Warcraft novel series
Chapter Chapter
Humanity began to rise in 2800
, and many tribes united to establish the Kingdom of Arathor on the continent of Lordaeron, with Thoradin as the king.
The high elves' Kingdom of Quel'Thalas was defeated by the trolls' Amani Empire. In desperation, they turned to humans for help and began to teach humans the power of arcane magic.
Arathor and the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas cooperated to completely defeat the Amani Empire of trolls. The trolls were devastated and the Troll War came to an end.
After the Troll War, many humans devoted themselves to mage training and even gathered to establish the magical city-state of Dalaran.
-In 2700
, because humans' endless abuse of magic once again attracted many demons to invade Azeroth, the high elves and the top leaders of Dalaran secretly formed the Council of Tirisfal to train guardians to deal with these invading demons. Half-human and half-elf Arlo Di is the first guardian
-2,500 earth spirits who were sealed by Loken in the Titan city of Uldaman for thousands of years became dwarves after being cursed by flesh and blood. For unknown reasons, they awakened one after another and established the Kingdom of Khaz Modan, with its capital being Ironforge.
-In 1200
, the human Kingdom of Arathor was divided into seven small kingdoms, namely Lordaeron, Dalaran, Alterac, Kul Tiras, Gilneas, Stromgarde (Stromgard) and Stormwind City..
The long-gestating Ahn'Qiraj Empire began their war of revenge under the instructions of the ancient god C'Thun. The Qiraji and the night elves went to war in the Battle of Quicksand.
The night elves began to retreat after the brutal murder of the son of commander Fandral Staghelm. Finally, he was forced to seek help from Anachronos, the prince of the bronze dragons. At this time, other dragon clans also joined the war.
Anachronos combined the power of everyone to create a magical barrier to seal the entire Ahn'Qiraj empire, but the quicksand scepter used to break the seal was shattered by Fandral who went crazy.
Velen and the fleeing Eredar crash-landed on a peaceful small planet. Their space jump ship hit the earth and formed the crystal mountain Washugu. From then on, they called themselves Draenei and named the planet De Rano. The draenei who settled in Draenor maintained a distance but were friendly and peaceful with the neighboring orc tribes.
In 823
, the human female mage Aegwynn succeeded her mentor Scavell as the guardian of the Council of Tirisfal.
Guardian Aegwynn went to Northrend to stop a group of demons hunting dragons, and then encountered Sargeras. She defeated the Demon King and sealed his body in an ancient night elf ruin, but the spirit of Sargeras lurked within her.
The War of the Three Hammers broke out in the dwarven Kingdom of Khaz Modan after the death of King Modimus Anvilmar. The Bronzebeard tribe drove the Wildhammers and Dark Iron out of their home in Ironforge.
The Wildhammer tribe who moved north established their own city of Grim Batol, and the Dark Iron tribe who moved south established the city of Thaurissan.
The Dark Iron Tribe re-launched a war against the other two tribes, but in the end they were jointly defeated. The defeated Dark Iron tribe summoned the long-exiled king of the fire element, Ragnaros the Fire Demon, in a desperate situation. Unexpectedly, the entire tribe was enslaved. The opening of this rift in the elemental plane caused a major disaster to the entire Azeroth.
The main population of the Wildhammer tribe left their homeland cursed by the war and moved north again to establish a new home in the Eagle's Nest Mountain. A small number of people moved into the Twilight Highlands east of Grim Batol.
The dwarves established the huge mechanical city of Gnomeregan in the Kingdom of Khaz Modan and made good friends with the neighboring dwarves of the Bronzebeard tribe.
Guardian Aegwynn, who used magic to extend her lifespan, seduced Nielas Ellan to have sex with her, and gave birth to Medivh a year later. Little did she know that Sargeras' soul had quietly parasitized Medivh. On Wen’s body.
Medivh was unable to control his hidden power and clashed with the demon king Sargeras, triggering a release of energy that accidentally killed his father and fell into a coma for decades.
