Wang Siling looked at Qi Lin carefully.

I thought to myself, I already have a boyfriend, this rich second generation should let me go, right?

After all, no boy wants the girl he wants to kiss to already have a boyfriend.

It's a pity that Wang Siling is still too immature and doesn't understand the man's true thoughts.

Having a boyfriend is not a minus, but a plus.

In addition, Wang Siling said that if she has a boyfriend, she will have a boyfriend?

Qi Lin, who was already well-connected, would not believe her words at all.

Holding hands, the palms are covered with fine beads of sweat. This is a little girl who has never held hands. How can she be in love?

"Is that so? Okay, let's go to the school's guidance office now. As long as you dare to tell the dean that you are in love with that kid, I won't mention compensation."

Qi Lin smiled like a big devil in the abyss. But

Wang Siling's pretty face turned pale, her mouth opened but she didn't know what to say.

If she went to the guidance office to admit that she was in puppy love, then she would be completely socialized in school and innocent. No more.

When her parents find out, they will be extremely disappointed with her.

This result seems not much better than repaying Qi Lin's 12,000 yuan in compensation.

Looking at Wang Siling, who had tears in her beautiful eyes and bit her lower lip, Qi Lin knew that her psychological defense was on the verge of collapse.

If she pushed too hard, she would easily have an accident, such as yelling, committing suicide, etc.

At this time, she only needed to take a step back, and then This little girl can be subdued with a single shot.

"Let's do this. Don't say that I'm embarrassing you. I'll change the conditions just now. I won't kiss you. As long as you kiss me on the face, I will exempt you from compensation."

Qi Lin moved closer to Wang Siling.

"Just a kiss on the face?"

Qi Lin's strategy worked.

Wang Siling felt a little relieved when she heard that it was just a kiss on the face. If the two of them were mouth to mouth, then her first kiss was really gone.

But if it was just a kiss on the face, then she could still comfort herself. , I just regard Qi Lin as my brother, and this kiss is a way of thanking him for exempting me from the compensation.

But girls always like to be coy.

They obviously agreed in their hearts, but they remained silent and unwilling to take action.

To deal with this kind of Girl, Qi Lin, who has completely lost his morals, has it at his fingertips

"Alas, it seems that there is no room for negotiation on such a small condition, so I have to go to your brother and ask him to help you pay back the money."

Qi Lin sighed and opened the car door.

"don't want!"

Wang Siling was frightened. This time she took the initiative to rush forward and held down Qi Lin's hand that was about to open the door.

In this way, she seemed to be leaning into Qi Lin's arms.

There was no perfume, but there was a smell on Wang Siling's body. The fragrance of a girl like lilies.

Qi Lin knew that it should be the one-of-a-kind self-made body fragrance.

"I·········All I have to do is kiss you. As we agreed, as long as I kiss you, the matter of compensation will be waived."

Wang Siling looked at Qi Lin with red eyes.

She and Yu Chen were childhood sweethearts. Although they did not have any intimate behavior, they were still in the stage of ignorant love.

The two went to and from school together, and Yu Chen always acted as a knight to protect Wang Siling.

But now, The person I was close to was not Yu Chen, but a rich second generation who was ignorant and unskilled.

"Honey, what I said must mean it."

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, but he really enjoyed Wang Siling's expression of grievance, heartache, and disgust with himself.

A qualified villain has fun collecting negative emotions from the other party, right?

Wang Siling accepted her fate, and she held her hands nervously School uniform skirt.

Her big, watery eyes had been closed at this time, and her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, showing her inner nervousness.

Her moist mouth moved closer to Qi Lin's cheek little by little.


Siling still underestimated the evil intentions of a rich second-generation villain who was completely awakened.


Wang Siling's big, watery eyes suddenly opened in an instant.

What she saw was not Qi Lin's profile, but a handsome face with a cynical expression.

Qi Lin turned his head the moment Wang Siling kissed him.

The tears in the girl's eyes quickly gathered and then fell down her cheeks.

She immediately shook her head, trying to get rid of Qi Lin, and at the same time raised a small hand and swiped it towards Qi Lin's face.

But how could a little girl be Qi Lin's? Opponent.

Not to mention that his hand was caught, Qi Lin pinched Wang Siling's delicate white chin with his other hand to prevent her from hiding.

After a long time, sweetly,

Qi Lin let go, his eyes were swollen from crying, and his little face was full of resentment. Wang Siling stared at herself

"Rotten eggs, bastards, disgusting eggs, bad guys! Don't you mean kissing on the face? why treat me like this?"

For a young girl who has never experienced anything in the world, she just said these words back and forth. Instead of making Qi Lin uncomfortable, she felt like she was flirting.

"You already said that I am a bad guy, but you even believe the bad guy’s words. Are you a little fool?"

Qi Lin was amused by Wang Siling and scratched her tender white cheek with his hand.

"asshole! Don't touch me again."

Wang Siling pushed Qi Lin's hand away and scolded in a tearful tone.

This day was simply a nightmare for Wang Siling. She was still a young girl, but her first kiss was given to a rich second-generation dude who was extremely annoying.

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