"You don’t want your parents to know about this, right?"

As soon as Qi Lin got in the car, he casually took out a pack of 1916 from the side storage compartment. He skillfully pulled out a cigarette, sniffed it at the tip of his nose, then put it into his mouth and lit it, and finally blew out a smoke ring in a soothing manner.

Previous life , since his family went bankrupt, Qi Lin was so poor that he could hardly afford to eat, let alone smoke 1916. After two lives, Qi Lin also began to know how to cherish everything he had.

In a closed air-conditioned environment, Wang Siling was addicted to cigarettes The smoke made her unable to open her eyes, but it didn't stop her pretty face from being slightly startled.

Listening to Qi Lin's tone, why didn't it sound like a discussion, but rather a threat?

"In no mood."

But she did something wrong first, and Wang Siling could only nod obediently.

Her family's conditions were average, and her parents had a hard time supporting her two siblings in school.

If her parents knew that she had scratched someone else's luxury car, they would have to pay a large amount of money. , I don’t know how anxious it will be.

"If you don't want to, just agree to my conditions. As long as you agree to my conditions, I can waive the compensation."

Qi Lin flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said with a faint smile.

Here, Qi Lin left a text trap in what he said.

It can be exempted, but it did not say whether it was exempted from part or all.

"What conditions?"

Although Wang Siling is only a sophomore in high school, she is very smart.

Obediently agreeing is not a good word, and the threat is already obvious.

Thinking of this, Wang Siling suddenly became nervous.

"Sister Siling, has anyone ever told you that you are very cute and beautiful?"

Qi Lin looked Wang Siling up and down and asked with a smile.

"you·········What do you want to do?"

Qi Lin's words immediately made his thoughts clear. Wang Siling was immediately frightened. His eyes were timid and he shrank to the window like a little rabbit.

"Didn't you think of anything? Didn't you scratch my car? As long as you give me a kiss, I can waive the compensation."

Qi Lin is like a cunning big bad wolf, finally showing his sharp claws at this time.

Wang Siling's pretty face turned cute after hearing Qi Lin's words.

There are people who like her.

For example, Yu Chen, such as those who gave her The little boy who sent a love letter.

But none of these boys honestly confessed their feelings and waited for their own response.

Like Qi Lin, he threatened her as soon as he got up and said he would kiss her. This was the first time she had seen her.

Wang Siling was frightened. She shook her head repeatedly:"No!"

"why not?"

Qi Lin put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

"Brother Qi Lin, my parents don’t allow me to fall in love early, they said I can’t do it until I go to college."

Wang Siling said with a cry.

"In what age are you now, do you still listen to your parents so much?"

"Besides, I don’t want to fall in love with you prematurely. I’m just talking to you about compensation. Are you being a little pretentious?"

Qi Lin raised his hand and put it on Wang Siling's shoulder.


Wang Siling was startled and quickly got rid of Qi Lin's hand.

Then she looked at Qi Lin in disbelief.

He didn't want to fall in love with her, he just wanted to take advantage of her. Is this what a normal boy can say?

"Brother Qi Lin, aren’t you and my brother good friends? You wouldn't bully your best friend's sister, would you?"

"and·········And my brother has told me a long time ago that brother Qi Lin is a sunny, kind and loyal person, so what you just said was just a joke on me, right?"

Wang Siling tried hard not to cry.

She secretly squeezed the door handle to see if the door could be opened.

But the result was in vain.

The door was locked from the inside by Qi Lin. Unless Qi Lin was willing, it would be impossible for Wang Siling Open the car door.

Another moral kidnapping?

Hearing Wang Siling's words, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing.

In the previous life, it was Wang Siling who scratched his car. Just because she was Wang Cheng's sister, Qi Lin didn't hold her accountable. Responsibility.

But what happened next? How did Wang Cheng treat Qi Lin?

Now that he is reborn, Qi Lin will never make such a low-level mistake again

"Just because you are the sister of my good friend, we are even closer to you, right?"

"In addition, how can your brother tell lies with his eyes open? I am obviously a rich second generation who is waiting to die. Bullying others is my hobby. Being sunny and kind-hearted has nothing to do with me, right?"

While Qi Lin was speaking, the hand that Wang Siling had pushed away took hold of Wang Siling's fair and small hand again. It was cold, weak and boneless, and there were some beads of sweat on the palm of her hand due to nervousness.

Being held by Qi Lin, Wang Siling I panicked for a moment and was about to take it out.

"Think carefully before making a decision. When the time comes, there will be no room for negotiation on compensation."

Qi Lin's tone was light.

Wang Siling's pretty face was stagnant, her little face was full of grievances, but her little hands didn't dare to move anymore. The maintenance fee of 12,000 yuan was simply not something she, a sophomore in high school, could afford.

"Brother Qi Lin, actually I already have·········I have a boyfriend."

Wang Siling gritted her teeth and tried to drop a bombshell to ask Qi Lin to let her go.

"Boy friend? That bratty boy who loves to explode?"

Qi Lin smiled casually and played with Wang Siling's little hand.

Wang Siling's pretty face was slightly red, and she nodded with a rather unnatural look. There is a three-day summer promotion, top up 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Grab a top up now (event time) : August 13 to August 15)

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