Varian Wrynn, prince of Stormwind Kingdom, was born.
The orc elder shaman Ner'zhul was deceived by the demon Kil'jaeden using illusions, and began to gather various orc tribes to prepare to declare war on the draenei.
Arthas Menethil, the prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, was born.
Velen tried to maintain peace between the draenei and the orcs, but failed because the orcs' devout beliefs were deceived and exploited by demons. The orcs and the draenei officially went to war.
Jaina Proudmoore, the princess of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, was born.
Ner'zhul discovered the truth but was afraid of making it public. His apprentice Gul'dan replaced him and became the confidant of the demon Kil'jaeden.
Gul'dan used the forbidden curse code to cut off the connection between the orcs and the elements, and used deception to guide the orc shaman into training as a warlock.
Gul'dan unified all the orc tribes into a tribe, with Blackhand from the Blackstone clan serving as the first warchief, but the Shadow Council, composed of evil warlocks, was the actual underground ruler of the tribe.
Durotan, the chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, was forced to lead an attack to destroy the draenei city of Telmore.
Under Gul'dan's control, the Horde recruited ogres to join and built a military base, Hellfire Citadel.
The 2
Horde captured the draenei's Temple of Karabor and transformed it into the Black Temple.
Kil'jaeden rewarded Mannoroth's blood to the tribe, and Grommash Hellscream took the lead in drinking it. Since then, most of the orcs in the tribe have been completely corrupted by the demon's blood. Only Orgrim Doomhammer and A few orcs didn't drink.
The Horde captured Shattrath, the capital of the Draenei, and Velen took the defeated Draenei to escape into the swamps and mountains. After that, the Horde rarely saw the Draenei again.
Gul'dan sent many warlocks to the Draenei's death city of Auchindoun to find special magic items, but they accidentally summoned the powerful elemental creature Mormor, causing a big explosion.
Gul'dan contacted the guardian Medivh, who was possessed by the Demon King, through magic, and began to prepare to instigate the Horde to invade the planet Azeroth.
Medivh, who was controlled by Sargeras, killed and destroyed the Council of Tirisfal. Although Aegwynn discovered the truth, he was knocked down and finally fled to the continent of Kalimdor to hide alone.
The construction of the Dark Portal is completed, and the portal between the two planets of Azeroth and Draenor is opened, but it is still unstable.
The Horde sent out vanguard scouts to establish many camps in the Black Marsh.
Durotan and all the Frostwolf clan were exiled for rebelling against Gul'dan. They moved north to the Alterac Valley and began to live a secluded life.
The mage Khadgar was sent by Dalaran's senior officials to the Karazhan Tower to serve as Medivh's apprentice, and to spy on the Guardian's secrets.
Gul'dan made the portal stable and permanent. The Horde army began to invade Azeroth through the portal in large numbers, and the first war broke out with the humans of the Kingdom of Stormwind.
The tribe's early battle did not go well and they temporarily retreated to their camp in the swamp. Gul'dan then used magic to cover the entire swamp in mist.
The son of Durotan, the chief of the Frostwolf clan, Go'el was born.
The half-orc, half-Draenei assassin Garona was sent by the tribe to serve as an envoy in Karazhan, Medivh.
Durotan took his son to visit Orgrim and exposed all Gul'dan's conspiracy. However, he was assassinated by an assassin sent by Gul'dan after leaving. His son Go'el was killed by the human officer Edras Black. Moore picked it up, named him Thrall and raised him as a slave.
Khadgar and Garona discovered Medivh's secret, and immediately joined forces with Stormwind Kingdom general Anduin Lothar to attack Karazhan, kill Medivh and then exile Sargeras' soul to the Twisting Nether. At the same time, Gul'dan was shocked and fell into a coma because he was mentally connected to Medivh.
Orgrim took advantage of Gul'dan's coma to challenge Warchief Blackhand, and killed Blackhand in the duel to become the new warchief of the tribe.
