice of the World Tree. The end of the Third War.
In order to punish the Lich King for his betrayal, the demon Kil'jaeden accepted Illidan as a minion and sent him on a mission to annihilate the Lich King.
With the help of Ms. Vashj's naga, Illidan entered the Tomb of Sargeras to seize the Eye of Sargeras, an artifact used to destroy the Lich King. Night Elf Warden Maiev Shadowsong was lost in pursuit of Illidan. Many subordinates.
Malfurion and Tyrande responded to Maiev's call for help and arrived in the continent of Lordaeron. They met the blood elf prince Kael'thas and the blood elves led by him. They worked together to hunt and successfully prevent Illidan from destroying the Lich King. However, Maiev used lies to deceive Malfurion into letting Malfurion release Illidan again to rescue Tyrande who was in crisis, so Maiev once again entered the portal to the Outland in order to hunt down Illidan.
The blood elves were accused of being traitors by the Alliance because they were forced to accept help from the naga at the time of their survival. Prince Kael'thas led some soldiers and followed Vashj's guidance to join Illidan's army, defeating and capturing Maiev alive..
Illidan accepted the help of Akama the Broken and defeated Magtheridon, who ruled Outland, and became the new King of Outland. However, Kil'jaeden still pursued him here and forced Illidan to attack the Lich King again.
Arthas was recruited back to protect the throne because the Lich King was damaged in a previous attack. At the same time, Sylvanas took back her body and broke free from the Lich King's control with a group of strong-willed undead.
Sylvanas conquered the Dread Lord Varimathras, defeated Balnazzar, united the undead with will into the Forsaken, and began to rebuild the underground area of the Royal City of Lordaeron.
Arthas and Anub'arak met in Northrend, killed and resurrected the ancient blue dragon Sapphiron, and traveled through the underground passages of the ancient Azjol-Nerub Empire to the Icecrown Glacier where the Lich King was imprisoned.
Arthas led the Scourge to defeat Illidan's army, liberated the Lich King and the throne from imprisonment, merged with Ner'zhul's soul to become the new Lich King, and then fell into deep sleep; Illidan fled back to the Outlands.
Thrall established the orc kingdom of Durotar and the magnificent city of Orgrimmar. At the same time, Jaina Proudmoore also established the Alliance's seaport city of Theramore, and the tauren also settled in Thunder Bluff.
Alliance Admiral Daelin Proudmoore brought his fleet to the continent of Kalimdor and began attacking all orcs and trolls seen along the coast, sparking the ancient hatred between orcs and humans.
Rexxar, the troll shadow hunter Lorkan, and the pandaren brewer Chen Stormstout were assigned by Thrall to investigate and prevent Daelin's attacks on the tribe.
Jaina chose to assist Thrall, Rexxar and others to defeat her father in exchange for peace between the two countries. In the end, Dailin died in the battle, and the tribe kept its promise and left.
The evil witch doctor Zalazane betrayed his people, used magic to control many Darkspear trolls and occupied the Echo Islands, causing Vol'jin to lead other refugee people to join the neighboring orc allies.
Dwarven explorer Brian Bronzebeard begins his journey of world exploration.
The defeated demon Balnazar killed the paladin Saidan Dathrohan and began to corrupt the entire Order from within the Silver Hand.
Malfurion entered the Emerald Dream in order to investigate the growing Emerald Nightmare, but was lost. Fandral Staghelm took his place as the leader of the druid Cenarion Circle.
Fandral convinced the Cenarion Circle to plant a new world tree, Teldrassil, and build the new city of Darnassus atop the tree.
The Blue Dragon King Malygos sent Kalecgos to investigate the energy source of the Sunwell, the source of magic for the high elves. However, Kalecgos was accidentally attacked by a group of dragon-hunting dwarves on the way. The injured Kalecgos was just killed. Saved by Anweina, the incarnation of the Sunwell. At the same time, the Lich King also assigned the high elf traitor Dar'Khan to seize the remaining magical energy of the Sunwell.
