On the day of the start of the Ninth School War, Mayumi got off to a good start.

Directly in the [Precision Shooting] event, she won the first place in the official competition of the women's group.

And by an overwhelming margin.

The men's division also won the championship.

"Congratulations, President!"

"Congratulations to Morley for reaching the semi-finals~"

Female members of the student council gathered in Mayumi's room,

Congratulations were sent to the two players who won today.

The reason why there are only women is not because girls are shy.

It's because there was a little accident in today's boys' competition.

“...... That's it for today. "

"The men's division just barely managed to hold on to the spot. "

Morley whispered helplessly.

The results in the men's category were not as impressive as expected.

[Precision Shooting] also won the championship.

However, the preliminaries of [Surfing for the First] fell into a bitter battle.

"It seems that the C.A.D. tuning for the race doesn't suit the players. "

Azusa said with some hesitation.

"After today's game, "Five-Seventy" I have been readjusting with Kinoshita seniors, but ......"

"It doesn't look like it's done yet. "

Mayumi sighed.

"Kinoshita's technique is not bad though......"

"But unfortunately, it has not yet reached a very professional level. "

Unlike the student president who works hard to defend his classmates.

Morley was blunt.

Hearing her speak, the people showed a wry smile.

With the skill level of a high school student, he is able to adjust the equipment of the competition.

It's a challenge already, not to mention the more detailed tuning.

"That...... I don't think it's just Kinoshita-senpai to blame, Hattori's mood is also impatient these days. "

Azusa tries to defend her classmates who are engineers in the boys' group.

"I'm a bit harsh when I say that, but the scope of the engineer's tuning should also include the emotions of the players. "

Morley mercilessly dismissed Azusa's arguments.

"Alright, Morley. Don't always bully Azusa. "

When team members have conflicting opinions, it's time for the leader to mediate.

Mayumi calms the atmosphere with a soft tone.

"But our technical team is just getting a lot of people. "

"If Kinoshita-san's matter is not resolved...... Will it delay the rest of the game?"

"Why don't you let the associate engineer of another project be in charge of adjusting the equipment of Mayumi and Morry?"

"Senior engineers have been on a daily assignment lately, right?"

"So ......"

Mayumi thought for a while, then suddenly proposed.

"How about finding a junior brother Li En, who doesn't have any contestants the day after tomorrow?"

The girls in the student council looked at each other.

Finally, he focused his gaze on Shenxue's face.

"Maybe that's the best way to do it. "

"Senior Sister Shenxue, is it convenient to tell your brother on our behalf?"

"Okay. "

Shenxue hesitated for a moment, then agreed with a smile on her face.

For her, it is something to be happy that her brother's worth can be recognized by others.


"No wonder you're coming back so late, even though it's not in order. "

Rien nodded, then glanced at the sky.

At this point in time, even if it is a brother and sister,

Nor should it be in the same room.

“...... Did you bother your brother?"

"There has never been anything like it. "

Naturally, Lane would not give an affirmative answer.

For this sudden task, he also gladly accepted.

After all, the reward of [Chain Event: Final Assessment],

It's related to the number of projects he's responsible for.

During the Nine School War, the points reward will be settled once a day.

Each champion event awards 5,000 points.

Although there are only pure points rewards.

But after a 10-fold increase, there are as many as 50,000.

For Lane, who is currently in urgent need of a large number of reincarnation points.

It's a good thing in the snow.

The second day of the Nine School War.

Li En put on the ["Nine School Battle" special magic technician uniform]

Walked into the No. 1 High School Camp located in the competition area.

It's different from the viewing venue.

This is where the contestants from each school are prepared.

"Good morning, Senior Lane. "

"President...... Sister Mayumi's mood seems to be good?"

Under Mayumi's gaze,

Lane had no choice but to change his customary name.

"So, let's go with me to the playing field to warm up. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mayumi snorted lightly, turned around and walked towards the arena.

Although the official competition of [Precision Shooting] has ended.

However, she still needs to participate in the [Group Ball Score Grabbing] event.

Because there was an intermission, Lee, as an engineer, couldn't just stay at the rear.

"Hmm...... Sister Mayumi's habit of using magic machines is very good. "[]

Li En took the C.A.D. equipment for the competition handed by the senior sister and checked the set parameters.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Mayumi had taken off her coat.

revealed a cool outfit of polo shirt + short skirt.

“...... Do you want to wear a dress on the field?"

"yes. "

Mayumi nodded as a matter of course.

[Group Ball Score Grabbing] is a competition with a lot of exercise.

Therefore, excess equipment should be removed as much as possible to reduce the load.

But at the very least, you should wear protective gear to prevent bruising or ball impact.

"Hmm...... It's your style. "

"Can I see it as a compliment to me?"

"Senior Sister's magic machine has been adjusted, and to be honest, there are not many things that need to be modified. "

Li En casually handed back the magic machine used in the game to the opponent.......

"I have optimized the algorithm and structure of the technique, and it should be able to improve slightly. "

"Acceleration and Movement Techniques: I've enhanced the effects according to your habits. "

"However, for the sake of insurance, it is better for the senior sister to test it first. "

“...... Got it. "

Mayumi puffed out her cheeks and held out her hand.

Motioned for Lane to pull her up.

The petite and tender palm is a different touch compared to the cold and watery deep snow.

"Thank you...... Huh, Li En, can you let go?"

Mayumi was a little surprised, and her palm was held by the other party all the time.

Although there is some joy in my heart, now is not the time to do such a thing.

However, Lane did not let go.

His gaze at Mayumi suddenly became serious.

in his field of vision.

A bright red state is incomparably conspicuous and hangs on Mayumi's status bar.

[Corrupt Disease (9 Stacks): This unit is cursed by witchcraft, stacking 1 stack of symptoms of the same name every hour]

[Stacks up to 10 times, lasts up to 24 hours]

[When stacked to a full stack, it will continue to deal decreasing symptom damage until the duration ends, or the target dies]

[Source: Lee Tae-woong (reincarnation player)]

Witchcraft curse!

Corrupt Disease ...... And it's about to reach the full floor!

Once you reach the 10th floor, Mayumi will continue to suffer from symptoms!

Not only will it affect the game, but it will even be life-threatening!

Lee Tae-woong ...... Sounds like the name of a stick player. "

Li En frowned, he generally doesn't use [Information Breakdown] on people casually.

After all, he is not in the habit of snooping on other people's privacy.

And the amount of information that needs to be processed is also very daunting.

Unexpectedly, he subconsciously glanced at it, but he made a great contribution!

Lane sent a message to Deng Fa. 0.7

While taking out the [Ogre's Hooded Shawl] directly from the space ring

Directly devour the skills that are taking effect on Mayumi's body!

"What's wrong?"

Not known about what happened though.

But when Mayumi saw Rien's face, she knew that something must be wrong.

"It's okay, I was just fascinated by Mayumi-sama's beauty. "

Li En's words made Mayumi slightly stunned, and her pretty face suddenly turned rosy.

"Really...... Riene, you have such a time when you are so improper!"

In a hurry, I even forgot to add the suffix of "junior".

Looking at the [Corrupt Disease] state that had disappeared, Lane breathed a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, the news of Deng Fa came back.

[Lee Tae-woong, he's from the stick, not from our Dragon Country]

[And he is also one of the contestants selected for the rookie battle this time]

[Did you ask him something?]



(Photo: Mayumi Nanakusa).

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