"Wound up isn't dead yet?!"

Hearing Yan Zhu's shout, everyone was taken aback.

Only Rien vaguely knew what was going on.

The reincarnation players quickly gathered in the direction where the reincarnation was "killed" as if they were facing a great enemy.

Sure enough, I saw a figure confronting Yanzhu.

The body covered with "sin tattoos",

There is no doubt that it is the "Winding Horn" that has just appeared in the dungeon announcement!

However, instead of dying,

Instead, you can fight the Flame Pillar!

"The ghost's head has been cut off, and it's still alive?!"

Aram looked at the body of the Zodiac in disbelief,

Above his neck, there was an empty piece!

"He's dead. "

Rien shook his head.

The nest is in the middle of the upper wind,

The only obsession strong enough to "break the boundary" of the ghost moon.

In addition to being miserable,

After being able to cut off the head by the Hinawa knife,

A ghost that can continue to regenerate and fight.

It's just that it all depends on a mouthful of "obsession" to insist,

If this obsession dissipates.

Then this headless corpse will also collapse directly.

After thinking about it, Li En directly took out the "Snow Love's Hair Ornament",

At the moment when I take off the ornament,

He can feel the headless body of the Nest,

There was an abrupt pause.

"And it worked. "

Rien thought silently.

In fact, the "obsession" of the nest is getting stronger,

It comes from the memories of his family and loved ones who he wanted to protect before his death.

After turning into a ghost, his memories are distorted. 16 Forgetting all that was past,

All that remains is the admiration for the strong and the disdain for the weak.

However, he still has nostalgia for the memories of being a "human".

For example, the "Blood Demon Technique-Sabotage Kill" technique is expanded,

Its snowflake-shaped battle array pattern,

It is derived from the shape of the hair ornament of the fiancée named "Koiyuki".

The pink hair color after the Uzoza became a ghost,

It is the same color as the kimono of "Love Snow",

Blood Demon Spell - The name of the move of sabotage killing,

It is also taken from the name of the fireworks that I watched with "Love Snow" before my death.

So, after seeing the hair ornament that Lane took out.

It was the Zodiac that reacted so violently.

Without a head, unable to speak.

But Li En can still get from the constant influx of "thinking",

Feel the struggle of the minds of this dead ghost.

Suddenly, I don't know what I saw in the dark,

The body of the Zodiac suddenly stopped fighting the flame pillar,

As if he had lost all his strength in an instant,

Falling to the ground, it keeps dissipating.

"It's over. "

Dawn shook his head and turned to Aran and said.

"You just think it's an extra episode, it doesn't matter. "

"Yes, the kill rewards are already in hand anyway. "

Aran observed for a moment and was relieved to find that there was no accident.

This battle is really full of twists and turns,

Even with the strength of the [Silver Knight] warband,

It can't stand so much tossing.

"What's next for Mr. Rien?"

Seeing that the matter has come to an end.

Aran asked.

"After our team takes a break, we will go to Yoshiwara Flower Street. "

"There's the Ghost Moon of the Winding Land. "

"Would you like to come along, Mr. Lane?"

The Battle of Yoshiwara Flower Street is an important story battle after the Infinity Train.

According to the original timeline,

This plot should be when the Ghost Slayer Team officially kills the first place Winding Ghost Moon.

It's just that Lane directly stole the second of the upper strings,

By the way, he and the [Silver Knight] warband took out the winding of the wind.

It doesn't seem to have much of a card to make the "Land of Winding".

Faced with Aram's invitation, Lane pondered for a moment.

There was no immediate agreement and no refusal.

"I have other things to do. "

"But you can meet at Flower Street. "

Aram has a good character, and because of his profession,

In this dungeon, it has a unique advantage over ghosts,

It's a reliable teammate.

The overall strength of the [Silver Knight] warband also surpasses players of the same level.

Although it is largely dependent on the power of Lane,

Only then did he kill a leader of the level who was as strong as "Shangfengzhi".

But it still shows that they are reliable people to work with.

"Well, it looks like we're going to be separated for a while. "

Aran nodded, and then remembered something.

"By the way, the essence blood of the Ghost King should be in your hands, are you interested in selling it to me?"

"I can give 50,000 points. "

"No, I need to use this myself. "

Ryne shook his head and rejected Aram's offer.

The blood of the ghost king is of little use to him, and he can sell it to the other party.