Kalecgos, his betrothed companions Tyrigosa, Anveena, and the paladin Jorad Mace were rescued by the tauren Tragg Mountain after being attacked by the Undead Scourge, but Tragg He sacrificed his life to prevent another friend's crazy plan, but when everyone discovered Anweina's true identity, she was abducted by Darkan.
Kalecgos came to the original location of the Sunwell and joined forces with the remaining blood elf ranger general Lor'themar Theron and the banshee king Sylvanas Windrunner, and Anweena also awakened herself Harness the power of the Sunwell to defeat Dar'Khan.
The blood elves and others kept Anveena's identity secret, and then recovered and rebuilt Silvermoon City, the capital of the blood elves, with Lor'themar serving as the regent of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas.
The Bronze Dragon King sent Ronin, Broxshiga Saurfang, and Krasus back to 10,000 years before the Dark Portal opened to prevent the ancient gods from interfering and destroying the timeline.
Under the call of Archmage Ansrem Ruin, Ronin and the remaining high-ranking officials of Dalaran used magic to cover the ruins of the city and began the task of rebuilding the city.
The peace between Durotar and Theramore is once again being stirred up.
The former Guardian Aegwynn assisted Jaina Proudmoore in defeating the demon Zmodler who instigated a war between Durotar and Theramore, and then returned to assist Jaina.
Jaina invited King Varian Wrynn of the Kingdom of Stormwind and Warchief Thrall of the Horde to attend the summit, intending to sign a friendship treaty between the Horde and the Alliance. However, Varian was attacked by the long-lurking black dragon Onyk on the way to the meeting. Shia planned the kidnapping.
Onyxia split Varian into two using dark magic, and one of them escaped and was trained as a slave gladiator by the orc Rhaegar Earthfury.
Saidan Dathrohan, who was possessed by Balnazar, seduced Mograine's eldest son to kill his father, causing the Holy Sword Ashbringer to fall, and Alexandros was resurrected by the lich Kel'Thuzad. Death knight.
The Knights of the Silver Hand split into the fanatical Scarlet Crusaders and the just Argent Dawn due to ideological issues.
Thomas Thomson, the paladin of the Scarlet Crusade, was killed because of his madness, and then was resurrected as a headless horseman by the demon Balnazzar, who started causing havoc every Halloween.
The draenei leader Velen accepted Nobundo the Broken to train the second generation of draenei shamans in the clan.
The Alliance continued to fight against the Burning Legion in Outland but was outnumbered. Therefore, Archmage Khadgar used magic to seek help from the outside world. Naru'adal heard his cry for help and took the Storm Fortress to Outland to regain the city of Sand where Draenei was rebuilt. Tarth, began to deal with the Burning Legion in the outer realm.
Kael'thas led a group of blood elves to raid Storm Keep and occupied the city of Naaru. They captured M'uru back to Silvermoon City to provide the blood elves with the power of the Holy Light to become Blood Knights. Kael'thas also quietly betrayed his people and Illidan, allying with the demon Kil'jaeden and the Burning Legion.
Kael'thas used the Naaru's technology to create many mana furnaces, extract large amounts of arcane energy from the Twisting Nether for his own use, and began to develop destructive weapons, mana bombs.
The Forsaken led by Sylvanas joined the Horde and began secretly conducting many plague alchemy studies.
Sylvanas sent troops to assist the blood elves in continuing to clear out the undead in the kingdom, completely wiping out Dar'Kan's forces, and then introduced the blood elves from the kingdom of Quel'Thalas to join the tribe.
Velen took most of the draenei to attack the Exodar, the sub-ship that hijacked Storm Fortress, with the purpose of heading to Azeroth to find more allies. However, the space engine was destroyed by Kael'thas's blood elves and fell to the ground. The island in the northwest of the Kalimdor continent immediately joined the alliance under the guidance of the night elves and Jaina.
The dwarf city Gnomeregan fell because of betrayers. A chain of radiation leaks made the city uninhabitable. About 80% of the dwarf population died in this incident. The remaining dwarf refugees were under the guidance of the great craftsman Gilbin Mekkatorque. He fled into the Ironforge of the Bronzebeard dwarves.
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