Garona was forced to assassinate Storm King Llane Wrynn, and the Horde immediately captured the Stormwind capital.
Anduin Lothar knew that the Kingdom of Stormwind had been defeated, and fled north with Prince Varian and the remaining citizens. The first war ended.
After Orgrim captured Garona, he used torture to learn the hiding place of the Shadow Council from her mouth, and then killed most of Gul'dan's warlocks. Garona fled into seclusion after this incident.
Garona gave birth to Medivh's son, named Med'an, and was raised by the necromancer Merry Winterwind.
Lothar led the remnants of the Kingdom of Stormwind and Prince Varian Wrynn to travel north to the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Under the leadership of King Terenas Menethil, seven human kingdoms formed an alliance. Aim to fight against the tribe.
Human Archbishop Alonsos Faol organized the Knights of the Silver Hand, and Uther, Tirion Fordring, Turalyon and others were the first generation of human paladins.
In order to survive, Gul'dan promised Orgrim to use his dark magic to create death knights for the Horde. The first death knight was Talon Gorefiend.
The Horde went north to conquer Blackrock Spire, the fortress of the Dark Iron dwarves, and Zuljin brought the Amani trolls to join the Horde.
Alleria Windrunner represents the high elves and leads a group of ranger troops to assist the Alliance, but the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas has not yet joined.
At the beginning of the second war, the Horde captured most of the territory of the Bronzebeard Dwarves' kingdom of Khaz Modan, forcing them to retreat to Ironforge. Then the main fleet headed north to confront the main force of the Alliance.
The black dragon king Deathwing led the tribe to the place where the artifact Demon Soul was sealed, and then asked them to capture the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and most of the red dragons for the tribe to use.
Orgrim led the tribe to take advantage of the opportunity to attack the east and west to severely inflict heavy losses on the Alliance, the Wildhammer dwarves of Eagle's Nest Mountain, and the kingdom of Quel'Thalas of the high elves, and built the Altar of Storms to transform a large number of powerful two-headed ogres. The Wildhammer dwarves and high elves joined the Alliance in order to survive.
The Kingdom of Alterac betrayed the Alliance in order to protect itself and opened important roads to allow the Horde's main army to pass.
The Horde carried out the final siege on the core base of the Alliance, the capital of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. At the same time, Gul'dan took his cronies and left the Horde to go to the Tomb of Sargeras in the middle of the sea to pursue the power of the devil. The Horde was forced to abandon the almost-conquered capital of Lordaeron because of Gul'dan's betrayal, and Warchief Orgrim sent pursuers to hunt down the traitor.
Gul'dan entered the Demon King's tomb, but was killed by the crazy demon hiding inside. One of his henchmen escaped with his head, and Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer clan under another ogre were thought to have been wiped out.
Cho'gall accepted the blessing of the ancient gods and survived. In the following years, he began to reorganize the Twilight's Hammer clan into an evil sect that worshiped the ancient gods. He secretly absorbed people and strengthened his power, with the goal of unlocking the ancient gods. of seal.
The Alliance seized the opportunity and began to counterattack, driving the Horde all the way to Blackrock Tower and liberating the Kingdom of Khaz Modan. The Bronzebeard dwarves and the gnomes of Gnomeregan officially joined the Alliance.
In the Battle of Blackrock Tower, Horde Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer killed Alliance Commander Anduin Lothar in the battle, but was defeated and captured alive by his deputy Turalyon, and the Horde continued to retreat.
Most of the tribes were either captured alive or forced back to their own world. The Alliance mage Khadgar destroyed the Dark Portal, ending the Second War.
Varian led the remnants back to the south of the Eastern Kingdom to rebuild their own Kingdom of Stormwind and ascended the throne as the new king.
Blackhand's two sons, Red and Maim, led the remaining Blackstone tribe back to Blackrock Tower and established themselves as kings.