However, [Ghost King's Essence Blood] needs to be used to complete Zhu Shi's personal quest.

And I need two copies at once.

He's only got 1 now, and he's still 1 missing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Naturally, it is impossible to sell the [Ghost King's Essence Blood].

After a brief conversation,

Aran said goodbye to Rien and returned to the team.

As the sub-leader of the warband, even if the boss battle is over.

He still had a lot to deal with. []

For example, the allocation of resources, the next action plan,

There is also the aftermath of reincarnation players who die in battle, and so on.

Unexpectedly, Greine also plans to follow the [Silver Knight] warband for a while.

"One of their regiments has died, and there is a gap in their combat strength. "

The Lion Warrior said as he accepted Lee's maintenance.

"The price given is not bad, and I'm going to stay for a while. "

"There's nothing else to do in this copy anyway. "

"Okay, I'm in touch when I'm available. "

Before the arrival of the Aborigines responsible for handling the Infinite Train incident.

After killing the reincarnation of the ghost moon, the players have already scattered and left.

Lane found a flat terrain and released the off-road vehicle,

At the same time, Yeye and Iruri were released.

"Are you still asleep at night?"

Looking at the puppet girl with a slightly undulating chest,

Rien couldn't help but look at Iruri.

"Did Miss Glass say that what happens when the divinity awakens?"

"This ...... Miss Glass doesn't know either. "

Iruri shook his head slightly,

Although the Hanaliuzhai glass itself is "divine ingenuity".

But in all the automata she makes.

Yeye is also the first "work" that is about to reach the same height as hers.

So, Glass doesn't have any more intelligence to share.

"It seems that we can only take one step at a time. "

Dawn gently placed the snowflake-shaped hair ornament on Nightnight's forehead.

I pinched her little face, and it felt soft and silky as always.

"Isn't it cute when it's quiet? "

"I hope that after becoming a divine cunning, I can lose some discipline. "

Iruri stood aside, his eyes watery as he watched the scene in front of him.

She remembered that before following Lane away,

Something that Glass had told her.

The awakening of divine ingenuity requires the absorption of the life force of the puppeteer.

Even if the Divine Karakuri has great strength,

No one wants to give their lives as sustenance.

The appearance of Li En gave Glass a glimmer of hope.

Recalling the whispers of the glass of the flowers,

The Snow Maiden's cheeks gradually turned crimson.

"When you wake up at night, it's your turn...... Iruri. "

"This naughty character of Lian Ye Ye can be accepted. "

"He should not refuse your service. "

"Lane is a very responsible little guy. "

"As long as this kind of thing happens for the first time...... He will be accountable to you to the end. "

"It's probably a little unfair to him to do that. "

"But this is also the only chance you 820 can awaken. "


Demon Slayer Blade dungeon world.

Unknown space, unknown place.


A handsome figure with a pale complexion and an inability to distinguish gender,

Angry roared in the empty room.

Ghost Dance Tsuji is not miserable, after hundreds of years,

Finally, I felt the emotion called "panic" again.

This made him angry and puzzled.

The second of the upper string and the second of the upper wind,

Together with the Lower Quarter Ghost Moon, which he had recently erased with his own hands.

For a time, the "Twelve Ghost Moons" he created,

There are only 4 winders left!

"Your Excellency, this is what I call the consequence. "

Suddenly, from the darkness, a cold voice came out.

If Rien was there, it would certainly not be difficult to spot.

The owner of this voice is also a powerful demon player!

"On the side of the Ghost Slayer Team, there are also external forces like me. "

The demon said lightly.

"Obviously, they didn't despise my strength as much as you did. "

"And that's what makes it happen. "

Players in the ghost camp don't get along well with the higher-ups of their own camp.

Wu Miao gradually calmed down from his anger.

He looked at the demon.

"You said before that you know where the Ghost Slayer headquarters are?"

"If you will believe my intelligence. "

The demon sneered, his tone a little sarcastic.

"I'll let Naruto verify the authenticity of the information. "

Two winding ghost moons died mysteriously,

Let Wu Miao realize that he must have other forces now.

"In that case, I have a proposal. "

A cruel smile appeared on the Demon Clan's player's face.

"Although the Winding Ghost Moon is powerful, it is still easy to hunt when dispersed. "

"Why don't you take this opportunity...... Gather all the Ghost Moons directly. "

"Capture the headquarters of the Demon Slayer in one fell swoop!".

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