Long before entering the Devil's Inferiority dungeon.

Once you've decided on the choice of an upgraded dungeon,

Dawn began to study how to integrate the techniques in "Karakuri Girl",

Apply to the human body.

The core magic circuit used by the automata, "Eve's Heart",

It allows the puppet to manipulate the magic circuit as if it were instinctive.

But this is something for human beings, and it is not compatible with humans.

So Dawn referred to the second sample.

That's Frey's "Artificial Karakuri Heart".

This forbidden creation, developed by Bronson,

can forcibly absorb the vitality of the human body,

And it is converted into mana, so as to achieve the effect of greatly increasing the output of mana.

Although it's just a small trinket.

But it condenses the technological crystallization of the two dungeon worlds.

He also invested a lot of research time, energy, and professional experience in Lien.

Almost except for eating and sleeping,

He spends his days in the Karakuri workshop in the Iron City.

After entering the copy of "Nine Seventy-Three" and "Demon Inferiority",

Combined with the dungeon's specialty technology, the Modern Magic System.

Li En finally created such an E+ ring type prop.

Originally, he had planned to name the ring

"Prototype Artificial Karakuri Magic Adaptive Lifting Ring"

But after thinking about it, it feels too long, and it's very awkward.

So simply abbreviated to the words "Adam's Heart".

Anyway, there is already a "Heart of Eve" that can be used for automata.

Then it is not unobtrusive that the prop used by humans is called "Adam's Heart".

As for why such a prop was made......

As you can see from the attributes,

"Adam's Heart" provides a significant increase in intelligence, will, and mystical attributes.

Although due to the limitation of special effects, the income will be greatly reduced after the attribute exceeds 30 points.

But what Li En wants is the effect that "the lower the stats, the higher the increase".

This ring is not for the [Corolla],

It's an item developed for the weeds!

Although it seems that the attributes of this jewelry are too many and too miscellaneous.

It's far less direct than the [Council Grip], a prop that directly adds hundreds of mental power to the upper limit.

However, the energy affinity, cast speed, and mental power limit ......

These are all things that people with mediocre magical qualifications desperately need to improve.

Although there is only a 5% improvement, there are times when

It is necessary to make this small increase to pierce a layer of window paper and step into a new realm.

Apparently...... Sayaka was the first beneficiary.

"Senior sister, how do you feel?"

Rien interrupted Sayaka, who was immersed in joy, and asked.

"Now, do you have the confidence to compete with those first-class students in magic?"

"Well, I feel ...... right now Very good. "

Sayaka stroked the ring in her hand with some reluctance.

Because it's a creation that focuses on functional effects,

So Li En didn't bother to make it more beautiful.

But in the eyes of Shayexiang, even if you exchange it for a diamond ring worth millions,

She wouldn't agree!

"Senior Brother Lien, I'm ...... Can I take this ring?"

With a little nervousness and anticipation, Sayaka asked Rien cautiously.

I'm afraid that he just lends himself to experience the effect,

Rather than really allowing yourself to have this coveted magical talent.

"To be honest, the cost of this ring, even I feel a little distressed. "

Lane did not directly answer Shayeka's question.

The cost of making a prototype "Adam's Heart" is not cheap.

Compared to its level and attribute effects,

It can even be described as "expensive".

Just at cost, you can buy an ordinary D-class prop!

And because you need to use the materials and knowledge of two copies of the world,

So basically except for Lane,

No one can reproduce this item.

Of course, at the moment this is only a trial type,

After that, it will definitely reduce costs and improve the effect.

"But luckily, you're the first user. "

Li En glanced at the nervous senior sister and said with a smile.

"If you're willing to be my tester, then you can always have it. "

"I do!"

Sayaka almost shouted, then shrunk her neck and asked in a low voice.

"Y-What do I need to do?"

"First ......" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Riene's gaze swept over Shayaka's body,

With a meaningful expression on his face, he threw out the last question.

"Tell me, who asked you to invite me to join the kendo club?"


Outside the café, off the beaten track. []

A few men in black chatted to pass the time.

Suddenly, it was as if they had all gotten some news.

In an instant, he changed from a lazy appearance to a state of full tension.

"The mission content has changed, and the plot character named Sayaka Mibu has failed. "

"Tut, such a big beauty is going to invite, I would have joined the gang a long time ago if I replaced me. "

"It's just that the Dragon Nation player named Lane is really boring, and he deserves to die in our hands. "

"Don't talk nonsense, Murata-san, I'll ask you to be the main force later, and a few of us will support you. "

Obviously, these people are all reincarnation players.

Judging from the surnames that call each other, they should all be from Sakurajima country.

The man called "Murata-san" has an arrogant face,

He also has the capital of pride.......

Because he was one of all the players present,

The only D-Rank player!

"It's just an E-level player, so you won't let Murata-san make a move, right?"

Someone said in a relaxed tone.

"There are so many of us, if we deal with one of them, he will definitely die!"

"It's better to be careful. "

One of them looked like a scout player, reminded.

"When he entered the café, I used the probe skill on him. "

"But I didn't get anything other than my basic name......"

"This shows that his will attribute is very high! he may have even reached the limit!"

Hearing this, these Sakuradao country players finally faced it squarely.

"It seems that he is close to the E+ family of the promotion, so keep a snack. "

"Don't overturn in this kind of place and delay the official plan. "

If Rien had heard their exchange, he would probably have retorted.

He's not close to advancement, he's in the process of advancing to the task.

But...... He's already here.

A D-class player named Murata has a big alarm bell in his heart,

Of all the people present, he was the only one who reacted and added a defensive skill to himself.

The alley was then drowned in fire, explosions, and ice fog!

- Floating cannon array, salvo!

"Damn, who is it?!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"I'm hurt...... Help me!"

"From what direction is the other party coming from, this firepower looks like there is a whole squad!"

In an instant, the originally confident ambushers fell into a panic.

"Calm down! Disperse! The other side has heavy firepower!"

Murata frowned, and while giving the 4.8 order, he threw out a certain prop.

The strong air currents condensed into the shape of a whirlpool, sweeping the smoke from the battlefield.

It's just that after seeing a corpse that has lost signs of life,

His face was even more difficult to look at.

"One blow kills, directly through the shield device...... What a high damage overflow!"

"With such terrifying destructive power, is it also a D-class player?!"

Just then, the previous scout player suddenly let out a shout, drawing everyone's attention.

"I found him! right ...... there."


Rien released the trigger and looked at the scout player as he collapsed in horror.

[You dealt 55 physical damage to the target player (15 resisted)]

[You dealt 945 HP of electromagnetic damage to the target player (from "Magnetic Storm Crown")]

【Target Player is Dead!】

You gain 10 Kill Points (10x Gain).

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