"Kills players have a kill value...... This thing can actually make 10 times the profit?!"

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Li En suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

In online games, malicious kills of players usually have a reward similar to "red name".

And in the reincarnation game, I don't know if there is such a setting.

But this thing called "kill points" ...... It doesn't sound serious.

This also exposes another problem.

[10x Resource Gain Support] can increase all of his income by 10x......

But "negative returns" are also gains!

10 times -10 is -100!

Also, data such as "kill points" can have a negative effect.

Lien also accumulates significantly faster than other players!

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but in short, there is no reason to let go of the group of people in front of me. "

After the shooting, Lane knew that his location had been exposed,

simply walked out directly, and became horns with these players in the Sakura Island country.

"There are 7 people in total, 6 of whom are E-level and 1 is D-class. "

"I killed two E-Class, and everyone else was injured except for that D-class......

"It seems that there is no hope for a quick solution, first clean up all the E-class, and leave the D-class ones in detail. "

This sneak attack tactic, although it directly killed two players of the same level.

But Lane wasn't satisfied, he felt he could do better.

At this time, the players of Sakurajima Country, who had gathered and were centered on Murata, also recognized Rien.

"It's him! That guy named Rien, our mission target!"

"How is that possible?!Isn't he an E-class player?!"

The bodies of the two teammates were still lying on the ground, which made them even more 16 incredulous.

Everyone is an E-class player, why are you so fierce?!

"Dragon Country, do you know what kind of enemy you are facing!"

Murata frowned, and Lane whispered.

"If you kneel down and apologize to us now, the forces behind us may be able to spare you......"

"Tsk, isn't it just a branch of the [Yaqi Society], pretending to be as powerful. "

Li En sneered, and snapped his fingers lightly, ignoring the sudden change in the face of the enemy.


Flame bombs and frost bombs roar at each other,

This round of salvo fired, and the floating cannon array played at least 2000 reincarnation points of consumption!

Although special ammunition is powerful, it burns money like running water.

Only this time, Lien's salvo attack didn't work.

A Sakurajima player hastily tore open a scroll before the attack arrived.

A translucent barrier enveloped everyone,

When the flying bullets collide with the seemingly fragile barrier.

It was as if all the impact and inertia had been removed, and it came to a sudden standstill!

- Low-level Projectile Protection Enchantment!

"Is it a specialized defensive skill for long-range attacks, and sure enough, reincarnated players are troublesome. "

Li En raised his eyebrows, and obtained the information of this enchantment through [Information Decomposition].

For the duration of the enchantment,

Ranged projectile attacks below D-level,

will be blocked by enchantments!

Compared to the aboriginal characters with a single means of attack.

Samsara players obviously have an endless variety of skills and items.

And more combat experience!

"It's okay, I've been playing with those little kids this week, and I'm annoyed. "

"It's just the right time to have some exciting blood and actual combat to restore the feeling. "

The ranged attack is temporarily ineffective, and Lane directly controls a floating cannon

An ice mist bomb was fired into the clearing.

This special munition modified from [Frost Bomb] is not lethal.

However, it can cause a wide area of ice fog, slowing down enemies and obscuring their vision!

The alley was once again covered with ice fog that could not be seen in the middle of nowhere, and the chill was pervasive.

"Be careful! everyone is centered on me, stay in the barrier and don't move!"

As the only D-rank player on the field,

Murata is suffering now and can't say it.

This Dragon Kingdom reincarnation player called Lai En, although only E-rank.

But the lethality is terrible!

Even he didn't dare to easily expose himself to the opponent's attack range.

His train of thought was surprisingly consistent with that of Riene......

"Use these E-class guys to consume his skills and mental power first!"

"When you find out his weakness, you will take him by surprise!"

In Murata's tactics, the E-class teammates around him are nothing more than meat shields.

Although they are also Sakurashima country players,

But in the reincarnation space, survival is the last word!

Some people can betray their teammates for a rare item!

These players who don't know each other don't have a trace of trust at all.

"The barrier is almost gone!"

The player who had used the scroll item shouted anxiously.

Even if he didn't say it, the others could see it from the flickering light of the enchantment.

"Is there a tank player, at least block his first wave of attacks!"

Someone suggested, but no one answered.

Tank players are actually a general term for defensive players.

In online game terminology, a "tank" player refers to the person who bears the damage.

It usually has characteristics such as high health, strong defense, many damage reduction skills, and high tenacity.

But this is a reincarnation game, not an ordinary online game.

