The top floor of a luxury hotel.

Luxuriously decorated in the room.

"The Nine School Battle officially kicked off today, and it's time for us to do it. "

The owners of the underground casinos gathered together and ~ sat around the table.

"Heh, the face of the [Yaqi Society] is really big, and even you are invited. "

A casino owner scoffed.

"What [Yaqi Society] is, it's just a group of poor and crazy disordered families. "

"That's not a force that ordinary people like us can fight against. "

Someone reminded faintly.

"Even if it is a magician family that has lost its serial number, it still has a heritage that cannot be ignored. "

Hearing the word "magic", everyone was silent for a moment.

For ordinary people, magicians who wield supernatural powers.

Even if it has fallen down, it is an extremely mysterious and unprovoked existence.

"Well, tell me about your plans. "

One of them proposed.

"First High School was last year's champion, and it was the third consecutive championship of the Nine School Championship. "

"They are also very vocal about winning this year. "

"And the senior students of the first high school are called the [strongest graduates]"

"There are two direct members of the Ten Divisions alone, and there are countless members of the Hundred Families. "

"So, they have the highest win rate and the lowest odds. "

When it comes to their old professions, the thinking of these casino owners is active.

In other words, just let them upset their grades, and they can make a lot of money. "

At this time, someone retorted.

"I hired a couple of people yesterday to raid the dorm of a high school contestant. "

"But there's no news yet...... If you want to manipulate their win rate, I'm afraid it's difficult. "

"Huh...... Stupidity. "

"What did you say?!"

Seeing that the two casino owners have a tendency to fight.

An elder who looked more prestigious, coughed lightly.

"It's best not to move the senior competition. "

"Create the illusion that I'm about to defend his title. "

"Where we really need to ...... help"

"It's a rookie game. "


A sea of people.

Although the site of the Ninth School War was held, it was located in a relatively remote military control area.

But there were still more than five-figure spectators sitting in the audience.

Such a grand scene, but the opening ceremony was decent.

It's not so much about luxury, it's about going through the process all the way.

After all, magic itself is the most luxurious "special effect".

After the school songs of the nine magic high schools were played in turn.

The 10-day magic competition has officially begun.

"Brother, the president is about to compete. "

"Race on the first day. "

"That's what it looks like in the official race. "

Rien and Deep Snow weave their way through the crowded viewing platform.

While communicating.

"What if those people from the Yaqi Society do something to the seniors and seniors in the official competition?"

Shenxue said worriedly.

"Logically speaking, there's no need to worry about that. "

Dawn thought for a moment and explained.

"Even if you are a bad person, you have a purpose to act. "

"It's not difficult to speculate on the other side's plan of action if you know their goals in advance. "

The people in the underground casino just want to make a lot of money with the help of the "Nine School Wars".

Therefore, they will definitely not do anything to disrupt the event and affect the course of the event against the Nine School Wars.

This is equivalent to lifting a stone to shoot oneself in the foot and smashing one's own job.

In other words, a devastating attack like yesterday's will not happen again.

Instead, they manipulate the results of the game.

I will definitely start with the competition project, the internal staff, etc.

"I didn't expect my brother to think about it so comprehensively......"

Deep Snow looked at Rian's back with admiration, and then remembered something.

"Ah, could it be that my brother is loading that technique on the competition machine between me and Honoka......"

"Is it also to guard against insiders?"

"That's right. "

"But the name of that technique is so strange, three-six-zero...... Brother, does it have any special meaning?"

"Not really, compared to this, we are in the place. "

Rien coughed lightly and shifted the conversation away from his own little bad taste.

He and Shenxue went to the official area of [Precision Shooting].

Compared with other viewing areas, the density and enthusiasm of the audience here are obviously larger.

"Here and here~"

Fortunately, there are Honoka and Shizuku to help occupy a place, (read a violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The brother and sister will not be without a place.

"Compared to the boys' field, the atmosphere here is obviously much more enthusiastic. "

Lane sighed.

"After all, everyone wants to come and see [Fairy Princess] and [Fairy Sniper]. "

"Sister Qicao doesn't seem to like this very much, so it's better not to call it that way in front of her eyes. "[]

Deep Snow reminded in a whisper.

Both titles are for the official contestants,

At the same time, it is also the name of the student council president.

It's not that she claims to be there, but the reputation she won after participating in the Battle of the Nine Schools last year.

Lane stretched out his hands and compared the shape of a "camera" in front of his eyes.

Under the influence of the optical style, the "camera" quickly zoomed in on Mayumi on the field.

Voluminous wavy hair, ear protectors, and clear goggles.

made the pretty face, which was originally a sweet and cute style, a little more heroic.

It's different from the gorgeous uniforms of [Dance of the Elves].

The competition uniform of [Precision Shooting] is a long trouser made of elastic material,

Plus a tunic with a waist stand-up collar that resembles a mini one-piece.

Finally, it is equipped with a rifle-type C.A.D. machine that is required for precision shooting.

This set of equipment is a perfect combination of Mayumi's cuteness and heroism,

sets her off like the heroine of a science fiction movie.

"It's time to start. "

Shizuku whispered.

She is also a [Precision Shooting] contestant in the rookie battle.

So I'm very serious about watching the changes on the field.

The whistle blew and the auditorium fell silent.

The players focused on the rifle-type magic machine in their hands, and had the courage to concentrate.

The starting signal light is on.

One by one, the targets flew into the sky with a brisk and high-frequency firing sound.

This distance and target launch speed is several times that of the skeet target event in the Olympic Games!

This is beyond the limits of the average person's reaction speed!

But in this world of "magic", anything is possible.

Five minutes of playing time flew by with the sound of a target shattering.

[First place: Mayumi Nanakusa...... 100 points!】

"Senior Sister Qicao actually won and smashed all the targets!"

Shizuku exclaimed.

Although it was expected.

But she didn't expect that she was also a contestant of [Precision Shooting].

There is such a gap between himself and Mayumi.

Her best simulation result was only 92 hits out of 100.

"Mayumi-sama's mastery of magic is amazing. "

Li En also spoke slowly at this time, answering her doubts.

She slows down and inertizes the movement of air molecules to make dry ice. "

"The energy released by entropy reduction is then used to accelerate the dry ice bullet to subsonic speed. "

She repeated the same process 100 times...... There were no mistakes. "

"But she uses [multiple observations] to determine the coordinates of the trajectory and the target. "

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to maintain that level of accuracy. "

Hearing Lane's explanation, everyone present showed speechless expressions.

It's like not hearing this explanation - they can't reproduce it anyway, except for deep snow.

The applause around him rang out like thunder, covering the arena that had been quiet until now.

Mayumi took off her goggles and earmuffs and responded to the applause from the audience with a smile on her face.

Then, in a deliberate search, she met Riene, who was watching her.

"Come on. "

Rien briefly lip-shut.

Mayumi, who hasn't interrupted the [Multiple Observation] technique, should be able to see his movements.

Sure enough, the smile on the girl's face became even brighter.


(The plot of the Nine School War is relatively coherent, so it should be updated in the past two days, and it will quickly transition to the next copy six).

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