Yushiro has been irritable lately.

The causes of irritability are......

Recently he and Miss Zhu Shi's residence,

Another familiar guest was welcomed.

"Miss Zhu Shi, I've got the tools for the operation. "

Yushiro held a toolbox,

There was a knock on the door.

I don't know if it's an illusion,

There seemed to be an exclamation from inside,

Then the voice was suppressed for a long time,

Finally, a familiar response came.

"Is it Yushiro? You're here just in time. "

Miss Zhushi's voice made Yushiro's mood suddenly feel relieved.

He pushed the door open, only to find an abominable figure in the room.

"Yushiro, come here. "

Zhu Shi patted the long table in front of him.

"Lie on it. "

"Yes, Miss Zhushi. "

Not knowing what's going to happen next, though.

But Yushiro still obeyed Zhu Shi's orders,

He took the initiative to lie down on the table.

Although there is some inexplicable panic in my heart,

But as soon as he saw the gentle gaze that Zhu Shi threw at him,

Yushiro felt like he was soaking in a hot spring,

It's warm.

"Remember, when you were a class?"

For some reason, Zhu Shi began to recount his old memories.

"Ah...... At that time, I was terminally ill, and it was Miss Zhu Shi who saved me. "

Yushiro replied subconsciously.

His terminal illness could not be treated even with the medical skills of the pearl world.

So, in the end, Zhu Shi gave him a chance to choose.

Or die a painful death in a terminal illness.

Either...... Become a ghost and can only live in the shadows.

He chose the second path.

Although it has never been able to appear in the sun.

But if you can live with Miss Zhushi,

It doesn't matter if you become a ghost!

Yushiro thought silently.

"yes, that's good. "

Zhu Shi seemed to be very pleased and nodded,

When you become a ghost, you will gradually forget and distort your memories as a human.

Yushiro can clearly recall things when he was a human.

It shows that during these times, the [Ghost Clan's Blood Suppression Elixir] taken has played a role.

Now the demon blood in Yushiro's body.

It has been suppressed to a very extreme state under the action of the agent.

"I'll leave the rest to Mr. Rien. "

Hearing Zhu Shi's words, Yushiro was suddenly stunned,

With a roll of his eyes, he saw a smile on the corner of the man's mouth.

The smile sent chills down his back.

"You're going to ......"

Can't wait for him to say what is in his mind.

The effects of the anesthetic are already in effect.

After confirming that Yushiro fell into a coma,

Zhu Shi breathed a sigh of relief,

A delicate color of blood appeared on his face.

Mr. Lane...... It's time to get down to business. "

"Oh, isn't that the right thing?"

Rien chuckled and pulled his hand out of her kimono.

It seems that there is still a beautiful aftertaste on his hands.

"Doing it in front of this stinky little imp seems to be more infuriating...... Never mind. "

"It's important to get down to business. "

Lane eventually gave up some kind of strange play,

He restrained the ease on his face,

turned to a solemn look.

A few days ago, he handed over the [Ghost King's Essence Blood] to Zhu Shi.

Although it is not enough to complete a personal task,

However, it can greatly advance the research progress of the "Ghost Bloodline Suppression Elixir" in the Pearl World.

In Lane's proposal...... Or "malicious".

The "Transformation Project" that he cooperated with Zhu Shi,

The first test subject is Yushiro.

"Not only do I not care about my past suspicions, but I also help you restore your human identity, I am such a good person. "

Looking at Yushiro, who was under anesthesia,

Li En smiled slightly and began to perform the blood stripping surgery.

Zhu Shi watched the whole process curiously from the sidelines.

Because of the experience of maternity house,

So the operation went very well.

It also allowed Dawn to accumulate experience in performing surgeries for "ghosts".

That's what he wants.

As for Yushiro's life or death, it has nothing to do with him after that.

A few hours later, Rien wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"That's it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[You stripped the ghost clan blood in the body of "Yushiro"]

[You have obtained "Flawed Oni Bloodline" x1]

[You did a complete bloodline stripping operation]

[You gain 200,000 Class XP (2x10x)]

["Wizard Herald" class level increased to 14![]

"Quite a lot of experience. "

Lane looked at the prompt in front of him with a slight surprise.

Because "Pioneer of Magic" is his second profession.

Although it is the same as "Steam Craftsman", it is the upper class level of 20.

But the difficulty of leveling up doesn't start from scratch.

It's the difficulty of "level 21 to level 40".

The experience gap between each level starts at least 5 digits.

Especially after being upgraded to Lv10, it takes more than 100,000 experience to increase by 1 level.

After Dawn came to the "Demon Slayer Blade" dungeon,

It's only been more than 1 level in total.

I didn't expect that a surgery would directly raise the level 1 career level!

"However, I will not lack professional experience in the future. "

Thinking of the [Reversal of Fate] hidden achievement reward,

Lane's heart was on fire.

Once completed, it is equivalent to doubling the net worth directly!

"Mr. Rien, Yushiro, he ...... now Are you alright?"

Zhu Shi's slightly worried voice brought Lane's consciousness back.

"Well, the ghost bloodline in his body has disappeared. "

Rien nodded.

"But because the stripping of the blood can cause damage to the body. "

"He's still very weak and needs to recuperate for a while. "

"And it's best not to come into contact with ghosts anymore, otherwise it will induce residual ghost genes. "

"If this happens...... I don't know what the consequences will be. "

Li En said conclusively.

In fact, he was just making pure excuses,

It's just a matter of letting Yushiro leave the pearl world.

"That's ......."

Zhu Shi nodded lightly and looked at Yushiro gently.

"People and ghosts are different after all. "

"It's time for Yushiro to return to a society that belongs to humans. "

"I would send him to a nursing home and cut off contact. "

"I believe that with his ingenuity, he will find a way to survive. "

Rien shrugged his shoulders.

"I hope so. "

"By the way, Miss Zhu Shi, do you have any extra suppression potions?"

"I have a friend whose sister has also become a ghost ......"


A few days later, the Ghost Slayer headquarters.

Lane put down the tool in his hand,

Then dress the unconscious girl and walk out of the room.

As soon as he appeared,

Tanjiro is like a patient's family waiting at the door of the operating room.

Emotionally came up.

"Mr. Rien, you bean her, she ...... Did it work?!"

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry. "

Rien reached out and pressed Tanjiro's head and sighed.

"This method was only recently researched by Miss Zhu Shi and me. (Wang Qianzhao)

"There was only one experiment before. "

"So the success rate is not guaranteed. "

Hearing Rien's words, the expression on Tanjiro's face froze a little.

Soon, however, he began to comfort Rayne.

"It's okay, Mr. Lane. "

"Even if you fail this time, I believe that you and Miss Zhu Shi will definitely be able to work out a better way!"


A puzzled look suddenly appeared on Riene's face.

"I'm just being humble and preparing you for it. "

"But I didn't say it...... This operation failed to colonize. "

In his sight.

Lines of prompts are being frantically refreshed.

【Help Kamado beans turn back into humans (completed)】

[You have met all the conditions for the hidden achievement "Reversed Fate]

[You have completed the Hidden Achievement: Reversal of Fate!]

[You have gained 1 million reincarnation points and 2 million career experience]

[You have obtained the special skill - Reversal of Fate Lv1]

["Wizard Herald" class has been increased to level 20!]

[You have gained 3 new class skills!].

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