In virtual online games, characters can be resurrected when they die.

If you die in the reincarnation space, there are really no bones left!

Therefore, in the reincarnation space, almost everyone is the main attacker.

And the tank players are less pitiful extreme cases.

Because of the harsh living environment, the primary goal of each player is to improve their self-protection ability.

Like the role of the tank, which sacrifices oneself to fulfill others.

Only some large player organizations and forces will spend a lot of money to cultivate.

If there is a tank player in the group.

They will be able to advance all the way through Rien's floating cannon attacks,

Constantly compress his activity space, and then pour out his skills to his heart's content.

Rely directly on the superiority of numbers to bring the situation back......

But alas, there is no "if".

Before the barrier dissipated, Lane's attack had arrived.

He gave up manipulating the floating cannon, but used the cover of ice fog, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Instead, he took out a sleek automaton from the spatial ring.


The reason why I brought Lucifer to this quest instead of Night.

Except for considering that the latter's combat style is not suitable for the Devil's Bad copy.

Lucifer's ability to fly is also a decisive factor!

With the magic circuit [hot air manipulation],

Both forms of Lucifer are very mobile!

This is something that can only be compared to Night Night, which can only rely on the [Blow] mode to increase speed.

"Lucifer, switch, blade mode!"

"Order, execute. "

Lucifer's eyes flashed in the form of an angel,

Quickly transforms into a golden greatsword.

Then, driven by Riene's will, he directly penetrated the already dim protective enchantment!

Boom –

The abrupt sound of breaking the air sounded in the ears of almost all players!

When I came back to my senses, blood was already splattered and a player's body was cut in half!

[You gain 10 Kill Points (10x Gain)!]

Li En pursed his lips, and simply didn't see it, out of sight and out of mind.

"Fight back! Fight back!"

"If we continue like this, we're all going to die here!"

"Murata-san, it's time for you to make a move!"

In desperation, the few remaining players were hysterical,

Regardless of the risk of exposure to Lucifer's attack,

Launched an attack directly on Rien!

In their opinion, Lane's greatest combat power is these strange machines he operates!

If you attack the main body directly, you may be able to turn defeat into victory!

Murata also intends to do the same.

He is an Assassin player,

And it's a rare magical assassin.

The first class is "Killer", and the second class is "Ninja".

The profession of an assassin must be killed with one hit.

in order to exert the strongest deterrent power and damage.

That's why he endured until now, constantly observing Lane's abilities.

"Looks like a mechanical-based summoning player. "

Murata concluded.

"This kind of player is generally very fragile. "

"All of his resources should have been invested in the previous floating cannon, as well as this greatsword-type prop. "

"As long as he can be close to me, he will definitely die!"

At this moment, Murata felt that he was in control of the victory, and he was full of determination!

He's a D-class 693 player, and with (self-thought) sufficient intelligence,

Assassinate a non-melee Brittle Plate Summoner......

Isn't this handy?!

In the next second, his figure disappeared out of thin air with a puff of smoke,

In an instant, it appeared on top of Riene's head.


Murata's eyes were bloodshot and excited.

As if he had foreseen the weapon in his hand piercing the opponent's body,

Screams and screams.

However, as he fell, Lane turned around,

With a strange expression, he looked at Murata.


Before he realized what was happening,

His eyes went black, and he passed out in a sharp pain that seemed to burn his whole body.


A convulsive body fell to the ground with a dull thud.


Li En was a little surprised,

Because he ate a hit with [Magnetic Storm Crown] damage.

didn't hang up directly, he's still alive!

"About 60% of the additional electromagnetic damage is resisted and absorbed. "

"It seems that this guy has some more targeted defensive equipment on him. "

Lane was surprised, but not too surprised.

After all, the other party is a D-class player, and it is normal to have some life-saving props on him.

It's a pity that he can save his life the first time, but not the second time.

Treat the enemy, and it's also a reincarnation player of Sakurajima Country.

Li En did not relent, and directly stepped forward to make up for a shot.

[You gain 10 Kill Points (10x Gain)!]

"Hoo ......"

When the dust settled, Ryne glanced at the battlefield on the other side.

Under Lucifer's killing, the remaining E-rank reincarnation players had no room to resist at all.

After paying about 8% of the durability attrition, the battle ended.

The moment the last reincarnation player dies,

Treasure chests with a strong smell of blood,

Condensed from each reincarnation player who died.

【Crimson Chest】

Level +: Special


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