The Alliance established Watchfort near the original location of the Dark Portal to monitor the Horde's return.
Orgrim Doomhammer escaped from the Undercity, the royal underground area of Lordaeron, and lived in seclusion in the wilderness.
The death knight Talon Bloodfiend persuaded Ner'zhul to serve as warchief. The tribe regrouped and prepared to return to Azeroth to seize the important magic items: the Eye of Dalaran, the Book of Medivh and the Scepter of Sargeras.
Ner'zhul reopened the Dark Portal and sent elite troops to Dalaran, Stormwind City, and the Tomb of Sargeras to seize the items he needed.
The black dragon king Deathwing cooperated with the Horde. The Horde obtained all the items Ner'zhul needed and then followed the Horde back to Draenor.
Deathwing sent his son Nefarian to control the orcs in Blackrock Spire, and his daughter Onyxia infiltrated the nobles of the Kingdom of Stormwind to control the country's politics.
The Alliance sent Turalyon, Khadgar, Alleria Windrunner, Danath Trollbane, and Kurdran Wildhammer to lead an expedition into the Dark Portal to end the Horde threat once and for all.
Ner'zhul was corrupted by the whispers of the Skull of Gul'dan and began to use the Horde's armies as pawns, abandoning the defense of the important base Hellfire Citadel.
Khadgar teamed up with Gruul, the king of Gronn, to defeat the black dragon king Deathwing and obtain the head of Gul'dan.
Talon Gorefiend was defeated by Turalyon himself, and his soul was imprisoned and sealed.
Ner'zhul returned to the Black Temple to complete the portal to other worlds, and left after abandoning most of the Horde army.
The energy of a large number of portals violently tore the entire Draenor, causing the entire planet to disintegrate. Draenor was destroyed and only a large suspended continent remained, which was later known as Outland. Khadgar closed the Dark Portal in time to prevent damage from spreading to Azeroth.
Rexxar left the tribe and began his wandering journey; Grom Hellscream also led the Warsong clan to escape and migrate for more than ten years under the pursuit of the Alliance.
Dranos Saurfang is born.
Ner'zhul was captured alive by the demon Kil'jaeden, and then transformed into the Lich King after torture, imprisoned in the Frozen Throne, and sent him deep into the Icecrown Glacier of the planet Azeroth.
Deathwing, who returned to Azeroth, deliberately appeared in front of everyone and pretended to be defeated by the mages of Dalaran. He successfully escaped into the shadows and recalculated his plan.
The Lich King began to expand his power, disturbing nearby residents and creatures in large numbers to become the undead army of the Scourge.
The Lich King's army faced Azjol-Nerub of the northern Zerg, and the Spider War began.
The Burning Legion, led by the demon Magtheridon, came to the shattered Outland and quickly united many remaining orc clans to begin his rule. The Alliance's Outland Expedition begins a battle against the evil Burning Legion.
The black dragon eggs left by Deathwing on Outland were heavily influenced by the arcane energy from the Twisting Nether, and hatched into special mutant dragons, the Void Dragons.
As the human noble Davar Presto, Deathwing gained almost complete trust from the top leaders in the Alliance, except for the mages of Dalaran.
Thrall began training as a gladiator in the arena.
Gilneas, Stromgarde, and the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas have withdrawn from the Alliance in the years since the end of the Second War.
The red dragon mage Krasus sends his apprentice Ronin on a secret mission to rescue the Red Dragon Queen from the remnants of the tribe. With the help of the high elf ranger Vereesa Windrunner, the dwarf griffon knight Falstad Wildhammer, and others, Ronin destroyed the Demon Soul and rescued the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. Most of To's forces were eradicated, and most of the remaining Dragonmaw clan fled into the Twilight Highlands.
After all the powers of the other four-color dragon kings were restored, they worked together to defeat Deathwing, but the black dragon king fled into the Deep Rock Continent where the Titans originally banished the earth element at the critical moment.
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